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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:徐曉旭; 王大慶  出版社:社會科學文獻出版社  出版日:2018/12/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:594 元, 優惠價:87 517
絲綢之路:從波斯帝國到當代國際情勢,橫跨兩千五百年人類文明的新世界史(全球暢銷百萬冊,牛津大學史學家Peter Frankopan絕世之作)
作者:彼德‧梵科潘  出版社:聯經  出版日:2020/01/03 裝訂:精裝
全世界的人都在讀、討論度最高的當代歷史鉅作! **授權全球30個國家,銷量突破100萬冊** **榮登各大媒體書店年度最佳選書** **無刪改繁體中文完整版隆重上市**絲綢之路主宰了人類的過去,也必將決定世界的未來 牛津大學重量級史學家彼德‧梵科潘重新解讀世界史 以全新角度、宏觀視野、創新思維、清晰邏輯、流暢文筆 獻上一場令人耳目一新、大呼過癮的知識饗宴歷史,不該是從勝利者的視角詮釋過去! 重返人
定價:680 元, 優惠價:9 612
作者:彼德‧梵科潘-作; 尼爾‧派克-繪  出版社:聯經  出版日:2020/01/22 裝訂:精裝
全球暢銷百萬冊鉅著《絲綢之路》珍藏全彩插畫版(改編自牛津大學史學家Peter Frankopan全球暢銷百萬冊作品,經典珍藏之作)文字簡潔,青少年也可輕鬆閱讀理解,開拓歷史新視野重新理解以絲綢之路連結的世界史及全球脈動想理解今天和明天的世界,就需要理解昨天的世界。為了做到這件事,啟程的最好地方就是在初始之際。碰巧的是,這意味著要從絲綢之路說起……彼德‧梵科潘:絲綢之路並沒有一個起點或是終點,因為它
定價:700 元, 優惠價:9 630
作者:愛德華.羅斯.迪金森  出版社:聯經  出版日:2023/08/10 裝訂:平裝
擴張、爆炸、加速理解人類史上最富創造力也最具破壞性的時代所有21世紀的問題,都可以從20世紀找到根源與解答!中央研究院歷史語言研究所助研究員 孔令偉——專文導讀政經動盪、科技進展、環境轉變……,現今人類面臨的問題,來自瘋狂加速、暴烈成長的20世紀上個世紀發生了什麼事?21世紀的我們要收穫或承擔哪些後果?以全新角度理解人類歷史上最不平凡的一段歲月,透過分析20世紀,連結現在與預測未來趨勢20世紀堪稱是人類歷史上充滿最多奇蹟和最富創造力的時代,但同時也是最具破壞性的。過去一百五十年來,全球各地的現代社會經歷了一場非比尋常、史無前例的轉型,而這股轉型的力量乃是植根於十九世紀的科技發展。《超級世紀》建立起一個框架,以此來理解那些真的在全球尺度上塑造世界的基本因素,並且分析歷史趨勢以及在當中運作的主要力量之成因和後果。本書從1870年代橫跨到今日,探討現代世界是如何被打造成一個全球發展的相聯模式。讀者將可從中習得如何將過去這兩個世紀理解為一過程,從一系列的政經動盪、科技進展以及環境轉變來看這漫長的20世紀是如何形塑出來的。媒體讚譽行文用字清楚,充滿洞察力,迪金森寫下的這部過去一百五十年的全球史,堪稱是一傑作。不論是初學者還是資深的史學家,都可在字裡行間找到充滿啟發性的觀點,尤其是在政治、經濟和環境史方面。——麥克尼爾(J. R. McNeill),《太陽底下的新鮮事:二十世紀的世界環境史》(Something New Under the Sun: An Environmental History of the 20th-Century World)作者以全面性的敘述呈現重塑整個現代世界的強大力量。「擴張」、「爆炸」和「加速」的敘事弧線引人入勝,迪金森整理出大量史料來佐證科技、經濟和環境的變革性的力量,非常具有原創性。——伊恩.克里斯朵夫.弗萊徹(Ian Christopher Fletcher),《大英帝國女性參政權:公民權、民族與種族》(Women's Suffrage in the British Empire: Citizenship, Nation, and Race)共同主編以一種真正的創新方法來探討全球史,為理解今日世界面臨的社會和生態挑戰奠定歷史基礎。以大規模移民、帝國主義、戰爭以及去殖民化來提供一個引人入勝的框架,用以探討這些對地球以及人類條件造成
定價:620 元, 優惠價:9 558
作者:詹姆斯‧福克斯  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2022/08/11 裝訂:平裝
結合藝術、文化、歷史、科學的感官鉅作以七種色彩、七十餘幅插圖,訴說人類觀看世界、創造文明的迷人故事―――――――――從陰翳之禮讚、血液之腥紅、帝王之明黃、白人之重擔、綠色之希望,到地球的無邊湛藍我們認識的世界因為色彩而存在顏色的歷史,就是人類的歷史我們活在一個充滿色彩的世界裡,我們的視覺受體和大腦能分辨數百萬種色調,但每個人感知到的顏色都是獨一無二。色彩影響我們的情緒及生理反應,但我們也賦予色彩意義,甚至自己製造色彩。千萬年來,人類用色彩來表達希望、崇敬、恐懼、愛與美,創建出形形色色的文明。在本書中,藝術史家詹姆斯.福克斯以全新方式探索色彩在文化史上的重要里程碑。暗處的黑色,讓我們想起最深刻的恐懼;血一般帶著光澤的紅色,讓我們看到自身生命與身體的映影;在炫目的黃色陽光中,我們瞥見了至尊至大的諸神;天空與海洋的蔚藍,讓我們想像地平線另一端的世界。我們把潔淨的白色奉為純淨的典範;把合成的紫色尊為科技進步的燈塔;自然界的綠色象徵天堂與新生,也體現了我們所面臨的環境危機。在這趟色彩版的感官之旅中,讀者將跨越從遠古時代到人類世、從地球深處到宇宙,在視覺饗宴中遨遊人類獨一無二的色彩文明:◆為何史前人類不約而同用紅色描繪自己?為何只有華人用紅色標示上漲的股票?◆黑色何以從邪惡與死亡,搖身變為時尚的代表色?◆為何各個文明花了最久的時間才發現藍色?◆在亞洲與歐洲,黃色與白色各自背負著什麼樣的政治意涵?又是如何表現在藝術之中?◆紫色為何象徵著科技對自然的征服?甚至掀起所謂的「紫色狂熱」?◆最能代表「人類世」的顏色,是哪一種顏色?透過美妙入勝的文字和70餘幅精美插圖,這部色彩之書訴說人類在宇宙中的故事,讓讀者了解色彩是繼語言之後,世界上最偉大的文化承載媒介。 ▌各界讚譽「令人驚嘆……一部卓越而輝煌的文化史。」 ──Laura Freeman,《泰晤士報》(The Times)「福克斯讓色彩成為一場知識饗宴,涵蓋了天體物理學、文明起源、道德隱喻。讓你眼花繚亂,卻又有跡可尋。……一切都完美地融為一體。」──Ed Smith,《新政治家》年度好書(New Statesman Books of the Year)「一本迷人至極的書……福克斯揭示了色彩與意義之間的聯繫並非隨機,而是由物質、社會與文化所決定。……行雲流水地在環境、道德與歷史論述之間穿梭,是本書最引人入勝之處。……
定價:599 元, 優惠價:9 539
The Indian Ocean in World History
作者:Edward A. Alpers  出版社:Oxford Univ Press USA  出版日:2013/11/29 裝訂:平裝
The Indian Ocean remains the least studied of the world's geographic regions. Yet there have been major cultural exchanges across its waters and around its shores from the third millennium B.C.E. to t
定價:1748 元, 優惠價:9 1573
