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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:圖依・T・蘇瑟蘭  出版社:小麥田出版  出版日:2024/01/06 裝訂:平裝
不在乎權力、不在意龍子預言的和平國度,敵人已經從邊境悄悄進入……火翼飛龍系列好評#3 磅礡上市史詩級國際好評系列作,20週年問世經典,全球銷售超過14,000,000冊=本書特色=★《紐約時報》排行榜出版奇蹟★《紐約時報》《書單》《柯克斯書評》《學校圖書館》推薦圖書★銷售英國、法國、德國、巴西、土耳其等20餘國版權★「貓戰士」系列作者之一 、譽為媲美《哈利波特》作者J.K.羅琳的奇幻文學作家全新力作★原著小說改編有聲書、動畫、圖像小說等多項驚動全球讀者的超級作品。改編圖像小說榮獲2021 Young Readers Choice Awards (YRCA)=內容簡介=天命龍子中最不符合資格的榮光,帶著其他夥伴回到家鄉,試圖尋找自己的歸屬感;就在逐漸接近雨林深處時,龍子竟然一個接一個消失……榮光發現,過去在黑暗洞穴的日子,沒有陽光,身體失去了許多次色彩斑爛的機會;現在到了看似舒服的雨翼族國度,她能夠變化的顏色比以前更為繽紛。令她失望的是,族人愛好和平,然而,雨翼族同胞一一失去蹤影,卻沒有翼龍願意找出他們的下落。同時,閃炫女王積極爭奪王位,要求天命龍子能夠選她為統治者。為了找出所有問題的答案,榮光決定潛行至冰翼族國度,沒想到遇見了死亡使者與夢行者……阻止戰爭是龍子命定的未來,但不在預言裡的榮光,應該要跟著天命走,還是放手挑戰雨翼族的規則,找到認同自己的夥伴,拯救失蹤的翼龍?更可怕的是,世界仍然戰火未平,一手養大龍子的和平龍爪組織竟然準備拋棄現有的龍子…..面對無法信任的未來,各方勢力爭鬥,一向善良的榮光、星飛、海嘯、阿土與晴朗究道該臣服於誰?關於成長的挑戰,龍子將為自己的選擇挺身而戰!=精采情節分享=◆綠葉茂密的平台與平台之間懸掛著多條寬闊的藤蔓走道,宛若龍爪大小的橘色蘭花點綴其間。其中幾棟樹屋的四面有矮牆,上面有編織而成的頂篷,其他樹屋則全是露天,鋪滿白花,宛若天空飄落下來的雲朵。榮光瞄到幾隻昏昏欲睡的灰色樹獺正在藤蔓走道上或漫步或擺盪。她不免納悶牠們到底夠不夠聰明,知不知道四周都是隨時可能吃掉牠們的翼龍。這是我所見過最酷的地方,榮光得意洋洋的想道,而且是我的家。◆拯救世界和阻止戰爭是預言裡的龍子該做的事,但我又不在那個預言裡。但如果我就認命的做一頭很普通的雨翼龍,那就表示我其實很閒,一點也不忙。到底是要跟著龍子的天命走?還是就乾脆當個傻蛋,懶散度日算了?和平龍爪,你
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
作者:圖依・蘇瑟蘭  出版社:小麥田出版  出版日:2023/11/30 裝訂:平裝
滿載祕密與背叛、成長與蛻變的海中冒險!火翼飛龍系列#2 磅礡上市曾經以為自己可以保護朋友、曾經以為家是最溫暖的地方……從期待的女王夢到捨命保護王國的繼承人,沒想到,他們即將面對的是背叛、祕密,甚至是謀殺!史詩級國際好評系列作,20週年問世經典,全球銷售超過14,000,000冊 ★本書特色★★首刷限量贈品:中文版獨家桌遊海報――歡迎來到火翼飛龍的世界!配合簡易劇情說明,與夥伴一同共遊阿土、海嘯、星飛、晴朗與榮光的國度,結伴闖關,見證任務完成的那天吧!★《紐約時報》排行榜出版奇蹟★《紐約時報》《書單》《柯克斯書評》《學校圖書館》推薦圖書★銷售英國、法國、德國、巴西、土耳其等20餘國版權★「貓戰士」系列作者之一 、譽為媲美《哈利波特》作者J.K.羅琳的奇幻文學作家全新力作★原著小說改編有聲書、動畫、圖像小說等多項驚動全球讀者的超級作品。改編圖像小說榮獲2021 Young Readers Choice Awards (YRCA)★中文版上市順序:2023年10月《火翼飛龍:龍族預言》、12月《火翼飛龍:失蹤的繼承人》、2024年1月《火翼飛龍:隱藏的王國》。 ★內容簡介★預言說,朗朗白夜裡孵化的五位龍子才能終結戰爭,讓和平誕生,然而,五位龍子已經逃離誕生的地方;守護五位龍子的成員隼紅不幸受到攻擊,另一位守護者大蹼也面臨組織的懲處,究竟發生了什麼事?肩負預言任務的天命龍子會選出誰來擔任未來的女王?逃離天翼王國的監牢後,阿土回到了故鄉,期待與母親相見,沒想到,他對家人的想像完全被推翻了;海嘯也和同伴回到海翼王國,據說,海翼族其他公主還沒成年就夭折,海嘯相信,她就是王國唯一僅存的繼承人,她會是未來海翼族的女王。但是,在家鄉遇到的第一位子民,就想殺了海嘯!接下來,她還發現不止一位繼承人深受母親的愛護;根本不會說水棲語的她,遇到不明攻擊,差點死於非命。凶手到底是親密的族人,還是有人正在入侵海翼王國?這時,一起回到家鄉的夥伴也沒有受到妥善的招待,阿土、星飛、晴朗、榮光受到囚禁,三餐也沒得吃!曾經以為自己可以保護朋友、曾經以為家是最溫暖的地方……從期待的女王夢到捨命保護王國的繼承人,海嘯沒想到,面對的是背叛、祕密,甚至是謀殺!結合命運的喜悅與苦澀、成長的夢想與現實,一場激動人心的海中冒險即將展開! ★本集關鍵出場角色介紹★阿土:泥翼族,來自於鑽石浪花三角
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
火翼飛龍:龍族預言(史詩級國際好評系列#1 《紐約時報》排行榜常勝軍)
作者:圖依・蘇瑟蘭  出版社:小麥田出版  出版日:2023/09/28 裝訂:平裝
史詩級全球好評 精采奇幻系列 20週年上市經典紀念「貓戰士」系列作者之一 、譽為媲美《哈利波特》作者J.K.羅琳的奇幻文學作家全新力作全球銷售超過14,000,000冊磅礡登場★本書特色★★首刷限量贈品:關鍵角色摺疊海報——一目了然,龍族角色特性,輔助理解劇情方便收藏。★《紐約時報》排行榜出版奇蹟★《紐約時報》《書單》《柯克斯書評》《學校圖書館》推薦圖書★銷售英國、法國、德國、巴西、土耳其等20餘國版權★「貓戰士」系列作者之一 、譽為媲美《哈利波特》作者J.K.羅琳的奇幻文學作家全新力作★原著小說改編有聲書、動畫、圖像小說等多項驚動全球讀者的超級作品。改編圖像小說榮獲2021 Young Readers Choice Awards (YRCA)★中文版最新安排上市順序:2023年10月《火翼飛龍:龍族預言》、12月《火翼飛龍:失蹤的繼承人》、2024年2月《火翼飛龍:隱藏的王國》。 ★內容簡介★三位女王相互爭奪,五名龍子的命運未知,無論付出什麼代價,一定能實現預言嗎? 「勇敢而美好的靈魂,終會散發出耀眼的光芒。」七大龍族原本盤踞在庇利亞大陸上,一次意外發生後,綠洲女王過世,她的女兒三位女王火焚、裂爆、閃炫為搶奪王位,各自與不同龍族結盟,庇利亞大陸從此陷入無止境的戰火……和平看似遙遙無期,但是預言帶來希望:「和平龍爪組織」隱藏的五顆龍蛋,將孵化出未來的英雄,終結戰爭,讓大家得到自由。六年後,逐漸長大的五位龍子發現他們的未來不是由自己主宰——為了實踐預言,無論是天性善良的阿土、活潑的海嘯、愛讀書的星飛、溫柔的晴朗、漂亮聰明的榮光只能在洞穴裡接受嚴格的訓練,他們還不知道,自己真正的家鄉,以及要拯救的外面世界到底是什麼模樣。如今,「明日先知」來到,發現其中竟然有不符合資格的龍子!五位龍子如果逃不出洞穴,有人可能無法活命。然而,準備逃脫的他們縱然願意接受殘酷的現實、發展好鬥的性格,外頭還有三位女王正等著要爭奪王位——只要誰擋她們的路,一律格殺無論。五位龍子應該信任彼此、團結起來,還是只顧自己的生死?乖乖跟著預言走,一切都會迎刃而解嗎?偉大的英雄使命已經降臨,在戰鬥中存活而不傷害他人、通過邪惡狡詐的考驗、誠實面對內心真實的聲音……歷經試驗的種種關卡、淬煉夢想的時刻即將到來! ★本集關鍵出場角色介紹★阿土:泥翼族,來自於鑽石浪花三角洲,喜歡睡覺勝於讀
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
Wings of Fire-Legends: Darkstalker
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  出版日:2017/11/28 裝訂:平裝
