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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:朱月華; 墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2022/11/24 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「法國」玩樂資訊就看這一本本書設計完全符合台灣遊客的旅遊習慣和喜好!讓你不論是跟團或自由行,都會興奮得大喊:「玩法國,這一本就夠了!」★ 樂遊法國多樣風情法國疆域遼闊,論面積,是歐陸第三大的國家,歷史也十分悠久,自羅馬人征服這塊土地算起,歷史超過兩千年,這讓法國具備了豐富的旅遊觀光資源,一直是全球最熱門的旅遊目的地,無數的城堡、博物館、美術館和優雅的城市展露出法蘭西文化的淵遠流長。法國的自然景觀也非常豐富,國境內有庇里牛斯山和號稱「歐洲脊梁」的阿爾卑斯山,北部海岸線有壯麗的峽灣,南部海岸線則洋溢著熱情的地中海風情,豐富多樣讓法國成為了浪漫迷人的代名詞。★ 分區導覽,串遊大城小鎮大巴黎地區、諾曼第、布列塔尼、羅亞爾河、亞爾薩斯和勃艮地、里昂、普羅旺斯、亞維儂、馬賽和全球最受歡迎的度假勝地蔚藍海岸,本書囊括經典的觀光路線、新興的旅遊景點和渡假放鬆的好去處,搭配詳盡的城市地圖和交通攻略,一書在手,暢遊法國!★ 拒絕走馬看花!看清面紗下的法國之美在歐洲觀光,到處都是博物館、美術館、教堂和城堡,尤其在文化底蘊深厚的法國,不熟悉其歷史背景和文化,就容易淪為走馬看花,本書的景點介紹詳盡,讓讀者能知其所以然,玩得更充實!★ 美景還需美食為伴法國料理在全球一直享有高人氣,而且儼然成為高貴美食的代名詞,來到了法國,當然要享用最道地的法式料理,並且要瞭解複雜的法國飲食文化!除此,法國的咖啡館文化也相當興盛,旅途中找一間或古典、或時尚的咖啡館,享用一杯午後的咖啡也是必要的!不能錯過的還有法國麵包和甜點,一定要嚐嚐道地的法國麵包、可麗餅、馬卡龍、烤布蕾等等經典的美食!法國的食物因為深受多元文化的影響,類別非常豐富,各式各樣的餐館提供了世界各地不同地區的料理,請跟隨MOOK記者的腳步,尋訪自己喜愛的的道地滋味吧!★ 市場購物必BUY情報浪漫的法國人對美有獨到、深刻的見解,因此,法國的時尚產業一直是流行的代名詞,市面上知名的精品服飾、化妝品品牌大多來自法國,在法國購買這些知名品牌的產品比台灣便宜得多,不採買一些戰利品是會後悔的,可是買什麼才划算?怎麼買才聰明呢?MOOK記者特別策劃專題報導法國必買情報,讓讀者買得開心,帶回戰利品延續旅程中的美好回憶!★ 這是一本充滿旅途樂趣的旅遊書你知不知道⋯⋯◎ 去哪拍美照?告
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
作者:墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2023/01/11 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「波蘭‧波羅的海三小國」玩樂資訊就看這一本◎各國必遊大城深度解剖,一本書即可輕鬆玩遍四國!★ 波蘭迷人城鎮全覽戰後崛起的中歐大城:華沙聯合國文化遺產古城:克拉科夫世界琥珀之都:格旦斯克波蘭最美的中古世界城鎮:托倫★ 愛沙尼亞迷人城鎮歐洲文化之都:塔林波羅的海夏季之都:帕努★ 拉脫維亞迷人城鎮東歐巴黎波羅的海大城:里加★ 立陶宛迷人城鎮歐洲最大的巴洛克式舊城:維爾紐斯時尚與古典交織的城市:考納斯◎挑選經典熱門旅遊景點!除了必遊經典景點,亦綜合國內外知名旅遊網站及書籍,最受旅客歡迎及詢問度最高的,再加上當地人推薦行程,方便遊客藉此書即可玩遍當地精彩景點。◎最值得台灣人驕傲的自製旅遊專書!MOOK專業旅遊出版團隊,為所有讀者製作出最值得信賴的旅遊參考指南,所有書籍皆由文字與攝影記者為你先行探路,親自前往採訪,實地造訪景點、餐廳、商店、飯店等,帶回最新、最詳實的吃喝玩樂相關資訊,是坊間唯一兼顧廣度與深度的旅遊導覽書籍。◎系統的摘要歸納,秒抓旅遊重點!以專業的眼光,歸納出不容錯過的「波蘭和波羅的海三小國」,讓旅遊者即使時間非常倉促有限,也能抓到重點玩出箇中真味。◎特別企畫&主題單元,給你好吃又好買!特別規劃的好味、好買、歷史、世界遺產、最佳旅行時刻等單元,提供讀者購物、美食、文化體驗等深度旅遊的好選擇。◎交通攻略&精選行程,比導遊還會玩!讓讀者針對自己的喜好,輕鬆拷貝比導遊還厲害的旅遊行程。
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:趙思語; 墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2023/06/27 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪×更新第一手訊息最完整、最詳實的希臘玩樂資訊就看這一本散落在愛情海上的島嶼,就如同藍海上一顆顆發光的明珠,島上夢幻恬美的屋宇、教堂、沙灘,將為旅人串起一段段難忘的回憶。希臘同時也是歐洲文明的起源——米諾安文明、邁錫尼文明以及各地保存下來數千年的遺跡,諸如黃金王國邁錫尼、奧運發源地的奧林匹亞、醫神聖地埃皮道洛斯⋯⋯令人目不暇給,是歷史文化控不能錯過之處!◎必遊大城深度解剖,一本書即可輕鬆玩遍希臘!!古希臘建築經典城市:雅典 Athens浪漫蜜月島嶼:米克諾斯島 Mykonos天空之城:梅特歐拉 Meteora愛琴海最受歡迎藍白島嶼:聖托里尼島 Santorini米諾安文明發源地:克里特島 Crete東方直布羅陀:摩尼瓦西亞 Monemvasia世界文化遺產及拜占庭學術中心:米斯特拉 Mystras三百壯士培訓地:斯巴達 Sparta荷馬史詩中的黃金國王:邁錫尼 Mycenae古希臘傳說神諭之地:德爾菲 Delphi奧林匹亞運動物發源地:奧林匹亞 Olympia保存完整中世紀古都:羅德島 Rhodes★ 編輯SPECIAL企畫 ★✓ 希臘眾神 GREEK GODS古希臘人藉由一則則傳說,解釋世界的起源、眾神的生活、英雄的冒險、甚至對當時物種的特殊看法。這些看似天馬行空的故事中,某些卻因為考古出土文物與遺址,證實其真實性,特洛伊圍城就是其中最具代表性的例子。希臘神話除了對今日西方世界的藝術、文學甚至語言等各方面帶來深遠的影響,更是探訪這座眾神傳說起源之國不可或缺的踏腳石。✓ 傳說起源之地LAND OF GREEK LEGENDS歷經3000年的時光,眾神的愛恨情仇與古希臘人的生活或許早已灰飛煙滅,然而流傳下來的神話,卻依舊生動地勾勒出希臘這塊土地的血脈與風情。即使今日早已物換星移,然而曾經上演過的情節,卻依舊以遺跡、秘儀、甚至巨岩等大自然面貌,向遊人訴說一段段永不褪色的傳奇!✓ 希臘咖啡GREEK COFFEE就煮法及風味來說,希臘咖啡及土耳其咖啡兩者非常相似,
