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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:愛德華‧艾希頓  出版社:寂寞  出版日:2023/01/01 裝訂:平裝
【內容簡介】《火星任務》X《人生複本》=這本必看!死亡不好玩,但偏偏要死了才有活路,那該怎麼辦?奉俊昊\《寄生上流》金獎導演,搶下改編權,熱鬧開拍!羅伯派汀森\新任「蝙蝠俠」,一人分飾8角!遇到最危險、最要命的任務,找米奇就對了!姓名:米奇7號屬性:可拋可棄消耗型複製人職位:太空探險隊成員現役地點:寒冷星球尼弗海姆他是米奇7號,前有1到6號,已終結(慢走不送)本想憑著自己高經驗值,他可以活到天荒地老(有夢最美)誰知米奇8號竟然來了,按規矩……等等~按規矩,他沒死,怎麼可以有米奇8號?#@*%(消音──) 在太空任務中,靠著高科技複製技術,米奇總是能起死回生。每當他不幸殉職,探險隊都會以同樣基因編組重製新米奇,並還原他生前的記憶。米奇1號起初是為了躲債而加入探險隊,或是照他自己說法是原來住的星球實在無聊到爆。不過,死了6次之後,米奇7號終於體認到簽下賣身契的真正意義(也明白為何這職位一直缺人)。一次例行偵察中,米奇7號因意外受困,遭認定死亡。但是,幸運歷劫歸來的7號,竟發現米奇8號已上線!!!資源匱乏的探險隊絕不可能容得下兩個米奇,肯定立刻斷捨離,簡單說,就是多餘的要被分解成蛋白質。看來,米奇7號和8號必須來一場辯論,決定誰能活下去?但首先,兩位米奇要先攜手躲過所有基地人員的考驗──不能給人發現現在有個「混飯吃的」……可拋可棄的宇宙級社畜求生指南,死活都要看!◎2022美國公共廣播電台年度最佳好書◎2022美國最大讀者書評網Goodreads科幻類最佳小說入圍◎宇宙級社畜求生指南,由新任「蝙蝠俠」羅伯派汀森一人分飾8角!◎各界讚嘆推薦!臥斧\文字工作者盧建彰\導演馬立軒\中華科幻學會常務理事蔣亞妮\作家章晉唯\本書譯者龍貓大王通信一頁華爾滋Kristin希米露\影評人◎熱烈好評!※《米奇7號》是科幻小說中,又一部對生命,或者說探討永生的精采佳作。作者艾希頓選擇主角「米奇7號」作為第一人稱的敘事,讓這部小說得以更好地施展作者本人的睿智與幽默。它是一部科幻故事,卻也是一部關於宗教與人性、資本與勞工深刻思索的現代故事。──蔣亞妮,作家※《星艦戰將》《火星任務》《2009太空漫遊》,以及《戰爭遊戲》中的最佳元素,全都融合進了《米奇7號》,讓讀者在虛構、但有可能成真的未來時空中,與主角一同在道德、哲學、意識與生命的意義邊緣探索新的可能性;也別忘了,在8號醒來前多吃三百卡循環糊!
