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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

The Leaf Detective: How Margaret Lowman Uncovered Secrets in the Rainforest
作者:Heather Lang; Jana Christy  出版社:PBKCLKCR  出版日:2021/02/09 裝訂:精裝
Meg Lowman was determined to investigate the marvelous, undiscovered world of the rainforest treetops. Meg's perseverance and creativity allowed her to achieve this goal, but when this fantastic ecosy
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
作者:天野暢子  出版社:大樂文化  出版日:2023/02/08 裝訂:平裝
★日本亞馬遜電子書第一名 簡報是一種引導決策的藝術, 如何傳達主張,直擊老闆和客戶內心? 怎樣細膩呈現質感,不落俗套? 本書全圖解實作,讓你掌握5重點、6步驟 提案不需多費唇舌就通過! ‧擔心遺漏重點,總是將投影片頁面塞滿滿? ‧煩惱呈現方式一成不變,特別使用動畫設計? 其實,簡報的目的是「讓提案通過」,所以最重要的是打入主管、老闆及客戶心坎,成為他們眼中的最佳選擇。 簡報諮詢顧問天野暢子,深知「提案者」與「決策者」雙方的心理,指導過的簡報往往不用口頭說明,就能讓提案通過。她指出,大多數人以為資料只是簡報的一部分,但事實上資料便代表整個簡報,如果懂得抓住訣竅,即使只用一張A4紙,又不善於言詞,決策者照樣會買單。 ★★掌握5項重點,讓決策者爽快說YES 什麼樣的簡報能引導提案快速通過?製作資料時,必須思考決策者的立場,掌握5項重點。 •目標(Goal):對「什麼事」造成「怎樣的影響」? •親切(Hospitality):怎麼做最能貼近對方需求? •原創(Originality):是否展現獨特性? •實用(Usability):化繁為簡,讓對方只需要做決定 •簡化(Simple):不依賴口述,誘導對方直覺判斷就同意 ★★遵守6個步驟,輕鬆製作魅力簡報 「今天,蘋果讓世人對手機從此改觀。」賈伯斯一句話,撼動全場聽眾。製作簡報資料,想要這樣有力道,必須內容重邏輯,編排具巧思,貼近決策者的需求,共有6個步驟。 【第1步】善用6W2H,篩選你蒐集的資料 一開始不要瞎忙找資料,要依循6W2H原則規劃格式:做什麼、對象是誰、花費多少、怎麼做等。而且在整個過程中,不斷確認是否符合原則,才不會混亂失焦。 【第2步】分類、留白的版面設計,展現獨特性 資料要切合決策者的物質利益與情感利益,但一口氣全部攤開,只會讓人眼花撩亂,得學習超市DM加以分門分類,然後規劃出簡報草稿,並處理細節。 ‧小祕訣1:數據和官方資料最具有說服力。 ‧小祕訣2:留白最能凸顯重點,但如何安排位置和比例? 【第3步】文案力決定報告是否夠犀利 一般文章的結構是起承轉合,但商用簡報必須一開始就破題,提出對方感興趣的結論,並用標題帶出重點。最簡明易懂的句型是「什麼事+怎麼樣」。 ‧小祕訣1:如何下標?怎麼控制字數?看看Yahoo新聞就知道。 ‧小祕訣2:條列式敘述有助於迅速理解,還有層級規則、段落區隔等5種手法。 【第4步
定價:320 元, 優惠價:79 252
Soccer Score
作者:C. C. Joven  出版社:Stone Arch Books  出版日:2017/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Mia runs fast. Mia kicks hard. But does Mia score a soccer goal? Goal or not, everyone is a winner when they read a book from the Starting Line Reader series.
