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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:約翰‧科特; 赫爾格‧拉斯格博  出版社:聯經  出版日:2019/01/25 裝訂:軟精裝
定價:350 元, 優惠價:75 262
作者:湯瑪斯‧索威爾  出版社:聯經  出版日:2021/10/25 裝訂:平裝
女性永遠拿不到跟男性相同的薪水,有色人種的犯罪率就是高…… 社會中許多看似不平等的現象,都只能歸咎於歧視與偏見嗎? ─── 你所想的歧視,抱歉,都不是真的 ─── ★顛覆傳統觀點,打破刻板印象 ★史丹佛大學經濟學家教你如何分辨歧視的真偽,重新釐清思考邏輯 ◆( )請判斷以下何者屬於出於「歧視」目的而造成的結果? (A)頭胎出生的小孩,其平均的智力測驗成績高於弟妹 (B)居住於海岸的民族,其生活與文化比居住於內陸的民族更富裕、先進 (C)在低收入、高犯罪率的社區中,連鎖商店為同樣商品訂定較高的價格 (D)底層20%級距的所得多年來沒有變動,窮人的所得停滯不前 ◆【答案:以上皆非。請見以下介紹說明】 【你的差異不是我的歧視】 《偽歧視》根據完全不同的出發點來分析社會的「歧視」現象,經濟學家湯馬斯‧索威爾想要說明的是,許多現象並不是真的來自於加諸於特定族群的歧視或剝削,而是由天生的差異、經濟成本,以及有意或無意的統計與文字誤導所造成。透過現實世界的日常案例與數字,一一拆解歧視的真相。 ▍天生的差異 ▍ 排行老大的小孩受到父母較多的關注,因此其智力與生涯發展都高於其他手足。因為運輸成本的差異,居住於海邊的人,發展機會比居住於山區的人要多得多。 ---------------------------------- ▍歧視的成本 ▍ 在高犯罪率的社區經營商店,必須付出更高的成本,包括應付更高比率的順手牽羊、破壞等行為。若不藉由商品價格反映成本,將面臨倒閉的風險。 ---------------------------------- ▍統計的誤導 ▍ 實際上,有95%的人在一段時間後即脫離底層20%的所得級距;最高所得級距亦同,原本屬於頂層1%的人,10年後只剩不到一半。 【我的想法不是你的判斷】 本書探究的不只是社會問題,也與經濟學和公共政策息息相關,重點不在於建議特定的政策「補救方法」,而是釐清為什麼有這麼多政策結果不如預期或甚至產生反效果。揭露這些政策背後隱藏的邏輯謬誤,培養獨立思考與判斷的能力,讓社會往更好的方向前進。 各界推薦 呂昱達 │「丹尼老師的公民教室」創辦人 林明仁 │ 臺灣大學經濟學系特聘教授 歐陽立中 │ 暢銷作家、知名講者 其中幾個方面尤其出色……湯瑪斯‧索威爾的論點沒有任何傾向或片面性……他公平、清晰和極具說服力地陳述了自己的觀點。 ──《紐約時報》書評
定價:430 元, 優惠價:9 387
Halloween Things to Make and Do
作者:Kate Nolan  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/09/01 裝訂:平裝
A big, bright book full of spooky craft ideas, Halloween puzzles and activities, perfect for preschoolers. Little children will love the creepy crafts and puzzles in this spook-tacular activity book. It's packed full of exciting ideas for making Halloween decorations, pictures and more, from straw skeletons and spooky spiders to paper chains and pumpkins, with clearly illustrated instructions and tips.There are also plenty of drawing, spotting, counting and matching activities, perfect for keeping young witches and wizards busy in between makes.