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
庫存 > 10
Klawde: Evil Alien Warlord Cat (Book 1)(精裝本)
作者:Johnny Marciano; Emily Chenoweth; Robb Mommaerts  出版社:Penguin Workshop  出版日:2019/02/26 裝訂:精裝
"Applaud for KLAWDE. Two paws up!"--Dav Pilkey, creator of the Dog Man series.Klawde is not your average cat. He's an emperor from another planet, exiled to Earth. He's cruel. He's cunning. He's brilliant... and he's about to become Raj Banerjee's best friend. Whether he likes it or not.Klawde had everything. Sharp claws. Fine fur. And, being the High Commander of the planet Lyttyrboks, an entire world of warlike cats at his command. But when he is stripped of his feline throne, he is sentenced to the worst possible punishment: exile to a small planet in a quiet corner of the universe... named Earth. Raj had everything. A cool apartment in Brooklyn. Three friends who lived in his building. And pizza and comics within walking distance. But when his mom gets a job in Elba, Oregon, and he is forced to move, all of that changes. It's now the beginning of summer, he has no friends, and because of his mother's urgings, he has joined a nature camp.It's only when his doorbell rings and he meet
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn
作者:Kenard Pak  出版社:Henry Holt & Co  出版日:2016/08/16 裝訂:精裝
As trees sway in the cool breeze, blue jays head south, and leaves change their colors, everyone knows--autumn is on its way! Join a young girl as she takes a walk through forest and town, greeting al
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
The Shade Tree
作者:Suzy Lee  出版社:GREYSTONE KIDS  出版日:2023/09/05 裝訂:精裝
From the extraordinary Hans Christian Andersen award winner Suzy Lee comes an inventive retelling of a Korean folk tale about a young traveler who outwits a rich, selfish man to ensure that villagers will always be able to rest in the shade of a magnificent tree.Villagers like to come to rest and cool down in the shade of a huge, old tree. But when a young traveler decides to join them one day, a rich man on whose land the tree stands demands they leave because he owns the tree and therefore its shade. Thinking fast, the traveler strikes a deal: one that will enable him to outsmart the rich man--and ensure that the villagers will always have access to the shade tree's shade, wherever it may fall.With simple, elegant illustrations, The Shade Tree is a striking story about one person's quest to combat greed for the greater good.
定價:663 元, 優惠價:79 524
庫存 > 10
作者:李樂夏  出版社:寂寞  出版日:2023/08/01 裝訂:平裝
【內容簡介】{K故事大獎脫穎而出的──浪 漫 系 地 獄 設 定}地獄爆滿,亟需空間!老屋閒置,何不善用,但是跟惡魔分租一屋,哪有那麼簡單……★《歡迎光臨夢境百貨》出版社力推新作家,奪下第一屆K-Story大賽首獎,全場評審一致好評!★《如果我們無法以光速前進》金草葉強力推薦,韓國讀者評分4.8星謙謙有禮的惡魔大人來我家當房客了!【附地獄租約,簽約前請詳細閱讀!】地獄跟我家租房子,惡魔來當房客!看在錢的份上,也只能忍下眼前的殘酷景象,但是──跟惡魔簽的合約是沒有到期日的。而且沒想到,惡魔先生還每天送上五榖茶噓寒問暖……靠著房東奶奶的善心而當廢柴寄宿者的徐珠,這天一早被屋裡景象嚇到:愁眉苦臉的衰鬼在餐桌吃廚餘(浪費食物的傢伙,來到地獄讓你吃個夠!)、熊熊熱氣從空房的門裡傳出來(莫非是地獄烈火?),還有尖叫、哭嚎聲不斷……她趕緊質問房東奶奶,這是在搞什麼鬼??「真的是有鬼房客。」原來房東奶奶不想讓老屋白白空著,竟然把空房租給了人滿為患、亟需整修的地獄?!而現在就是硬要退租也沒可能,因為「惡魔的契約沒有到期日喔」。偏偏房東奶奶突然生病入院,她那個像討債鬼的兒子也上門找麻煩,以致徐珠不得不拋下廢柴設定,打起精神對付難題!不過最最最棘手的是那位「惡魔先生」,不僅瀟灑有禮、親切友善,還常常對徐珠付出溫暖關懷,一不小心就會讓人卸下心防,落入……不,怎能隨便信任這個來自地獄的傢伙?徐珠徹底覺悟,為了保護房東奶奶,守護家園,就算要跟這些天上地下四面八方的牛鬼蛇神周旋到底,她也再所不惜。
定價:430 元, 優惠價:9 387
庫存 > 10
Baby Lion: Finger Puppet Book
作者:Yu-Hsuan Huang(ILT)  出版社:Chronicle Books Llc  出版日:2022/08/09 裝訂:硬頁書