The Global Challenge of Peace:1919 as a Contested Threshold to a New World Order
出版社:Liverpool University Press  出版日:2024/08/28 裝訂:平裝
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:95 1851
The Routledge History of the First World War
Project Based Learning in Real World U.S. History Classrooms:Engaging Diverse Learners
World War I: The Definitive Visual History, New Edition
作者:Dk  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2024/05/21 裝訂:精裝
定價:1400 元, 優惠價:79 1106
The Missing Thread:A New History of the Ancient World Through the Women Who Shaped It
作者:Daisy Dunn  出版社:Orion  出版日:2024/05/23 裝訂:平裝
定價:934 元, 優惠價:95 887
The Missing Thread:A New History of the Ancient World Through the Women Who Shaped It
作者:Daisy Dunn  出版社:Orion Publishing Co  出版日:2024/05/23 裝訂:精裝
定價:1375 元, 優惠價:95 1306
The Blazing World: A New History of Revolutionary England, 1603-1689
作者:Jonathan Healey  出版社:Vintage  出版日:2024/08/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:735 元, 優惠價:79 580
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: An Extraordinary New Journey Through History's Greatest Treasures
作者:Bettany Hughes  出版社:Vintage  出版日:2024/04/23 裝訂:平裝
定價:700 元, 優惠價:79 553
A Little History of Poetry
作者:John Carey  出版社:Yale University Press  出版日:2021/02/09 裝訂:平裝
A vital, engaging, and hugely enjoyable guide to poetry, from ancient times to the present, by one of our greatest champions of literature--selected as the literature book of the year by the London Times “[A] fizzing, exhilarating book.”—Sebastian Faulks, Sunday Times, London“Delightful.’”—New York Times Book Review What is poetry? If music is sound organized in a particular way, poetry is a way of organizing language. It is language made special so that it will be remembered and valued. It does not always work—over the centuries countless thousands of poems have been forgotten. But this Little History is about some that have not. John Carey tells the stories behind the world’s greatest poems, from the oldest surviving one written nearly four thousand years ago to those being written today. Carey looks at poets whose works shape our views of the world, such as Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Whitman, and Yeats. He also looks at more recent poets, like De
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 414
Hoof Beats: How Horses Shaped Human History
作者:William T. Taylor  出版社:Univ of California Pr  出版日:2024/08/06 裝訂:精裝
Journey to the ancient past with cutting-edge science and new data to discover how horses forever altered the course of human history. From the Rockies to the Himalayas, the bond between horses and humans has spanned across time and civilizations. In this archaeological journey, William T. Taylor explores how momentous events in the story of humans and horses helped create the world we live in today. Tracing the horse's origins and spread from the western Eurasian steppes to the invention of horse-drawn transportation and the explosive shift to mounted riding, Taylor offers a revolutionary new account of how horses altered the course of human history. Drawing on Indigenous perspectives, ancient DNA, and new research from Mongolia to the Great Plains and beyond, Taylor guides readers through the major discoveries that have placed the horse at the origins of globalization, trade, biological exchange, and social inequality. Hoof Beats transforms our understanding of both horses and hum