Three dragons. One unavoidable, unpredictable destiny. This is the beginning... of the end.In the SeaWing kingdom, a young prince learns he is an animus -- capable of wonderful magic that comes with a
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Talons of Power (Wings of Fire #9)
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  出版日:2018/05/29 裝訂:平裝
For every villain, there is a hero ...Turtle isn’t one of the heroes he reads about in stories. If he were, he’d use his animus powers to help Pyrrhia -- instead of keeping his abilities a secret, eve
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Darkness of Dragons (Wings of Fire #10)
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Pr  出版日:2018/12/26 裝訂:平裝
Qibli knows Darkstalker must be stopped. And he knows he could stop him -- if he had magic. With even a sliver of the ancient dragon's all-powerful scroll, Qibli could rewrite history the right way: e
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Escaping Peril (Wings of Fire #8)
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Pr  出版日:2017/06/27 裝訂:平裝
Peril has been loyal to Queen Scarlet, who used her fatal firescales to kill countless dragons in the SkyWing arena. Now, Peril is loyal to Clay, the only dragonet who has ever been her friend. So whe
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Moon Rising (Wings of Fire #6)
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  出版日:2016/06/28 裝訂:平裝
Peace has come to Pyrrhia... for now.The war between the tribes is finally over, and now the dragonets of the prophecy have a plan for lasting peace: Jade Mountain Academy, a school that will gather d
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Winter Turning (Wings of Fire #7)
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  出版日:2016/12/27 裝訂:平裝
Daring mission... or deadly mistake?Winter has been a disappointment to his royal IceWing family his whole life. When his sister, Icicle, runs away from Jade Mountain Academy, fleeing terrible crimes
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Dark Secret (Wings of Fire #4)
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2014/09/30 裝訂:平裝
The New York Times bestselling WINGS OF FIRE saga soars to the mysterious land of the NightWings, where Starflight must face a terrible choice -- his tribe, or his friends?In the shadows, trouble is b
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Lost Heir (Wings of Fire #2)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2023/03/07 裝訂:平裝
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Hidden Kingdom (Wings of Fire #3)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2023/03/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Dragonet Prophecy (Wings of Fire #1)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2023/03/07 裝訂:平裝
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Brightest Night (Wings of Fire #5)
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  出版日:2015/04/28 裝訂:平裝
The dragonets struggle to fulfill the prophecy and -- somehow -- end the war in this thrilling new installment of the New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series!One will have the power of wings o
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Wings of Fire Boxset, Books 6-10
作者:Scholastic (COR)  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  出版日:2019/10/01 裝訂:平裝
The #1 New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series is more collectible than ever in this five-book paperback boxed set! The bestselling Wings of Fire series continues with five more thrilling drag