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
#2: Bumble and Snug and the Excited Unicorn (graphic novel)
作者:Mark Bradley  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2022/07/21 裝訂:平裝
Best friends Bumble and Snug are Bugbops - little monsters filled with BIG feelings! Join them and a VERY excited unicorn, in this new, full-colour graphic novel, as they go on a thrilling, funny adventure and learn about the world outside and inside. Bumble and Snug are in the magical unicorn forest when they get into a spot of trouble. Luckily, they are rescued by a unicorn and together they have the great idea to become superheroes.Introducing the super buddies! From a runaway ice-cream van to a lost teddy bear, Bumble, Snug and Sparklehoof the unicorn save the day. But not everybody is happy when Sparklehoof gets too excited with his magic. Bumble and Snug have to come up with a super action plan to stop Sparklehoof.And with a giant kitten on the loose and a jelly city, they will have to work FAST!Bumble and Snug and the Excited Unicorn is a story about being too excited and how to listen, friendship and magic, and three new SUPERHEROES!Perfect for readers just starting to enjoy st
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Dungeon Runners: Hero Trial
作者:Kieran Larwood; Joe Todd Stanton  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/06/06 裝訂:平裝
An action-packed new adventure series from Blue Peter Award-winning author Kieran Larwood and Waterstones Children's Book Prize winner Joe Todd Stanton. Young readers will love discovering the world of the Dungeon Runners!CALLING ALL DUNGEON RUNNERS - There's space for a new team of heroes. This is your chance to enter the leagues and fight your way to the top!Kit has dreamed of being a Dungeon Runner all his life, although being a gnorf (part gnome, part dwarf) means he's much smaller than the other competitors.But when a space opens up for a new team in the Dungeon Running League, Kit doesn't want to miss this chance to try out! With his new friends Sandy and Thorn, they're ready to take on anything - mazes, puzzles, monsters, treasure and most of all adventure!Are you ready for the games to begin? Welcome to the Dungeon!
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
