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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:丹尼爾.施瓦茨; 潔西卡.曾; 克莉絲汀.布萊爾  出版社:大寫  出版日:2023/10/25 裝訂:平裝
如何讓大腦學會一件事―史丹佛大學「非正規與正規學習中心」精選研究通俗呈現―科學實證,一本最威的學習工具書★一門吸引無數老師、大學生、研究生、博士生、律師、物理治療師、工程師、商人以及學習科技開發者的「學習核心機制」課程★九大學習關鍵影響面,因應不同情境有效促進學習效能★圖文相輔解說,26種使「教與學」更適配的啟發機制★從「類比思維」、「刻意練習」、「視覺化策略」,嚴選提煉學童父母、教育者、自學者都好用的學習理解過程劇本 近年出現大量針對人類如何學習的研究,揭示了多種教學與學習的有效方法,本書的出現正是為了向讀者推薦這門新興的學習科學,期望教學者能將許多關於教學的科學研究運用在實際生活中。有志投身教育界,或是已經從事教育工作的人士,相信能從此書獲益良多。此外,本書也適合家長、導師、課程設計者、心理學學生,以及渴望提升學習能力的讀者。 本書的內容取材自史丹佛大學一門廣受歡迎的學習課程,採用了嶄新的寫作模式介紹學習理論,既可作為教材,亦適合大眾閱讀,以通俗易懂的語言、生活例子、實證研究,加上文字之間透露的幽默感,深入淺出地介紹了26種學習策略。 每章都從理論簡介、運作模式、具體應用、潛在風險的角度切入,詳細分析每個學習策略,希望能讓教育者把策略實踐在教學中。 本書主題涵蓋多個領域,除了包括廣為人知的行為主義學習理論、認知心理學、社會心理學,還有一些少為人知,但與教學實務密切的學習主題,如激發理論。結合各章的理論與策略,就能創造許多新穎而有效的學習方法。〔各界好評〕「每個老師和學生都應該讀一讀這本書,這群作者是學習領域內的首屈一指的學者,成功把大量有關學習的研究濃縮成生動易懂、而且實用的文字。」──2001年諾貝爾物理獎得主、2004年卡內基美隆大學年度教授、史丹佛大學物理系及教育系教授 卡爾.威曼「丹尼爾.施瓦茨等人寫成了一本易懂好用的學習理論書籍,但同時沒有過度簡化教學與學習過程中的種種精妙之處。我尤其欣賞此書例子豐富、談及誤用風險的特色,此書指出沒有任何一種策略能適用於所有情境的事實,這個洞見也讓我十分敬佩。此書相當成功地向有志學習的讀者介紹了精彩實用的學習方法。」──詹姆斯麥迪遜大學心理系教授 大衛.丹尼爾
定價:560 元, 優惠價:9 504
作者:傑克.史瓦格(Jack D. Schwager)  出版社:樂金文化  出版日:2023/04/28 裝訂:平裝
★☆《金融怪傑》系列暢銷書作家――傑克.史瓦格力作☆★為什麼投資老是無法賺錢?因為高估報酬?低估風險?錯估人性?報章媒體、學校課堂上各種市場投資模型和理論講得頭頭是道,投資人努力鑽研、認真執行之後,卻發現:■ 投資專家推薦的選股,績效卻比不上拿報紙股票版讓猩猩擲飛鏢選出來得好。■ 仔細研究個股基本面,卻與股價的波動變化不相符。■ 投資過往績效很好的基金或股票,卻買了就跌、賣了就漲。當投資人張開眼睛觀察真實的世界,卻發現所有的東西都和專家教的理論不一樣;更遺憾的是,大部分人更因此不堪虧損,含淚出場。韭菜園裡收割的不只是小散戶,很多甚至是學經歷閃亮亮的專業投資人!走訪股市、期貨、外匯、基金各領域金融怪傑的全球暢銷作家傑克.史瓦格,看遍業界最成功的交易高手,卻也發現,投資失誤並不是只發生在菜鳥投資人身上,專業投資人也會一再犯同樣的錯誤。這是因為獲利的真相只有一個:比起理論,市場永遠才是對的!● 你所接受的投資界真相,可能是沒有根據的假相!對於市場上的真實與謊言,傑克.史瓦格直指原因出在很多受人尊敬的理論和模型其實是錯誤的。我們一直堅持的市場假設、不切實際的模型、認知偏差、情緒弱點和毫無根據的信念……卻導致投資人不幸誤入歧途。他提供大量完整的歷史證據、以及健全的投資常識,破解55個備受尊崇的理論與模型假設中錯誤思維的真相。你可以從書中了解:誤解>> 一般投資人聽從理財專家推薦的選股可以受惠。真相>> 專家意見不比猩猩擲飛鏢更可靠。誤解>> 市場價格已經考量了所有已知的基本面資訊。真相>> 市場多半沒有效率。有時候市場價格比普遍已知的基本面還要高出許多,有時候低許多。誤解>> 投資人必先做好風險評估,選到高波動的標的代表高風險。真相>> 錯誤的風險衡量工具比完全不用風險衡量工具還糟。投資人要知道,低波動性不一定代表低風險,高波動性也不表示高風險。誤解>> 股市正熱,身邊的人都在瘋股票,我也要進場投資。真相>> 在市場表現好時投資股票,對實現高於平均的獲利沒有幫助。誤解>> 投資過往績效很好的基金,因為其經理人的管理能力比較好。真相>> 專注投資過往績效最佳的基金並非健全的策略,只做多的基金(共同基金)其報酬率高低,與同時期大盤或類股的績效比較有關,而不是個別