定價:280 元, 優惠價:66 184
作者:朱瑞蕾  出版社:北京語言大學出版社  出版日:2024/01/10 裝訂:平裝
《我是醫學生:基礎醫學漢語》是一套在“中文 醫學”理念指導下,針對來華學習醫學專業的漢語零起點學生編寫的綜合性醫學專用漢語教材。教材將醫學生的日常漢語學習和 HSK 應考能力提高相結合,將醫學專業知識和社會文化知識相結合,以實現漢語、醫學和文化相互融通的教學目標。 I Am a Medical Student: Preclinical Medicine Chinese is a series of integrated medical Chinese textbooks for beginners studying medical science in China under the guidance of the concept of “Chinese medicine”. It combines the learning of daily Chinese with the improvement of HSK test-taking ability, and combines medical knowledge with social and cultural knowledge, so as to achieve the teaching goal of integrating Chinese, medicine and culture.
定價:528 元, 優惠價:87 459
作者:蕭聰傑; 周琦森  出版社:博思智庫股份有限公司  出版日:2021/04/29 裝訂:平裝
領先二步是先烈,領先一步是先驅! 站在全球短視頻龍頭的肩膀,一起在TikTok浪尖上再創事業新高峰。 自媒體當道,運用TikTok建立個人品牌,百萬粉絲不是夢。 《紐約時報》曾將此App評為「可能是現存唯一真正令人愉悅的社交網絡……,成功催生了大批影響力人物,這些用戶擁有數百萬粉絲,在青少年中有著家喻戶曉的地位」,其國際市場影響力已超越騰訊。 TikTok因武漢肺炎疫情,全球居家令下,成為今年20
定價:280 元, 優惠價:9 252
作者:財團法人台灣癌症基金會  出版社:博思智庫股份有限公司  出版日:2023/12/01 裝訂:平裝
即使疾病磨平我們的稜角,那些受過的傷,終將化作照亮前路的光,讓勇氣戰勝病魔,重返新生。☆活出精采「心」生活,重「心」再出發★◎現在的我還是以前的我嗎?綻放勇氣,重拾美麗自我◎我真的可以回歸職場嗎?跨越阻礙,重返職場預備備◎為什麼我...還是好累?心靈療癒與情緒管理,與癌共存「心」世代☆歷經癌症衝擊,再創鋒芒,十位抗癌鬥士的生命故事★經歷癌症的衝擊,走過人生的低谷,終能揮別抗癌過程的身心煎熬,再展新生,擁抱「心」的生活,活出精采的人生。癌症,給了我一個新的自己──李貞幸╱乳癌她是一位珠寶設計師、是一位癌症病人,也是能帶給別人勇氣的人。獨自在他鄉抗癌,因外表的變化讓她對人群和社交感到焦慮,深陷憂鬱的泥淖之中。透過飾品創作,讓她重新接受了不完美的自己,重新找回自我。人生下半場,為自己努力一次。──謝玲玲╱胃癌罹癌之前,是漂亮的女明星、每天為名利奔走、不知為何而活;罹癌之後,懊悔過去沒有善待自己的身體。儘管擔心大眾的目光,仍決定坦然面對,每天提醒自己要活得開心,讓生命逐漸有了新的意義。/ 暖心推薦 /⊙衛生福利部部長 薛瑞元──癌友歷經生命的逆境,淬鍊出激勵人心的光芒!⊙中央研究院院士、台灣癌症基金會副董事長 彭汪嘉康──抗癌路程上,不再是艱難,不孤單獨鬥,是有你我他。⊙社團法人中華肌內效協會理事長 簡文仁──健康是我們所愛,罹癌也不是我們的錯誤或失敗,有時只是基因跟環境或生活上的無奈,只要活出精采與自在,就能展現抗癌鬥士的氣概。⊙中華民國醫務社會工作協會理事長 溫信學──在挑戰、挫折、痛苦與擔憂下,你們克服癌症對身心的衝擊,展現令人難以置信的韌性和勇氣,你們是真正的生命鬥士,讓大家看見正向生命力。⊙三軍總醫院社工師╱諮商心理師、台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會理事 蔡惠芳──每個人都是自己生命的鬥士,但您們更令人佩服的是:在生命陷落時,展現了對自己的接納、對他人的愛,以及對未來的希望。如此動人!⊙宜蘭羅東博愛醫院腫瘤中心顧問 王新芳──自我生命的導師,醫療進步的導師,家人親情的導師,共創抗癌鬥士的「藍圖」。⊙臺北市立萬芳醫院癌症中心副主任 方淑玲──人生旅程中,總不時會有不同驚喜發生,不管是喜或哀,從你或妳抗癌故事之中,都會讓人獲得滿滿正向能量,感謝你們願意提供與分享。⊙主持人 楊月娥──疾病是包裝很醜的禮物,打開發現是顆寶石,待你拋光發亮,迎接獨一無二的未來。
定價:280 元, 優惠價:9 252
庫存 > 10
Merlin Mission #24: Soccer on Sunday (平裝本)
作者:Mary Pope Osborne; Sal Murdocca (ILT)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2016/05/24 裝訂:平裝
Next stop for the New York Times bestselling Magic Tree House series? The World Cup in Mexico City! Goal! Jack and Annie have tickets to one of the most exciting soccer games ever—the 1970 Wo
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 194
庫存 > 10
Kittens Are Monsters!: A Branches Book (Pets Rule! #3)(平裝本)
作者:Susan Tan; Wendy Tan Shiau Wei  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2023/04/04 裝訂:平裝
Ember and the other pets face their hardest challenge yet... BABYSITTING!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line, Branches, aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow!A mysterious cat visits Ember in the middle of the night. She tells him that she will give him an army if he can complete a simple task: babysit her kittens for three days. Ember is eager to complete the task and be one step closer his goal of world domination. But babysitting is no walk in the dog park, and it'll take all paws on deck to keep the kittens safe and make sure the humans don't find out. With laugh-out-loud humor, engaging artwork on every page, and nonstop action that will have readers rushing to turn the pages, Pets Rule is the just-right series for any emerging reader!
定價:245 元, 優惠價:75 183
Big Ideas for Little Philosophers: Happiness with Aristotle