作者:李曉萍; 墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2023/04/13 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「葡萄牙」玩樂資訊就看這一本葡萄牙氣候溫暖,人民熱情,物價親民,美食美酒俯拾皆是。空氣中迴盪著法朵音樂的里斯本,浪漫夢幻的波爾圖,隱藏山間的石頭城,史前時代的遺跡,裸體海灘……。這裡新舊融合,風景萬千,讓人留連忘返。葡萄牙是人人都能負擔得起的度假樂園,也是吃貨的天堂。葡萄牙不單單只有里斯本,還有太多的驚艷等你去探索。★ 5個必去葡萄牙的理由★◎質樸熱情的山城小鎮里斯本和近郊的辛特拉、中部小鎮、杜羅河谷葡萄酒產區,捍衛葡萄牙與西班牙邊界的堡壘,西部與南部的濱海小鎮、本書囊括葡萄牙近N個城鎮晾點,搭配詳盡的城市地圖和交通攻略,一書在手,暢遊伊比利半島精華。◎簡直是吃貨天堂你知道長崎蜂蜜蛋糕、天婦羅、金平糖的故鄉在葡萄牙嗎?葡萄牙海鮮飯、波爾圖溼答答三明治、滑嫩噴香的葡萄牙蛋塔、微甜順口的波特紅酒、山城秘製綿羊乳酪、救人一命的葡萄牙蒜腸、北中南各區鄉土料理,文化精髓藏在飲食之中,學在地人逛市場、吃美食,走進葡萄牙小飯館,大啖鮮海鮮,享受葡萄牙百年咖啡館的慢時光,跟隨小編的腳步品嚐最誘人的道地滋味◎南北兩大城相互爭艷編輯嚴選兩大城之最,搭乘骨董黃色電車穿越舊城區,聆聽唱出靈魂深處憂鬱的法朵音樂,必吃美食清單,必拍景點,立刻秒抓旅遊重點,讓你拍張能在朋友圈中流傳的美照。◎令人驚艷的高CP值物價從色彩繽紛、充滿童趣的手工藝品,到享譽國際的葡萄牙波特酒、橄欖油、沙丁魚罐頭,本書將專題報導葡萄牙必買情報,打包伊比利半島最物超所值的伴手禮,延續旅程中的美好回憶。◎史前時代的歷史寶藏風光明媚的伊比利半島蘊藏豐厚歷史寶藏,收納古羅馬至中世紀的世界文化遺產,比導遊更專業的建築和歷史遺跡大解密,讓你擺脫拍照打卡的觀光客模式,旅遊途中不忘吸收新知。【本書特點】‧坊間少見專門介紹葡萄牙的旅遊專書網羅葡萄牙北中南各地景點,除了里斯本,波爾圖兩大都市,從西邊大西洋沿岸的中世紀城鎮,到東邊西班牙邊界上迷人的山城小鎮,再到南部風情迥異的海濱度假城鎮,各級景點,完整收錄,並提供吃喝玩買等當地人私藏美食名單等旅遊資訊。‧內容深入淺出,讓人輕鬆上路不論是定點遊玩或是多點旅遊,提供從搭大眾交通工具到自駕環遊等各種交通攻略,適合各種程度的遊客從中挑選並規劃行程。
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
Dog Squad
作者:Chris Grabenstein  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:平裝
Introducing DOG SQUAD, the crime-fighting, tail-wagging, hilarious new series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library and coauthor of Max Einstein!When trouble calls . . . it's DOG SQUAD to the rescue!Duke is not your average dog. Along with his crew, he fights crime and goes on claw-biting adventures helping dogs in peril in the hit streaming sensation--DOG SQUAD! Fred is a pretty average dog. He's scrappy. He's loveable. But he's not brave like his heroes on Dog Squad.Fred looks an awful lot like Duke from Dog Squad though. In fact, when Duke needs a stand-in, Fred's the perfect choice. But the Dog Squad action doesn't always stop on screen! When there's danger in real life, can Fred find the courage to step up and save the day?!It's all paws on deck in this action-packed, middle grade adventure series just right for anyone who loves dogs--and anyone who loves to laugh! “Doggone fun.”—Kirkus Reviews
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Dog Squad 2: Cat Crew
作者:Chris Grabenstein  出版社:YEARLING  出版日:2023/05/16 裝訂:平裝
Do you love DOGS? Do you love CATS? Do you love ADVENTURE? Then put your paws together for DOG SQUAD, the hilarious crime-fighting middle-grade series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library!When trouble calls . . . it’s Dog Squad to the rescue! But when calamity rings . . . bring in Cat Crew!Fred, the lovable stray who became the star of the hit streaming sensation Dog Squad, is back and working