定價:384 元, 優惠價:69 265
Dear Student
作者:Elly Swartz  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2023/02/14 裝訂:平裝
When Autumn becomes the secret voice of the advice column in her middle school newspaper, she is faced with a dilemma—can she give fair advice to everyone, including her friends, while keeping her identity a secret?Starting middle school is rough for Autumn after her one and only BFF moves to California. Uncertain and anxious, she struggles to connect with her new classmates. The two potential friends she meets could not be more different: bold Logan who has big ideas and quiet Cooper who's a bit mysterious. But Autumn has a dilemma: what do you do when the new friends you make don't like each other?When Autumn is picked to be the secret voice of the Dear Student letters in the Hillview newspaper, she finds herself smack in the middle of a problem, with Logan and Cooper on opposite sides. But before Autumn can figure out what to do, the unthinkable happens. Her secret identity as Dear Student is threatened. Now, it's time for Autumn to find her voice and her courage and follow her hear
定價:315 元, 優惠價:79 248
作者:路意絲.雪萊  出版社:聯經  出版日:2023/02/16 裝訂:平裝
★ 德國杜賓根大學法學博士 馬躍中教授專業導讀 ★ 飛速成長的非法勾當侵蝕日常, 從紡織用品、野生動植物資源、仿冒贗品、人口販賣到虛擬貨幣交易, 你早就涉入其中 柬埔寨的人口販運絕非個例! 在N號房的背後是更龐大的暗網與金錢流通, 潛伏生活每一處的不法交易,你夠了解你所處的這個世界嗎? 為了生存,為了金錢與權力,不法交易無所不在 利益聚集之處往往招來貪婪災禍,然而不法交易的產生,更多的是受生存壓迫的屈服,甚至許多國家必須藉由非法勾當的存在以取得政治優勢。非法商業其實就在身邊:隨手下載的APP程式都可能透過背後暗網,導致你的個資被盜取;光鮮求職招募的真相可能是不人道的囚禁與強制性交易;毒品的濫用日益劇增,甚至入侵校園角落;而就連你吃下去的食物都可能有危害,違反安全標準、毒性很強的農藥或受汙染的種子,也流通於市面上。 新興科技助長不法交易的勢力 科技是非法勾當的推手,新技術、通訊和全球化推動危險形式的暗盤交易呈指數級增長,過去三十年來,網路技術的發展大大改變了經濟體,在這個有利於跨國界參與者的新世界中,交易的方式更不著痕跡,並匿名在短期賺取巨額利潤,卻毋須負責。隱藏於檯面下那一雙雙手,並非僅是犯罪組織,而是國家,是腐敗的政客,是被合法僱用的專業人士。 不法交易的猖獗正在威脅個人、社會與地球的安危 不法經濟更加劇破壞穩定的現況:長期存在的地域衝突、武器和毀滅性軍火的擴散、環境的破壞與生態的滅絕、氣候難民遭人蛇控制、網路勒索軟體攻擊事件頻傳。而我們未來將可能生活在一個低物種多樣性、資源遭劫掠甚至公私兩領域都無力遏止這些勾當的險境。 如果我們不正視這個迫在眉睫的問題,也許不到一百年,地球的居民將自食惡果。 國內外齊聲推薦 貿易促進文化交流改變了這世界,但作者卻讓我們看見,非法貿易如何讓全球經濟與人性最黑暗的一面暴露無遺。 ──林志都,業餘跨文化研究者 本書故事性強烈,引人入勝。本書不但適合社會大眾閱讀,也適合犯罪學和刑事法學者作為教學或研究上的補充資料。 ──馬躍中,德國杜賓根大學法學博士、國立中正大學犯罪防治學系教授兼系主任 雪萊透過案例研究揭示了當今 「有組織犯罪」令人不安的變動,例如絲路,一個利潤豐厚的網路市場,以及大量記錄在案的犀牛角非法市場。她清楚地列出了暗黑經濟游移的成本,因為它加劇生物多樣性喪失和森林砍伐。 ──芭芭拉.凱澤(Barbara Kiser),《自然
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
The Last Doctor:Lessons in Living from the Front Lines of Medical Assistance in Dying
作者:Jean Marmoreo; Johanna Schneller  出版社:Random House Canada  出版日:2024/04/16 裝訂:平裝
SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2022 WRITERS' TRUST BALSILLIE PRIZE FOR PUBLIC POLICY“Moving and insightful.” —Danielle Martin, MD, bestselling author of Better Now: Six Big Ideas to Improve Health Care for All CanadiansAn urgently important exploration of the human stories behind Canada's evolving acceptance of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), from one of its first and most thoughtful practitioners.Dr. Jean Marmoreo spent her career keeping people alive. But when the Supreme Court of Canada gave the green light to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in 2016, she became one of a small group of doctors who chose to immediately train themselves in this new field. Over the course of a single year, Marmoreo learned about end-of-life practices in bustling Toronto hospitals, in hospices, and in the facilities of smaller communities. She found that the needed services were often minimal—or non-existent.The Last Doctor recounts Marmoreo's crash course in MAiD and introduces a range of very different and