定價:540 元, 優惠價:9 486
庫存 > 10
作者:羅伯‧麥修斯  出版社:大牌出版  出版日:2021/04/14 裝訂:平裝
從華爾街、拉斯維加斯到商業世界,為什麼只有5%贏家有「敢於和上帝玩骰子」的勇氣, 而95%的人卻只能當受命運擺布的傻瓜? ★ 英國皇家統計學會研究員、《BBC Focus》專欄作家羅伯‧麥修斯代表作★ 人生賽局中,面對不確定性,高手如何做決策?當資訊超載時,贏家如何找真相?★ 今晚,該Pass還是要All in?面對機率、風險和不確定性的「34堂防彈思考課」★ 別讓「線性思考」與「直覺」誤導你的決
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
作者:羅伯‧麥修斯; 哈伊姆・夏皮拉  出版社:大牌出版  出版日:2023/09/06 裝訂:平裝
──破萬讀者激推!應對風險、混亂、隨機問題的終極思維──身處不確定性與易變的局勢中,你更需要「機率思考」與「賽局思考」迎戰未知!★掌握高勝算決策智慧,精準解決問題必讀雙書★《機率思考:職業賭徒與華爾街巨鱷的高勝算思維法,面對機率、風險和不確定性的34堂防彈思考課》★破萬讀者肯定!誠品暢銷排行榜★頂尖贏家都知道:數字會說謊,常識不可靠……唯有學會「機率思考」,才能持續累積籌碼,取得最終勝利。人生在世,我們永遠無法擺脫不確定性,以及隱伏其中的風險。幸好,我們擁有迎戰「未知」的武器:機率學。本書取材自日常生活,以豐沛淺白的筆觸,為讀者揭開千變萬化的機率樣貌,以及它幾乎無所不包、令人大開眼界的精采應用: 金融海嘯真是「25個標準差」的罕見事件,連天才也無力回天嗎? 美式足球隊中的22名球員,生日相差一天的機率有多高?(答案超乎想像!) 花小錢買心安的延長保固,為什麼是商人的高獲利保證? 準確率達80%的癌症篩檢驗出陽性,為何你還能抱持83%未罹癌的機率? 穿梭地震帶、營運逾五十年的日本新幹線,卻不曾有乘客因地震喪生,憑什麼? 二戰時,圖靈破解德軍自豪的Enigma密碼機,關鍵居然源自某個「冷僻歪理」…… 數據探勘正流行,問題是,你如何辨識從數據中挖到的是金礦?還是垃圾?超有趣!Step by Step揭示機率定理及其應用,本書將幫助我們蛻變成更聰明的賽局參與者,洞悉95%輸家無法突破的思維謬誤!本書的目的之一,就是透過揭示機率定理及其應用,使讀者理解日常生活中的機率事件。你會讀到如何運用這些定理預測巧合,幫助你在商場上與生活中做出更佳決策,藉以明智地解讀從投資建議,到醫療診斷等種種與人生攸關的事物。《賽局思考:洞悉互動背後的思維角力,從囚犯困境到最後通牒賽局,33個經典賽局剖析,突破人生僵局的終極武器》生活中存在各種賽局,不懂策略思維的玩家,陷入僵局;懂得賽局思考的玩家,洞悉全局!讓賽局大師夏皮拉博士,帶你「學思考」+「看日常情境」,在職涯、情場、人生中成功破關!【情場攻略】我愛你,你愛他,他愛她?→從婚姻賽局的「配對規則」,找出不會有人出軌的組合。→遇上喜歡的人,是主動出擊好,還是要靜觀其變?→金髮美女的追求者眾,該怎麼抱得美人歸?【生活談判】人寧可放棄多少利益,也不想被當成傻子占便宜?→朋友聚餐AA制,該
定價:820 元, 優惠價:9 738
Working ─ People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do
作者:Studs Terkel  出版社:New Pr  出版日:1997/02/28 裝訂:平裝
Studs Terkel records the voices of America. Men and women from every walk of life talk to him, telling him of their likes and dislikes, fears, problems, and happinesses on the job. Once again, Terkel has created a rich and unique document that is as simple as conversation, but as subtle and heartfelt as the meaning of our lives.... In the first trade paperback edition of his national bestseller, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Studs Terkel presents "the real American experience" (Chicago Daily News)--"a magnificent book . . .. A work of art. To read it is to hear America talking." (Boston Globe).