on a new show—Cat Crew! But wait a second—there’s something funny about these felines! And something suspicious about their animal trainer. Is this cat crew being electronically controlled?! And what exactly is the evil trainer plotting? Can Fred save the day . . . and the cats?! It's time for an all paws on deck top-secret rescue mission!Get ready for book 2 in this action-packed middle-grade series that has kids (and canines) howling with laugher! Nothing's too ruff for the Dog Squad!
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Evil Genius (The Smartest Kid in the Universe 3)
作者:Chris Grabenstein  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2023/05/16 裝訂:平裝
Meet middle schooler Jake McQuade. Jake became the smartest kid in the universe when he accidentally ate a jarful of ingestible knowledge jelly beans. But what happens when those jelly beans fall into the wrong hands?!Readers who enjoy the action of the Last Kids on Earth books will love this fast-paced, spy-packed series that's a "rollicking good time" (New York Times) by the bestselling author of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library!Jake McQuade's the smartest kid in the universe—or at least he was. But just as his training with the secret agency known as the Consortium is about to start, Jake's jelly beans go missing! And to make matters worse, they (and Jake's genius!) might be wearing off right when he needs his smarts most!Jake needs to solve this mystery fast. Who stole the jelly beans and why? Can Jake figure out what's going on, recover the missing jelly beans, and stop a high-tech heist before it's too late?!From top-secret hideouts to New York City penthouse apartments to th
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Grave Danger (Confessions of a Dork Lord, Book 2)
作者:Mike Johnston; Marta Altes  出版社:Putnam Pub Group  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:精裝
This hilarious, illustrated middle-grade sequel, combining the humor of Diary of a Wimpy Kid with the action of The Last Kids on Earth, follows a hapless warlock-in-training as he struggles to live up to his great and terrible destiny. Remember Wick? Son of the Dark Lord, heir to the throne of black and broken glass, and next in line to be the leader of the Grim World? Well, after a major spell gone wrong, he finds himself kicked out of his own castle and shipped off as an exchange student. As if Middle Ages School wasn't hard enough already! Follow Wick through the pages of his journal as he comes up with a genius plan to defeat his foes, achieve greatness . . . and maybe even make a new friend in the process.
