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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Rainbow Rowell; Rebecca Lowman (NRT); Sunil Malhotra (NRT)  出版社:Listening Library  出版日:2013/02/26 裝訂:有聲書
Bono met his wife in high school, Park says.So did Jerry Lee Lewis, Eleanor answers.I’m not kidding, he says.You should be, she says,?we’re 16.What about Romeo and Juliet?Shallow, confused, then dead.
The Fever ─ How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years
作者:Sonia Shah  出版社:St Martins Pr  出版日:2011/06/21 裝訂:平裝
In recent years, malaria has emerged as a cause celebre for voguish philanthropists. Bill Gates, Bono, and Laura Bush are only a few of the personalities who have opened their pocketbooks in hopes of
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
In Praise of Profanity
作者:Michael Adams  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2016/08/01 裝訂:精裝
When President Obama signed the affordable health care act in 2009, the Vice President was overheard to utter an enthusiastic "This is a big f*** deal!" In 2003, Bono dropped the F-bomb whil
定價:798 元, 優惠價:9 718
In Search of the Craic: One Man's Pub Crawl Through Irish Music
作者:Colin Irwin  出版社:André Deutsch Ltd UK  出版日:2010/07/09 裝訂:平裝
Chatting with Bono, Sinead O’Connor, and Christy Moore; visiting the spa town where farmers come searching for wives; and drinking hot toddies with the legendary Keane sisters of Galway?Colin Irwin un
定價:606 元, 優惠價:9 545
Nothing Is Impossible ─ 7 Steps to Realize Your True Power and Maximize Your Results
作者:Tom Oliver  出版社:McGraw-Hill  出版日:2013/10/01 裝訂:精裝
Tom Oliver has shared his extraordinary secrets with Bono, Richard Branson, the Dalai Lama, and Deepak Chopra.Now he shares them with you.Are you ready to lose your self-doubt and use the tools you al
定價:1026 元, 優惠價:9 923
Like a Rolling Stone
作者:Jann S Wenner  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2022/09/13 裝訂:精裝
Jann Wenner has been called by his peers “the greatest editor of his generation.” His intensely personal memoir vividly describes and brings you inside the Rock and Roll Era―not just the music, but also the politics, the culture, the entire seismic generational change that swept America and beyond. As both a reporter and a player, Wenner writes with the clarity of a journalist and the private knowledge of an insider. He takes us into the life and work of his many friends – Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Bono, and Bruce Springsteen, to name a few. He was instrumental in the careers of Hunter S. Thompson, Tom Wolfe, and Annie Leibovitz. His journalistic and generational journey ended up in the Oval Office with his legendary interviews with Bill Clinton and Barak Obama, leaders to whom Rolling Stone gave it’s historic, full-throated backing. Like a Rolling Stone is a beautifully written portrait of not just one man’s life, but the life of an entire generation.
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:79 1051
Touching from a Distance ─ Ian Curtis and Joy Division
作者:Deborah Curtis  出版社:Farrar Straus & Giroux  出版日:2014/03/24 裝訂:平裝
The only in-depth biographical account of the lead singer of Joy Division, written by his widow.Revered by his peers -- Bono described his voice as "holy" -- and idolized by his fans, Ian Curtis left
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:Mark Harvey  出版社:Univ Pr of Kansas  出版日:2017/11/17 裝訂:精裝
"Bono. Angelina Jolie. Ben Affleck. George Clooney. All of these celebrities, and many others in this century and the last, have endorsed politicians and policies. In Celebrity Power, Mark Harvey take
定價:2999 元, 優惠價:1 2999
No One Left to Tell