作者:Duane Armitage; Maureen McQuerry  出版社:Putnam Pub Group  出版日:2020/07/07 裝訂:硬頁書
An exciting board book series that asks deep questions in a wonderfully accessible way.Even little children have big questions about life. Finding happiness is a lifelong goal and Aristotle thought de
定價:315 元, 優惠價:79 249
The Poodle of Doom: A Branches Book (Pets Rule #2)(平裝本)
作者:Susan Tan; Wendy Tan Shiau Wei  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:平裝
Ember and the other neighborhood pets face their toughest enemy yet: an evil mastermind poodle, named FLUFFY!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line, Branches, aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow!Ember is one step closer to achieving his goal of world domination. But first, he needs to take down a new enemy: Fluffy the poodle, who belongs to Lucy's grandmother Poh Poh. Fluffy has evil plans of his own, including building a doomsday machine that will hypnotize humans. Does Ember have what it takes to outsmart this evil genius? This story culminates with the ultimate battle--a rock-and-roll DANCE battle!With laugh-out-loud humor, engaging artwork on every page, and nonstop action that will have readers rushing to turn the pages, Pets Rule is the just-right se
定價:210 元, 優惠價:75 157
Cornbread & Poppy for the Win (Book 4)
作者:Matthew Cordell  出版社:Little Brown Books for Young R  出版日:2024/04/02 裝訂:平裝
This book in Caldecott medalist Matthew Cordell's bestselling early reader series tells a story about championship-level teamwork. Poppy LOVES shiny new racing gear. Cornbread does not. Poppy ADORES top secret master plans. Cornbread does not. Poppy IS super competitive. not. But Cornbread and Poppy are the best of friends, so when Poppy is determined to win the Small Rodents Competitive Cycling Championship Classic Cornbread agrees to train by her side. Cornbread has fun just spending time with his friend, but Poppy's goal is scoring the Winner's Cup. Is a finish line all these mice will discover at the end of their race? Celebrating both partnership and the value of what makes us individuals, young readers will find this classic odd couple irresistible as they encounter relatable issues with humor and heart. Cornbread & Poppy (2022), was an Indiebound bestseller and the recipient of more than a dozen best books of the year citations. Publishing simultaneously in ha
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 193
作者:(英)約翰‧惠特默  出版社:機械工業出版社  出版日:2024/04/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:594 元, 優惠價:87 517
輕鬆學漢語 課本三(第三版)(簡體版)
作者:馬亞敏  出版社:香港三聯書店  出版日:2015/04/01 裝訂:平裝
The third edition of the "Chinese Made Easy" is written for primary 5 or 6 students and secondary school and university students who are learning Chinese as a foreign/second language.The primary goal
定價:760 元, 優惠價:9 684
輕鬆學漢語 課本四(第三版)(簡體版)
作者:馬亞敏  出版社:香港三聯書店  出版日:2015/07/20 裝訂:平裝
The third edition of the "Chinese Made Easy" is written for primary 5 or 6 students and secondary school and university students who are learning Chinese as a foreign/second language.The primary goal
定價:760 元, 優惠價:9 684
#2 Mia In The Mix Graphic Novel (Cupcake Diaries 2)
作者:Coco Simon  出版社:Simon Spotlight  出版日:2022/08/30 裝訂:平裝