定價:532 元, 優惠價:79 420
The Wizards of Once #2: Twice Magic
作者:Cressida Cowell  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2019/09/17 裝訂:平裝
The adventure continues in this action-packed, hilarious, and heartwarming sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Wizards of Once.This was once the story of a young boy Wizard and a young girl Warrior who had been taught since birth to hate each other like poison.But now, the boy Wizard and girl Warrior have been brought together in the Badwoods and they have witnessed the shocking consequences of the Stone That Takes Away Magic. They will need to cast aside their differences once more--for an Evil Spell has broken free. It's up to Xar and Wish to find the ingredients to the one spell that could save them all. But it means entering dangerous territory unannounced...Cressida Cowell brings her trademark wit to this spellbinding sequel, along with the stunning artwork and heartfelt adventure that has made her beloved around the world, weaving a story that is sure to transport readers to a world that will enchant and bewitch them.
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Wish Granter
作者:C. J. Redwine  出版社:Balzer & Bray  出版日:2017/02/14 裝訂:精裝
An epic, romantic, and action-packed fantasy inspired by the tale of Rumpelstiltskin, about a bastard princess who must take on an evil fae to save her brother’s soul, from C. J. Redwine, the New York
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The End of Oz
作者:Danielle Paige  出版社:Harpercollins Childrens Books  出版日:2018/03/13 裝訂:平裝
In this dark, action-packed fourth book in the New York Times bestselling Dorothy Must Die series, Amy Gumm travels from Oz to the twisted land of Ev, where she fights to free Oz from evil once and fo
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
The Golden Library
作者:Scott Mariani  出版社:HARPERCOLLINS 360  出版日:2024/07/16 裝訂:平裝
An unmissable new thriller from the master of the genreScott Mariani's pulse-pounding thrillers mix action, adventure, conspiracy and ancient secrets with modern mysteries and cutting edge tech - and at the heart of it all: a hero you'll never forget.To his many thousands of fans, ex-SAS officer Ben Hope stands tall as a warrior, a protector of the innocent, a defender of those in need, relentless in his pursuit of those who exploit others or prey on the weak.But Ben is also a man all too aware of his own flaws and weaknesses - a man who knows to become unstoppable, he needs the right team to put together in a crisis. With his network of mavericks, experts and daredevils, he's always ready to risk life and liberty for the right cause, wherever in the world that call might take him.
