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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Lan Donne  出版社:SWAN CHARM PUB  出版日:2024/08/19 裝訂:精裝
定價:2750 元, 優惠價:1 2750
作者:Lan Donne  出版社:SWAN CHARM PUB  出版日:2024/08/19 裝訂:平裝
定價:2500 元, 優惠價:1 2500
作者:Mai-Lan Tran  出版社:Mohr Siebeck  出版日:2024/09/01 裝訂:平裝
作者:Lan Zhu(EDI)  出版社:Springer Nature  出版日:2024/08/10 裝訂:精裝
作者:Pui-Lan Kwok(EDI)  出版社:Baylor Univ Pr  出版日:2024/08/15 裝訂:平裝
定價:3299 元, 優惠價:1 3299
Songs in the Shade of the Cherry Tree: Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from Ukraine
作者:Qu Lan(ILT)  出版社:SECRET MOUNTAIN PR  出版日:2024/09/03 裝訂:精裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
24 Hours in Space / Jungle / Stone Age (Graphic Novel)(平裝本)(共3本)
作者:Lan Cook; Stacey Thomas  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/04/28 裝訂:平裝
24 Hours In the Stone Age2022年藍彼得圖書獎入圍書!以趣味生動的漫畫形式,圖解石器時代史前人類的食衣住行與生存智慧 。翻開本書,加入你的穴居朋友,一同打獵、製作生活工具,展開石器時代精彩刺激的一天吧!Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022Set in Northern Europe around 18,000 years ago, this fascinating information book explores a day in the life of a typical Stone-Age child. Auri lives with her extended family in a cave, which shelters them from bad weather, provides protection from dangerous animals and is close to the river, where they gather fresh water and food.Readers will learn key skills alongside Auri, as her dad shows her how to make and set a fish trap, while Grandpa demonstrates how to fashion a sharp spear from sticks and flint. She explains how to track animals by looking for footprints, nibbled plants and droppings, and make fire using a few simple handmade tools.This fictional account of a Stone-Age family enables young readers to imagine what life may have been like for a child of their age. The comic strip illustrations are colourful, humorous and in
庫存 > 10
定價:1317 元, 優惠價:75 988
Ecology for Beginners
作者:Andy Prentice; Lan Cook  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/07/06 裝訂:精裝
What Ecology is about, and how and why people study it.This book is the perfect answer to the question "What is Ecology, and why should I care?"Explore the basics of Ecology by following a wide variety of real-world examples about how living things cope in all sorts of environments. Learn how ecosystems work, explore how these complicated systems go wrong, and discover what we can do to protect our planet in the future.An ideal book to explain to curious minds what ecology is all about, and what questions ecologists are trying to find answers to, from how to save dying species, to fixing ecosystems through rewilding.
庫存 > 10
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
作者:Lan Sun(EDI)  出版社:Igi Global  出版日:2024/08/12 裝訂:平裝
24 Hours Under the Ocean (Graphic Novel)
作者:Lan Cook; Laurent Kling  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:精裝
A bright, entertaining exploration of what scientists study in the deepest oceans, told in comic book style.Join two scientists as they climb inside a hi-tech submersible and descend into the darkest depths of the Pacific Ocean.Meet strange-looking creatures thousands of miles below the surface and explore alien landscapes. Discover how experiments are performed at the bottom of the ocean, what happens after a whale dies, and what makes extremophiles so extreme.- Told in lively comic book style- Written with expert advice from marine biologist Dr. Diva Amon- Perfect for school projects- Discover more books in the 24 hours in... series
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
24 Hours in the Jungle (Graphic Novel)
作者:Lan Cook; Stacey Thomas  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/03/03 裝訂:精裝
Join a brother and sister in Borneo as they help their mother and other scientists with their work in the jungle, and encounter orangutans, a very stinky flower and a clouded leopard. Find out what makes the jungle and the wildlife that lives there so special, and learn about the work being done to protect it.