Bursting with color and charm, this finger puppet book lets inquisitive babies and toddlers touch, feel, and explore their growing world. Newborns will love snuggling up with Baby Lion! Baby Lion pounces, explores, and takes a cool nap in the shade. Featuring a plush finger puppet that peeks into each lovingly illustrated page, this entry in the bestselling Finger Puppet series offers parents and children a fun, interactive way to play and read as they build a lifelong love of books together. MORE THAN 7 MILLION COPIES SOLD IN THE SERIES! The Finger Puppet books are a trusted, go-to series for new parents and gift-givers. LEARNING PLUS PLAYTIME: The bright and colorful cloth finger puppet is ideal for little hands to build and engage their motor skills. A SWEET AND SIMPLE NEW BABY GIFT: Just the thing for baby showers and birthdays! STURDY AND SECURE: Never worry about losing this soft plush finger puppet, which is permanently attached to the back cover of the book. Perfect for: Parent
定價:280 元, 優惠價:79 221
National Geographic Readers: Volcanoes! (Level 2)
作者:Anne Schreiber  出版社:National Geographic Kids  出版日:2008/07/08 裝訂:平裝
The cool story of volcanoes will intrigue kids and adults alike. Hot melted rock from the middle of our planet forces its way up through cracks in the Earth’s crusts, exploding violently and sometimes
定價:175 元, 優惠價:75 131
National Geographic Kids Ocean Animals Sticker Activity Book
作者:National Geographic Society (U. S.)  出版社:National Geographic Kids  出版日:2016/05/10 裝訂:平裝
Discover 1,000 cool stickers featuring your favorite ocean animals, like dolphins, coral, fish, sea turtles, seals and more. You’ll also find skill-building puzzles and mazes, spelling and pattern gam
定價:245 元, 優惠價:75 183
National Geographic Kids In My Backyard Sticker Activity Book
作者:National Geographic Society (U. S.)  出版社:National Geographic Kids  出版日:2016/05/10 裝訂:平裝
An exciting interactive title chock-full of cool things from your own backyard, such as butterflies, hummingbirds, deer, bugs, amphibians, and even tree houses, brings National Geogr
定價:245 元, 優惠價:75 183
100 First Words (硬頁書)
作者:Edward Underwood  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2019/07/04 裝訂:硬頁書
First word books tend to be either informative but unattractive, OR super-stylish but completely un-child-friendly! Unusually, this gorgeous new board book is both informative AND super-stylish! It's all down to Edward Underwood's gorgeous artwork, of course, which has an edgy mid-century cool as well as a warmth, which lends the book an appeal that's hard to achieve.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
Middle School: Safety Goggles Advised
作者:Jessica Speer  出版社:Familius  出版日:2022/08/02 裝訂:平裝
Take a large group of kids in puberty, send them to a new school, and add a generous dose of tests, homework, and hormones, not to mention diverse personalities, bland food, and unpleasant odors. That’s middle school, and it can be a little . . . weird.Yes, there are cool things about middle school, like more independence, new friends, and new activities. But there’s baffling stuff too, like harsh judgment, the whole “popularity” thing, and, of course, drama. With insights from hundreds of students, this guidebook explores the halls of middle school, especially the odd behaviors that lurk in the shadows. Slip-on your lab coats, because we’re going to dissect these behaviors one by one to understand what’s really going on. With fun illustrations and choose-your-own-adventure-style scenarios, Middle School: Safety Goggles Advised will help you deal with the drama and define who you are and how to navigate life when things get, well, weird.