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
作者:約翰‧路易斯‧蓋迪斯  出版社:聯經  出版日:2021/01/04 裝訂:平裝
★耶魯大學長紅20年的戰略大師課★ ★投資銀行摩根大通必讀清單★ ★Amazon歷史書籍排行NO.1、領導力與管理力暢銷書★ 跨越時間、空間與規模的最高戰略思維 綜觀歷史、俯瞰全局 眾領導者需知:「力量越大,犯蠢事的風險也越大。」 蓋迪斯藉歷史告訴領導者:如何兼具宏觀與識微、如何做選擇、何時下決定──更重要的是,如何不輸? ★精粹20年經典課程、窮盡畢生功力 ★培養刺蝟的深刻洞見、狐狸的開闊眼界
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
#3: My Weirdtastic School: Professor Pitt Is a Nitwit!
作者:Dan Gutman; Jim Paillot  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2023/10/17 裝訂:平裝
With more than 34 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading! In this third book of the My Weirdtastic School arc, A.J. and friends get a glimpse into the art world with expert Professor Pitt!A special guest has arrived at Ella Mentry School! Professor Pitt is the president of a local museum and has all sorts of wacky ideas about art. A.J. thinks it's all a total snoozefest...until the piece he turns in for an art assignment gets praised as a work of genius! Suddenly, Professor Pitt is introducing A.J. as the next big thing to happen to the art world. What could possibly go wrong? Perfect for reluctant readers and all kids hungry for funny school stories, Dan Gutman's hugely popular My Weird School chapter book series has something for everyone. Don't miss the hilarious adventures of A.J. and his friends!
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 193
#4: Noodleheads Fortress of Doom (平裝本)(graphic novel)
作者:Tedd Arnold; Martha Hamilton; Mitch Weiss  出版社:Holiday House Inc  出版日:2021/03/09 裝訂:平裝
Mac and Mac may be noodles with empty heads, but they have big ideas: building a fortress! This vibrantly colorful graphic novel for easy readers hits the nail on the head with comedy.The Noodlehead brothers are back from the library with a joke book, a fantasy novel, and a dream: to build their very own Fortress of Doom. If they can stop bickering for long enough. And if they can defend it from their wily friend Meatball.Jump right in with this fourth title in an easy-to-read graphic novel series about more than two hollow pastas trying to have fun.Award-winning storytellers Mitch Weiss and Martha Hamilton join Tedd Arnold, author of the Fly Guy series, to create a masterpiece of hilarity. This easy-to-read series, including the Geisel Honor book Noodleheads See the Future, is an accessible introduction to stories of fools, and a great next read for fans of the Fly Guy books. With short, funny chapters full of wordplay, jokes, and slapstick humo
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 193
庫存 > 10
Arlo & Pips #1: King of the Birds (graphic novel)
作者:Elise Gravel  出版社:HarperAlley  出版日:2020/11/12 裝訂:平裝
With his giant-size brain, Arlo the crow can do amazing things! Thank goodness for his pal, Pips, who can remind him not to be such a show-off!Moving to the big city sure can be hectic for a crow on his own. Everywhere you turn—noisy humans, lots of litter, and plenty of competition for French fries!Fortunately, Arlo is a crow with some impressive tricks up his sleeve: big brain, great ideas, and a new pal named Pips, who helps Arlo discover the city, the beach, and the biggest collection of shiny things ever. This first book in a series of graphic chapter books for fans of Narwhal and Jellyfish offers adventure, fun, and lots of great bird facts—each marked with a star on the page. From acclaimed author-illustrator Elise Gravel.