The bestselling Cupcake Diaries series is now available in graphic novel format! In this adaptation of the second book, new girl Mia tries to find her place at the Cupcake Club's school.When Mia arrives at her new school, her goal is to be open to and friendly with everyone, but everyone at Park Street School fits into a clique. When the Popular Girls Club takes an interest in Mia's awesome fashion style and wants to recruit her, Mia must decide between them and her great new Cupcake Club friends. It's like choosing between her divorced mom and dad and her old house and new house. Is it always going to be Mia in the middle, or can she mix it up? Fun, bright, full-color graphic panels tell the story with the same humor and heart as the original novel.
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
Ultimate Football Heroes-Superstars Rashford Dele Alli
作者:Matt and Tom Oldfield  出版社:John Blake Publishing Ltd  出版日:2021/01/07 裝訂:平裝
Meet Marcus Rashford and Dele Alli - Ultimate Football Hero SuperstarsMarcus Rashford is one of Manchester United's brightest young players and is an England goal-scoring legend. When he's not on the
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Minecraft: Zombies Return! (An Official Minecraft Novel 17)(平裝本)
作者:Nick Eliopulos  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2023/07/18 裝訂:平裝
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Overworld, the zombies have returned!Bobbie is on a mission. She’s already survived one encounter with Logan, the zombie-herding jerk who attacked her village and turned her brother into a zombie. And now she won’t rest until she stops his evil plan to conquer the Overworld with his zombie horde. But the closer she gets to foiling Logan, the further away she gets from her original goal: finding a cure for her zombie brother.Ben is on . . . babysitting duty. Separated from Bobbie, Ben is now in charge of caring for her zombie-fied little brother, Johnny, and keeping up with his Zombie Obedience Lessons. Lessons that are going well! Johnny doesn’t even need his leash anymore, and he hardly tries to eat people at all—unless they really, really deserve it. Logan’s abandoned lair is even starting to feel a little like home.But while doing a little spring cleaning, Ben discovers Logan’s secret diary, filled with all his biggest plots, inc
定價:560 元, 優惠價:79 442
The Very Quiet Cricket (硬頁書) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第21週
作者:Eric Carle  出版社:Penguin Putnam  出版日:1998/11/01 裝訂:硬頁書
A quiet little cricket who dreams of rubbing his wings together to make a sound just like so many other animals finally achieves his goal, in a board book edition of the classic picture book that come
定價:525 元, 優惠價:75 393
Key Player (Front Desk #4)
作者:Kelly Yang  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/05/07 裝訂:平裝
Mia Tang is going for the goal in the fourth Front Desk novel by New York Times bestselling author Kelly Yang!The Women's World Cup is coming to Southern California, and everyone is soccer-crazy -- especially Mia Tang! The U.S. is playing China in the finals, and Mia feels like her two identities are finally coming together. Less exciting, though? The fact that her P.E. teacher wants Mia to get out of the soccer field, too -- or fall short of the grade she needs to earn a spot at journalism camp. But as always, Mia Tang is ready with a plan: she'll track down the two women's teams, interview them, and write an A-grade article for P.E. instead!It's not so easy, though, finding professional athletes in Pasadena -- or bringing two identities together, even during a game. As Mia aims for her goals, she'll have to face prejudice, discrimination, and her own fears. But if anyone can find a way to win, it's Mia Tang!