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
作者:布萊克.克勞奇  出版社:寂寞  出版日:2017/04/01 裝訂:平裝
2017科幻驚悚小說界的燒腦神作!狂賣三十多國版權!攻占全美各大書籍暢銷榜!★《分裂》電影導演、《火星任務》《羊毛記》《神隱任務》《第43個祕密》《末日之旅》《骸骨花園》作者,一致推薦★索尼影業七位數重金搶下電影改編 ★亞馬遜網路書店年度選書、4.5星好評 ★《華爾街日報》年度殺手級好書★攻占《紐約時報》《出版人週刊》《獨立書店》《洛杉磯時報》暢銷榜 ★加拿大Indigo書店、美國獨立
定價:390 元, 優惠價:9 351
Winnie and Wilbur at the Seaside (1平裝+1CD)
作者:Valerie Thomas; Korky Paul  出版社:Oxford Univ Press UK  出版日:2016/09/01 裝訂:有聲書
Winnie and Wilbur are off to the seaside. Winnie makes a beeline for the sea to cool down. Wilbur makes a beeline for anywhere other than the sea: he hates getting wet. Winnie is having so much fun th
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
庫存 > 10
Crab and Snail (Book 1-3)(graphic novel)
作者:Beth Ferry; Jared Chapman  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2023/04/04 裝訂:平裝
Crab and Snail: The Invisible Whale (Book 1)(graphi novel)Crab and Snail: The Tidal Pool of Cool (Book 2)(graphic novel)Crab and Snail: The Evil Eel (Book 3)(graphic novel)The third must-read title in the Crab & Snail graphic early reader series by New York Times bestselling author Beth Ferry and beloved illustrator Jared Chapman, perfect for fans of the Narwhal and Jelly and Pea, Bee & Jay series.The Evil Eel is so evil that making narwhals cry is one of her favorite hobbies. So evil in fact that just one sting turns friendly, sweet Snail into Snevil. Complete with a black cape, Snevil sets out to destroy everything in her path, including Crab. In order to save himself—and his best friend—Crab must become a hero. Will he be able to stop evil from destroying the splash zone before it's too late?Packed with action, suspense, and even an epic dance battle, young readers will have a blast reading this thrilling addition to the Crab & Snail early graphic reader series.
定價:910 元, 優惠價:79 719
作者:安迪‧格里菲斯-作; 泰瑞‧丹頓-繪  出版社:小麥田出版  出版日:2022/04/30 裝訂:平裝
跳上樹屋越野車,出發去露營啦!釣魚、劈柴、看星星、營火故事……最瘋狂、最怪奇的冒險,一起 lets go!系列銷量突破10,000,000冊粉絲引頸期盼「瘋狂樹屋」全新第十一集隆重登場首刷贈送全球獨家限量贈品「有趣戶外活動英文單字便條紙」§§ 歡樂推薦 §§傅宓慧/龍星國小教師藍子媽◎安迪與泰瑞一連串的意外,讓這一本書一打開就放不下,也讓我們看見作者施展超能力——在平淡的生活中加點「搞笑」來調味,用「想像力」來燉煮,再加上「幽默」來提香,讓所有讀者輕鬆閱讀、捧腹大笑。——傅宓慧◎「瘋狂樹屋」站在孩子的角度看世界,為他們呈現世界的想像力。除了故事情節,更讓人不得不多留意的是插圖中設計的小巧思及無厘頭的對話, 總讓人細細的尋找驚喜, 哈哈大笑不已。——藍子媽§§ 內容簡介 §§安迪和泰瑞要去露營度假囉!可是原本的開心假期,最後竟然變成了拯救大行動?!為了讓安迪釋放壓力,好好放鬆一下,泰瑞安排了露營活動。一夥人搭著樹屋越野車抵達營地後,沒想到泰瑞幾乎什麼都沒帶,更糟糕的是,身邊的人竟然一個個神祕消失,最後只剩下安迪一人,究竟安迪能否克服恐懼,及時救出大家呢?歡迎來到瘋狂樹屋143層,這裡有:萬能文字機(沒有它不知道的字!)、可以拆掉房子的拆房鐵球、抱怨室、陰森森的墓園(這裡永遠是半夜,大白天也一樣)、善良稻草人看守的太妃糖蘋果園、可以度過愉快輕鬆假期的露營地,還有住著噴火龍的又深又陰暗的洞穴。還在等什麼?快上來吧!§§ 本書特色 §§1. 翻譯為二十五種語言版本,全系列全球累積銷量超過千萬冊,全世界小孩都愛瘋狂樹屋。2. 曾榮獲澳洲書業年度童書獎、ABIA青少年讀物獎、APA童書書本設計獎、COOL最佳小說獎、KOALA最佳小說獎、KROC青少年小說獎、YABBA最佳小說獎、比利時荷語兒童評審年度童書獎、西澳大利亞青少年圖書獎等多項大獎。3. 首刷全球獨家限量贈品:有趣戶外活動英文單字便條紙,精選書中14個戶外活動相關英文單字,讓你跟安迪泰瑞一起學英文。§§ 國外讀者好評 §§◎八歲的女兒已經閱讀了所有的樹屋書籍,這本她讀得比其他的還要快。她覺得這些書既有趣又引人入勝。她已經開始期待下一部了!!!——亞馬遜英國讀者MR SSA WILLIS◎兒子喜歡這一系列的書,它的文字和圖像對他來說恰到好處。這些笑話對成年人來說也很有趣,我們真的很喜歡這些引人入勝的情節。——亞馬遜英國
定價:330 元, 優惠價:9 297
Ultimate Bugopedia, 2nd Edition:The Most Complete Bug Reference Ever
作者:Darlyne Murawski; Nancy Honovich  出版社:National Geographic Kids  出版日:2024/04/16 裝訂:精裝
Updated, expanded, and buzzing with the latest information on all the wild, wacky, cool, and creepy insects and spiders that kids love, this is a must-have title for all young explorers!Get ready to meet even more incredible bugs in the second edition of Ultimate Bugopedia!Featuring snakeflies, the red fire ant, the Indian domino cockroach, and hundreds more, this expanded edition explores all your favorite creatures that creep, crawl, and climb. Wonder how different spiders make their webs? This book has you covered with facts, photos, and explanations of the six different types of webs! If you think caterpillars are cool and butterflies are beautiful, you won’t want to miss the section on metamorphosis. Reviewed by an expert in the field of entomology and featuring completely updated facts and figures, parents, teachers, and young readers can be sure they’re getting the latest and greatest information on all things bugs. It’s the perfect fun-filled reference book for use at school or