定價:1708 元, 優惠價:79 1349
The Hive Queen (Wings of Fire #12)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  出版日:2020/05/05 裝訂:平裝
The #1 New York Times bestselling series continues with a thrilling revelation -- three brand-new tribes of dragons!Growing up in the hives, Cricket has always had a million questions. Why are trees f
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Poison Jungle (Wings of Fire #13)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2021/05/04 裝訂:平裝
Some secrets are deadly.It's no secret that Sundew wants to destroy the HiveWings. It's her life's mission to exact revenge on the tribe that tried to wipe out the LeafWings and ripped every tree from
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Dangerous Gift (Wings of Fire #14)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2023/03/07 裝訂:平裝
The #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling Wings of Fire series brings all ten dragon tribes together at last -- but one queen is certain that her kingdom will only be safe on their own, behind a wall of ice.Snowfall didn't expect to be queen of the IceWings at such a young age, but now that she is, she's going to be the best queen ever. All she has to do is keep her tribe within IceWing territory, where it's safe -- while keeping every other tribe out, where they belong.It's a perfect and simple plan, backed up by all the IceWing magic Snowfall can find. That is, until a storm of unidentified dragons arrives on her shore, looking for asylum.The foreigners are completely strange and, Snowfall is certain, utterly untrustworthy. But as she escorts the miserable new tribes out of her kingdom, Snowfall is forced to reconsider her plan. Maybe she can only keep her tribe safe . . . if she's willing to risk everything.
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Lost Continent (Wings of Fire #11)
作者:Tui Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic Pr  出版日:2019/12/26 裝訂:平裝
Blue the SilkWing is content. Life in his Hive is safe; he loves his family; he has enough to eat. And Pantala has been at peace for as long as he can remember -- SilkWings and HiveWings live and work
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Flames of Hope (Wings of Fire #15)(平裝版)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic US  出版日:2024/05/07 裝訂:平裝
The #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling series is hotter than ever, and this thrilling conclusion to the Lost Continent Prophecy arc is a must-read!With talons united...Luna has always wanted to change the world -- to fix it, to free it -- even if she’s never actually known how. Now that all of dragon- and humankind are in mortal danger, Luna is flying back home to Pantala with a team of dragons on a rescue mission, determined to be brave and useful.But saving a continent isn’t as easy as a prophecy makes it sound, and "facing a great evil" definitely requires more than the fiery silk that Luna is uniquely able to create.As she fights her way to the abyss that hides the dark roots poisoning Pantala, Luna must uncover a long-buried secret and unite her friends, her enemies, and her own powers. If she doesn’t, she won’t get to change the world. She’ll have to say goodbye to it -- forever.
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定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
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