定價:315 元, 優惠價:1 315
作者:財團法人台灣癌症基金會  出版社:博思智庫股份有限公司  出版日:2022/12/01 裝訂:平裝
台灣癌症基金會25週年,與你同行! 與癌友在抗癌路上相遇,同行了四分之一個世紀, 在這一場修練之旅,不屈不撓、不輕言放棄, 更體悟只要活著,就會有奇蹟。 翻開下一頁,一起走向更遠的地方。 ☆翻轉癌症三部曲,防癌抗癌即刻行動★ 「癌症已經不再是絕症!」從癌症預防、癌症治療到癌後樂活,不只要活得久、活得快樂,更要活得有品質! ◎癌可預防!防癌有5功,身體健康零負擔 ◎癌活得久!跨科別醫師攜手揪出癌症,提高存活率 ◎癌要樂活!復健資源懶人包,建立健康新生活 ☆癌後人生,勇敢前行,十位抗癌鬥士的生命故事★ 面對人生的衝擊,或許曾經感到迷惘、絕望,即使身處低谷,也仍展現生命的強韌,將艱辛化為人生的逗點,大步邁向光明的未來,編寫人生的精彩。 備孕中罹癌,當母親的願望從此夢碎。──林宗熙╱卵巢癌 即使走不出生命長度、當不了母親,卻開拓了生命的寬度,也喜歡上現在的自己……。 漫漫抗癌路,我學會摘下面具,擁抱真實的自己。──林佳吟╱鼻咽癌 背著腫瘤在人生路上緩緩前進很辛苦,不用刻意一直逼迫自己要正面樂觀,做自己就好,因為你是一個很棒的人,我們都有很棒的靈魂! 我是首位腦癌健力三項選手!──唐玉珍╱惡性腦幹腦瘤 雙手握緊,雙腳站穩,聽從指令,用力將手中槓鈴舉起。起初為了復健而做的運動,現在已經深深愛上了! / 暖心推薦 / ⊙衛生福利部部長薛瑞元── 癌友翻轉人生逆境,重啟生命的精彩篇章! ⊙中央研究院院士、台灣癌症基金會副董事長 彭汪嘉康── 抗癌之途,越挫越勇! ⊙社團法人中華肌內效協會理事長 簡文仁── 醫療越來越進步,治療癌症從一網打盡到標靶到精準,對病人身體的影響已經越來越小,對病人心裡的震撼性也越來越輕,但不可否認,對生活的侵擾仍然很大。 「生的病」好控,「生了病」難纏,如何在生了病之後,還能微笑面對享受生活,是抗癌鬥士們立出的榜樣,也是我們每一位癌友的目標。 ⊙中華民國醫務社會工作協會理事長 溫信學── 治療方式在你們身上留下深邃印記,堅毅勇氣和熱愛生命,則成為你們抗癌歷程的標配,你們克服罹癌挑戰,使我們體會到健康的可謂,親情支持的美好,與永不放棄環抱希望的韌力。 ⊙三軍總醫院社工師╱諮商心理師、台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會理事 蔡惠芳── 罹癌的印記,曾經讓你們陷落在慌亂、沮喪、自責及無助裡,直到你們決心用勇氣、信念及堅韌發聲,終於刻劃出鬥士的圖騰,戴著驕傲,無懼地宣示著:「這
定價:280 元, 優惠價:9 252
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