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
24 Hours in Space / Jungle / Stone Age / Antarctica / Zoo (Graphic Novel)(精裝本)
作者:Lan Cook; Stacey Thomas  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/06/08 裝訂:精裝
英國Usborne出版的24 Hours In... 是知識型的Graphic Novel,第一本Stone Age (石器時代)在2021年出版便獲得藍彼得圖書獎的入圍。如果你有24小時的時間去體驗這樣的生活,你會經歷哪些事情呢?最新出版的Zoo,告訴小朋友動物園保育員的一天會經歷哪些事情,如何迎接動物園的新動物?如何與巨蛇為伍?動物走失了該怎麼辦?等等。透過圖像式的閱讀,會比純文字的敘述更能吸引小朋友拿起書本閱讀。24 Hours In the Stone Age2022年藍彼得圖書獎入圍書!以趣味生動的漫畫形式,圖解石器時代史前人類的食衣住行與生存智慧 。翻開本書,加入你的穴居朋友,一同打獵、製作生活工具,展開石器時代精彩刺激的一天吧!Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022Set in Northern Europe around 18,000 years ago, this fascinating information book explores a day in the life of a typical Stone-Age child. Auri lives with her extended family in a cave, which shelters them from bad weather, provides protection from dangerous animals and is close to the river, where they gather fresh water and food.Readers will learn key skills alongside Auri, as her dad shows her how to make and set a fish trap, while Grandpa demonstrates how to fashion a sharp spear from sticks and flint. She explains how to track animals by looking for footprints, nibbled plants and droppings, and make fire using a few simp
庫存 > 10
定價:2195 元, 優惠價:75 1646
24 Hours in a Zoo (Graphic Novel)
作者:Lan Cook; Anastasia Thomas  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/06/08 裝訂:精裝
Tai is mad about animals and dreams of becoming a zookeeper when he grows up. Today is his chance to access all areas and explore what goes on behind the scenes at a zoo for the day. In this story you'll discover what it's like to handle a giant snake, how the zoo prepares for the arrival of a new animal and what happens when an animal goes missing. See some cutting-edge science in action, and find out how zoos work to protect endangered species, and what they do with all that dung.Written in collaboration with experts at Chester Zoo.
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
24 Hours In the Stone Age (Graphic Novel)(Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022)
作者:Lan Cook; Laurent Kling  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2021/03/04 裝訂:精裝
2022年藍彼得圖書獎入圍書!以趣味生動的漫畫形式,圖解石器時代史前人類的食衣住行與生存智慧 。翻開本書,加入你的穴居朋友,一同打獵、製作生活工具,展開石器時代精彩刺激的一天吧!Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022Set in Northern Europe around 18,000 years ago, this fascinating information book explores a day in the life of a typical Stone-Age child. Auri lives with her extended family in a cave, which shelters them from bad weather, provides protection from dangerous animals and is close to the river, where they gather fresh water and food.Readers will learn key skills alongside Auri, as her dad shows her how to make and set a fish trap, while Grandpa demonstrates how to fashion a sharp spear from sticks and flint. She explains how to track animals by looking for footprints, nibbled plants and droppings, and make fire using a few simple handmade tools.This fictional account of a Stone-Age family enables young readers to imagine what life may have been like for a child of their age. The comic strip illustrations are colourful, humorous and informative, and are accomp
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