定價:280 元, 優惠價:79 221
庫存 > 10
Big Ideas in Brief
作者:Ian Crofton  出版社:Firefly Books Ltd  出版日:2012/12/05 裝訂:精裝
It is the big ideas that change the world and how humans interact with it. Big Ideas in Brief explores 200 of the most important big ideas in pithy, one-page descriptions. The book uses easily underst
定價:593 元, 優惠價:9 534
Little Poems About Big Ideas in Science
作者:Albert J. Musmanno Sr.  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/09/06 裝訂:平裝
The "magic of Rhyme" has made learning easier and more enjoyable for my students and science workshop participants over my 41 years of writing and using my Science poems and songs. I'll share that "ma
定價:958 元, 優惠價:1 958
作者:Paul Graham  出版社:美商歐萊禮  出版日:2006/02/01 裝訂:平裝
本書檢視駭客的世界,以及駭客活動背後的動機。在這個日漸電腦化的世界裡,駭客是個帶有多重意義的名詞,它對創意使用者帶來尊崇,也對規矩破壞者帶來鄙視意味。Paul Graham 的散文引領讀者瀏覽他筆下的駭客世界,一個聰明才智泛流的新荒野。 為什麼一個唸不完高中的孩子,最後卻晉身為世上最有權勢的人?科技是否將建立出新的鴻溝,一端是懂得使用科技的人,一端是不會使用的人?微軟是否將接掌網際網路?我們
The Little Book of Big Ideas to Think Big & Achieve Success
作者:Alex A. Lluch; Helen Eckmann  出版社:Ws Pub  出版日:2011/12/13 裝訂:平裝
The Little Book of Big Ideas to Think Big and Achieve Success gives readers powerful yet practical tips to enhance their chances of success in an increasingly competitive world. In a direct, easy-to-
定價:278 元, 優惠價:79 220
The Little Book of Big Ideas to Enjoy Life & Be Happy
作者:Alex A. Lluch  出版社:Ws Pub  出版日:2011/12/13 裝訂:平裝
Everyone agrees that they have a right to be happy. But most people fail to find happiness in their life. This is very unfortunate, as anybody could achieve true happiness by making just a few simpl
定價:278 元, 優惠價:79 220
The Little Book of Big Ideas for a Happy and Healthy Marriage
作者:Alex A. Lluch  出版社:Ws Pub  出版日:2011/12/13 裝訂:平裝
More than 2.4 million couples get married each year, but over 40 percent of all marriages in the U.S. result in divorce. The reason for this is that couples fail to follow simple principles that lead
定價:278 元, 優惠價:79 220
The Little Book of Big Ideas to Eat Smart & Lose Weight ─ An Easy and Effective Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off!
作者:Alex A. Lluch; Sarah Jang  出版社:Ws Pub  出版日:2012/01/03 裝訂:平裝
More than 60 percent of all Americans are either obese or overweight. Many of them could lose unwanted pounds by making a few simple changes in their lifestyle and eating habits. That’s where this p
定價:278 元, 優惠價:79 220
作者:(美)戴維‧J.史密斯  出版社:中信出版社  出版日:2018/09/05 裝訂:精裝
定價:437 元, 優惠價:87 380
作者:大衛•史密斯 文; 史帝夫‧亞當森 圖  出版社:小天下  出版日:2016/05/25 裝訂:精裝
作者:Sara McCormick Davis; Christine M Chaille  出版社:華騰文化  出版日:2017/01/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:360 元, 優惠價:95 342
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