定價:875 元, 優惠價:79 691
Millicent Min, Girl Genius (Book 1)
作者:Lisa Yee  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/04/02 裝訂:平裝
Who would have thought being smart could be so hard (and funny)?Millicent Min is having a bad summer. Her fellow high school students hate her for setting the curve. Her fellow eleven-year-olds hate her for going to high school. Her grandmother Maddie is moving away. And in an effort to give Millicent a more "normal" childhood, her mom has not only signed her up for volleyball, she's also arranged for her to tutor Stanford Wong -- jock, jerk, and poster boy for Chinese geekdom.But when Millicent meets Emily, things start to look up. Emily doesn't know Millicent's IQ score. She actually thinks Millicent is cool. And if Millicent can hide her awards, ignore her grandmother's advice, blackmail Stanford into silence, learn to serve a volleyball over the net, stop her parents from embarrassing her forever, and keep all her lies straight, she just might make her first friend.What's it going to take?Sheer genius.
定價:315 元, 優惠價:75 236
Inside Your Outside! (The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library, Book 10)
作者:Tish Rabe; Aristides Ruiz  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2008/09/01 裝訂:平裝
“From the top of your headto the tips of your toesLearn all about healthfrom a cool cat who knows!”In this delightful book, Dr. Seuss’ famous Cat in the Hat explains to young readers all the different
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
Destroy This Book in the Name of Science! ― Brainiac Edition
作者:Mike Barfield  出版社:Crown Pub  出版日:2018/10/02 裝訂:平裝
The ultimate activity book perfect for kids who are inspired by cool science--complete with fascinating information, coloring and doodle activities, and press-out projects to create hours of fun!Your
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
Magic Tree House Fact Tracker #29: Soccer
作者:Mary Pope Osborne; Natalie Pope Boyce; Sal Murdocca  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2014/05/27 裝訂:平裝
When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #52: Soccer on Sunday, they had lots of questions. How did soccer get started? Who are some of its greatest players? What is the World Cup? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts behind one of the world's most popular sports. Filled with up-to-date information, photos, illustrations, and fun tidbits from Jack and Annie, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are the perfect way for kids to find out more about the topics they discovered in their favorite Magic Tree House adventures.Series Overview: Packed with cool facts, photos, illustrations, comments from Jack and Annie, and even tips for finding out more, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are a hit with parents, teachers, librarians, and kids! To catch up with topics from the Magic Tree House backlist, we'll now publish more Fact Trackers each year. In Fall 2014, we have #29: Soccer (July) and #30: Ninjas and Ancient Japan
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 194
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