營養師不開菜單後的 Next.js 全端轉職攻略:從專案規劃、畫面設計、資安到 SEO,挑戰一人 Side Project(iThome鐵人賽系列書)
作者:藍奕欣(Renee Lan)  出版社:博碩文化  出版日:2024/09/11 裝訂:平裝
打造零到一的 Side Project,扭轉前端開發職涯的偉大航道 Next.js 讓前端工程師也能獨立開發高完整度的專案! 本書內容改編自第15屆 iThome 鐵人賽SideProject30組優選系列文章《營養師不開菜單要用 Next.js 13 寫全端》。本書是專為希望在 Next.js 框架下進行全端開發的讀者所設計的全面指南,不深入探討 Next.js 或其他工具的底層原理,而是聚焦於實際開發中的規劃思維、工具選擇及應用方法。 以一個 Link in Bio的專案為範例,從專案簡介與架構概要開始,逐步深入 Next.js 框架的核心功能,教導讀者如何選擇並整合適合的開發套件,並詳細展示前後端開發的關鍵實作,介紹效能優化與部署策略,最後介紹對於網址惡意威脅的防範方法。希望已具備 React 或 Next.js 基礎,並希望更進一步的開發者,可以透過本書了解如何不需要借助其他網頁領域的開發,獨自從零打造一個功能完整的全端應用。 重點摘要 ✦ 創新之旅 解析 App Router 的前後端應用 ✦ 套件挑選技巧 分析需求羅列利弊,精確選擇 ✦ 現代部署實踐 容器化與雲端部署,網址安全性檢測 ✦ 結合營養知識 附註營養小知識,增趣又實用 目標讀者 ● 已具備 React基礎,希望進一步深入了解全端開發技術的開發者 ● 想要一人從構思到實現整體開發流程的前端工程師 ● 希望面試時可以帶有自己獨立完成 Side Project 的初轉職者 ● 想要了解 Next.js App Router 創新應用的網頁工程師 ● 想要獲得營養基礎小知識的所有工程師 專業推薦 這本書提供了一個極為實用的全端開發指南,尤其適合那些希望利用 Next.js 框架獨立開發高完整度專案的開發者。透過一個完整的 Side Project 案例,作者深入解析了 Next.js 的核心功能,從專案規劃到工具選擇,再到前後端關鍵實作和效能優化,每一步都體現了作者在全端開發領域的細膩見解。無論你是希望獨立完成從構思到實現的整體開發流程,還是希望透過一個功能完整的 Side Project 在面試中脫穎而出,這本書都能為你提供所需的知識和技能。書中詳實的案例分析和實用的開發技巧,將幫助你在實際工作中應對複雜的開發挑戰,提升你的全端開發能力。我由衷地推薦本書,給每一位希望在全端開發道路上不斷進步的開發者
定價:680 元, 優惠價:79 537
身體裡的峽谷 Canyon in the Body(簡體中英對照)
作者:LAN; Lan 藍藍.Translated from Chinese by Fiona Sze-Lorrain  出版社:香港中文大學出版社  出版日:2013/12/01 裝訂:平裝
The tenderness of Lan Lan’s poetry is steely and perfectly judged. She shows us a world of subtle adjustments and intelligent beauty—although the stakes she deals in could not be higher. As its title
定價:425 元, 優惠價:9 383
作者:藍文君(Wen-Chun Lan)  出版社:瑞蘭國際  出版日:2022/01/20 裝訂:平裝
★國立政治大學外國語文學院「教育部高教深耕計畫」,展開國際交流的里程碑! 《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》緣起 我們發現太多外國師生來臺後都想繼續留下來,不然就是臨別依依不捨,日後總找機會續前緣,再度來臺,甚至呼朋引伴,攜家帶眷,樂不思蜀。當然,有些人學習有成,可直接閱讀中文;但也有些人仍需依靠其母語,才能明白內容。為了讓更多人認識寶島、了解臺灣,雙語的《用外語說臺灣文化》便提供了對大中華區文化,尤其是臺灣文化有興趣的愛好者諸多素材,其中內容深入淺出,易懂、易吸收,內文亦能博君一粲。 ★太平洋的瑰寶──臺灣,猶如萬花筒般繽紛精彩的國度! 《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》共有11章,分別以臺灣語言文化、習俗信仰、飲食、休閒娛樂、交通、建築……等不同角度介紹臺灣,內容皆是臺灣人熟悉的日常。 本書內容豐富多元,以西文為主,中文為輔,深入淺出,易懂、易吸收,認識寶島、了解臺灣就靠《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》!11章內容如下: I. Lengua y cultura 語言與文化 II. Costumbres y creencias 社會習俗與民間信仰 III. Pensamiento y filosofía 思想與哲學 IV. Gastronomía 飲食 V. Ocio y arte 休閒娛樂 VI. Fiesta 節慶 VII. Calendario y medicina china 節氣和中醫 VIII. Transporte 交通 IX. Arquitectura 建築 X. Ropa 服飾 XI. Islas cercanas 離島 每章有1~6個主題介紹該篇內容,主題豐富詳實: I. Lengua y cultura 語言與文化|臺灣語言、六書、書法、臺灣原住民、客家話和其文化、閩南話和其文化 臺灣人使用的語言除了華語,還有客家話、閩南話和原住民語言。透過介紹這些不同的語言及民族來源,可以更加認識臺灣多元又豐富的社會。 II. Costumbres y creencias社會習俗與民間信仰|迷信、媽祖遶境、十二生肖 一般來說,臺灣民間相信有鬼神的存在,十二生肖也是臺灣人普遍流傳的民間傳說,而媽祖遶境的宗教習俗則反映社會文化的重要一環。藉由對於數字、文字、顏色的偏好等,可以更了解臺灣人的文化習慣。 III. Pensamiento y filosofía 思
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:; ; ; Lan Zhenghui  出版社:Steiner Books  出版日:2024/07/18 裝訂:平裝
定價:2400 元, 優惠價:1 2400
Viability of Unclos Amid Emerging Global Maritime Challenges
作者:Lan Anh T. Nguyen(EDI)  出版社:Springer  出版日:2024/10/30 裝訂:精裝
定價:3479 元, 優惠價:1 3479
My Isekai Life 15: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World!
作者:Shinkoshoto; Ponjea (Friendly Lan; Huuka Kazabana  出版社:Square Enix  出版日:2024/10/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:714 元, 優惠價:95 678
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