定價:1013 元, 優惠價:1 1013
Listen to the Music: A World of Magical Melodies
作者:Mary Richards ; Caroline Bonne-Müller(ILT)  出版社:Frances Lincoln Ltd  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:音效書
Press the buttons to hear the music in this time-traveling journey around the world, as young readers embark on a magical adventure through the history of music! Stopping off at 12 key chronologically organized moments in history, in different places around the world, readers meet a great musician in each, and can press their instruments to hear a clip of their musical masterpieces! From 1600s England, where you can hear the harpsichord play Greensleeves, to 18th Century Munich, where you can hear Mozart's piano sonata, to a classical Indian raga in 1700s Udaipur, to New York in the 1940s, where readers can press Charlie Parker's saxophone to hear bebop Jazz, this book will teach children about cultural history, famous musicians and musical genres all while wanting to press the buttons and hear the music again and again. Each musician tells you about where they live, how their music was inspired, and what it means to them, teaching children about the origins of these most magical melod
定價:875 元, 優惠價:79 691
Wings of Fire: A Guide to the Dragon World
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Inc.  出版日:2021/09/07 裝訂:精裝
Dive into the world of Wings of Fire like never before!The #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling Wings of Fire series soars to even greater heights with an all-new collection of stories and art from readers' favorite dragon world! Tui T. Sutherland and Wings of Fire cover artist Joy Ang delve deeper into the legends of the ten dragon tribes, creating the ultimate collection for every FanWing. Each chapter of A Guide to the Dragon World explores the history, mythology, and folklore of the beloved series in a truly spectacular and gift-worthy edition!Contributor Bio(s)
定價:875 元, 優惠價:79 691
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - The Official Movie Novelization
作者:Greg Keyes  出版社:Titan Books Ltd  出版日:2024/04/16 裝訂:平裝
ABOUT GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE – THE OFFICIAL MOVIE NOVELIZATIONThe official novelization of the blockbuster Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, the latest film in the Monsterverse franchise, starring Dan Stevens, Rebecca Hall and Brian Tyree Henry.A follow-up to the explosive showdown of Godzilla vs. Kong. This time the almighty Kong and the fearsome Godzilla face a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world, challenging their very existence – and our own. The latest epic will delve further into the histories of these Titans, their origins and the mysteries of Skull Island and beyond, while uncovering the mythic battle that helped forge these extraordinary beings and tied them to humankind forever.Writer Greg Keyes returns to the Monsterverse to transport readers ever deeper into the world of Monsters. This book explores the events of the film while adding to the history and lore of the Titans, portraying existing scenes from a fresh perspective and expanding upon the fi
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
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