作者:Karen Rose  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2012/06/05 裝訂:平裝
When a pro bono client gives her a flash drive before dying in her arms, rookie PI Paige Holden shares the information with State Attorney Grayson Smith since its contents cast doubts on a murder conv
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
作者:John Street; Sanna Inthorn; Martin Scott  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2013/08/13 裝訂:精裝
From Entertainment to Citizenship reveals how the young use shows like X-factor to comment on how power ought to be used, and how they respond to those pop stars – like Bono and Bob Geldof – who claim
Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People And Dangerous Ideas
作者:Chuck Klosterman  出版社:Scribner  出版日:2006/09/05 裝訂:精裝
Chuck Klosterman IV Consists of Three Parts:THINGS THAT ARE TRUEProfiles And Trend Stories: Britney Spears, Radiohead, Billy Joel, Metallica, Val Kilmer, Bono, Wilco, The White Stripes, Steve Nash, M
定價:950 元, 優惠價:79 751
This Is Your Brain on Music
作者:Daniel J. Levitin  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2006/08/03 裝訂:精裝
Whether you load your iPod with Bach or Bono, music has a significant role in your life—even if you never realized it. Why does music evoke such powerful moods? The answers are at last be- coming clea
定價:948 元, 優惠價:79 749
  • 電子書
作者:艾琳.路佩登  出版社:商周出版  出版日:2021/04/13 裝訂:電子書
創意大師.德博諾博士(Edward de Bono)說:「當一個新的點子泉湧而出的時候,它不可能沒經過『思考』。」 Design→THINKING →設計×思考=從概念構成、研究、原型、到使用者互動的過程。 →設計×流程的最高境界就是整合了對藝術、科學、與文化的渴望。 →設計×靈感的微妙關係很棘手,尤其當它阻礙你思考其它選項的時候。 →設計×形式=概念進化成實體物件、具體圖像、或可用系統,或是……深深地著迷。 因此,「設計的過程涵蓋了研究、創造、以及想法的表達。有時候靈感似乎可以無端從某處冒出來,但常常,它們是縝密技巧下的產物。許多設計師的設計案始自於腦力激盪法──這是初期對靈感方向的一種開放式搜尋方法。然而在設計師追求實用、啟發性的靈感的過程中,腦力激盪不過是個起頭。 《圖解設計思考:好設計,原來是這樣「想」出來的!》告訴你數十種工具和技巧,從快速、直覺的方法到較為正式的研究工具,如焦點團體法(focus group)和共同設計法(co-design)。本書當中的技巧可以幫助你釋出創意能量、刺激你以嶄新的角度思考出令人驚豔、又切實可行的解決方案,而這些技巧也正是本書的精髓所在。每一種方法都以視覺演示的方式說明,還有個案研究讓你一窺實際工作中的設計流程。」 艾琳說:「設計,是人們可應用的藝術。」 翻開本書,你可以找到…… 三十個幫助你思考下一個專案的方法 三個可能會讓你就逮的點子──假使你沒有完全遵照指示的話* 一本簡潔的書 七十四位設計師 五種方法讓你重新審視附近的咖啡店 二十八位頂尖設計改革者的忠告 六種手法讓你在公眾當中引來異樣眼光 二十八句絕妙佳言 一百三十六個基本步驟教你如何瀏覽、剖析、以及動手嘗試 一百八十四頁彩圖 製作蛋型標誌的十種超級有趣又與眾不同的方法 兩種製圖的技巧 九種定義問題的方法 腦力激盪法 心智圖法 訪談法 焦點團體法 視覺研究法 品牌矩陣法 品牌手冊法 現地研究法 創意簡報法 十一種獲得靈感的方法 視覺清腦法 強迫連結法 動態動詞法 廣納百川法 視覺修辭法 圖像、標誌、象徵
定價:450 元, 優惠價:1 450
作者:阿曼達‧帕爾默  出版社:天下文化  出版日:2015/11/30 裝訂:平裝
首位透過群眾募資籌到百萬美元的音樂人,將啟發你重新思考對於請求、給予、藝術與愛的想法!★《紐約時報》暢銷書★ TED同名演講「The Art of Asking」點閱率破800萬人次★ 各界名人媒體一致盛讚:《赫芬頓郵報》、《波士頓環球報》、U2主唱波諾(Bono)、尼葛洛龐帝(Nicholas Negroponte),MIT媒體實驗室創辦人、布芮尼.布朗(Brené Brown),《脆弱的力量》
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
作者:Scott L. Cummings  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/07/31 裝訂:精裝
The principle and practice of pro bono, or volunteer legal services for the poor and other marginalized groups, is an increasingly important feature of justice systems around the world. Pro bono initiatives now exist in more than eighty countries – including Colombia, Portugal, Nigeria, and Singapore – and the list keeps growing. Covering the spread of pro bono across five continents, this book provides a unique data set permitting the first-ever comparative analysis of pro bono's growing role in the access to justice movement. The contributors are leading experts from around the world, whose chapters examine both the internal roots of and global influences on pro bono in transnational context. Global Pro Bono explores the dramatically expanding geographical and political reach of pro bono: documenting its essential contribution to bringing more justice to those on the margins, while underscoring its complex and contested meaning in different parts of the world.
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