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Blade Breaker
作者:Victoria Aveyard  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/06/28 裝訂:平裝
“A true fantasy masterpiece.” ―Sabaa Tahir, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the An Ember in the Ashes seriesThe sequel to Victoria Aveyard’s instant #1 New York Times bestselling Realm Breaker features more of the breathless action, deadly twists, and gripping magic that makes this series perfect for fans of Garth Nix and J. R. R. Tolkien.One Spindle has been closed, but the enemy is far from defeated.Fighting beside her band of unlikely companions, Corayne is learning to embrace the power of her ancient lineage and wield her father’s powerful sword.But while they successfully sealed the Spindle Taristan opened, they can’t rest easy yet. With his army marching across Allward, opening more portals into terrible alternate worlds as he goes, Corayne has no choice but to rally her own army and become the hero she’s destined to be.But what Taristan unleashes next might burn the world to the ground before there’s any chance at victory.Breakneck adventure meets impossible thrills in t
定價:456 元, 優惠價:79 360
作者:Brandon Sanderson  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2014/09/23 裝訂:平裝
#1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, who was chosen to complete Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series and created the internationally bestselling Mistborn trilogy, presents Steelheart, the first book in the Reckoners series, an action-packed thrill ride that will leave readers breathless.How far would you go for revenge if someone killed your father?If someone destroyed your city?If everything you ever loved was taken from you?David Charleston will go to any lengths to stop Steelheart. But to exact revenge in Steelheart’s world, David will need the Reckoners—a shadowy group of rebels bent on maintaining justice. And it turns out that the Reckoners might just need David too.Look for book two in the Reckoners series, Firefight, available in 2014.[STAR] “Snappy dialogue, bizarre plot twists, high intensity action, and a touch of mystery and romance; it’s a formula that sucks readers into the prologue, slings them through one tension-filled encounter after the other, and
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Dark Tide Onslaught
作者:Michael A. Stackpole  出版社:Lucasbooks  出版日:2000/02/01 裝訂:平裝
In this epic of unsurpassed action and imagination, Michael Stackpole helps to launch an exciting new era in Star WarsR history. ONSLAUGHT pits the battle-tested heroes of the past--Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo--along with the next generation of Jedi and droids, against fearsome never-before-encountered enemies from beyond the galactic rim . . .It is a perilous time for the New Republic. Just when unity is needed most, mistrust is on the rise. Even the Jedi feel the strain, as rogue elements rebel against Luke's leadership. When alien invaders known as the Yunnan Vong strike without warning, the New Republic is thrown on the defensive. Merciless warriors, the Yunnan Vong glory in torture. Their technology is as strange as it is deadly. Most ominous of all, they are impervious to the Force.Now Luke must wield all the awesome powers of a Jedi Master to defeat the gravest threat since Darth Vader. As Leia and Gavin Darklighter lead desperate refugees in a fighting retrea
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Forest of Wolves (精裝本)
作者:Erin Hunter  出版社:Harpercollins Childrens USA  出版日:2014/01/07 裝訂:精裝
Erin Hunter's New York Times bestselling Seekers series continues in the fourth book in the Return to the Wild story arc. With its thrilling blend of action and suspense, this epic animal fantasy seri
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Stick and Stone Explore and More (graphic novel)
作者:Beth Ferry; Kristen Cella  出版社:Clarion Books  出版日:2023/01/10 裝訂:平裝
Two stories in one graphic novel perfect for beginning readers, based on the bestselling STICK AND STONE series by Beth Ferry and Tom Lichtenheld. Go on a scavenger hunt, set out on a trip for ice cream, and even visit the beach with these lovable best buddies.Join Stick and Stone as they get swept up in scavenger hunt. Accompany them to a campfire calamity. And laugh along with them in this new graphic novel series starring two best buddies and a whole cast of new characters. Each story has a fun activity to make you feel part of the action.
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
#2: The Disastrous Magical Wishes of Classroom 13
作者:Honest Lee; Matthew J. Gilbert; Joelle Dreidemy (ILT)  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2017/09/12 裝訂:平裝
For fans of Captain Underpants or Sideways Stories from Wayside School, this new chapter book series is perfect for reluctant readers.When unlucky teacher Ms. Linda LaCrosse finds a magic lamp, she releases a genie--um, I mean, a Djinn--who agrees to grant each of her students ONE WISH!You might think this was fantastic, but it was not. It was a frightful idea! With magic wishes come hungry dinosaurs, stinky pizza, photographing paparazzi, and other huge mistakes. As the students of Classroom 13 are about to learn, you should be careful what you wish for. What would YOU do with one magic wish? The final chapter of each book encourages young readers to write their OWN chapter and send it in to the author, Honest Lee!The Dangerous Djinn Wishes of Classroom 13 is the second title in a new chapter book series of hilarious stories about a very unlucky classroom. Each story is full of humor, action, and fun that will prompt hours of conversation among friends, families, and classrooms.© 2017
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
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