定價:875 元, 優惠價:79 691
See Inside How Things Work (硬頁書)
作者:Conrad Mason; Colin King  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2009/09/25 裝訂:硬頁書
An amazing flap book packed with inventions, machines, gadgets and devices, and facts and information about how they work.Over 90 flaps reveal the insides of car engines, toilets, escalators, submarin
定價:604 元, 優惠價:69 417
How to Look at Student Work to Uncover Student Thinking
作者:Susan M. Brookhart  出版社:ASSN FOR SUPERVISION & CURRICU  出版日:2021/04/07 裝訂:平裝
Are you picking up all your students' work is trying to tell you? In this book, assessment expert Susan M. Brookhart and instructional coach Alice Oakley walk teachers through a better and more illuminating way to approach student work across grade levels and content areas. You'll learn to view students' assignments not as a verdict on right or wrong but as a window into what students got and how they are thinking about it. The insight you'll gain will help you * Infer what students are thinking, * Provide effective feedback, * Decide on next instructional moves, and* Grow as a professional.Brookhart and Oakley then guide teachers through the next steps: clarify learning goals, increase the quality of classroom assessments, deepen your content and pedagogical knowledge, study student work with colleagues, and involve students in the formative learning cycle. The book's many authentic examples of student work and teacher insights, coaching tips, and reflection questions will help reader
定價:1013 元, 優惠價:1 1013
Surviving Dreaded Conversations: How to Talk Through Any Difficult Situation at Work
作者:FLAGG  出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.  出版日:2009/11/27 裝訂:平裝
The essential guide for managers and professionals dealing with difficult workplace conversationsSurviving Dreaded Conversations gives managers all they need to get through those difficult, face-to-fa
定價:602 元, 優惠價:79 476
How It Works: Shark
作者:Molly Littleboy  出版社:Tiger Tales  出版日:2024/05/07 裝訂:硬頁書
This interactive board book features layered die cuts throughout to introduce toddlers to sharks and how they work. Sharks are fascinating animals! Children can learn all about them in this interactive board book that features layered die cuts throughout. Simple callouts to the various parts of the shark, such as "tail fins," "denticles," and "gills" invite young readers to explore a shark's different body parts and their function. Topics covered include how sharks breathe underwater, the ways in which they detect prey, and why a shark's skeleton is ideal for swimming and floating. Packed with fun facts and accessible information, this first introduction to sharks is perfect for curious toddlers who love sharks. How it Works titles are a unique, interactive way for children to learn how things work, featuring layered die cut pages and simple, engaging text for the youngest readers.
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 276
How to Do a Science Experiment
作者:Jean Reagan; Lee Wildish  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2022/07/19 裝訂:平裝
Science is a blast, when you work together with Grandma! Follow the volcano fun in this silly Step 2 early reader story from the New York Times bestselling creators of How to Babysit a Grandpa.Once you've learned how to make a volacano at home, it's time to teach Grandma what to do! But what happens when you don't remember the right ingredients? Work together with Grandma to create the best at-home volacno ever, with a few tips and tricks from the experts -- kids!This Step into Reading story features a sweet Grandma and grandchild relationship and all the silly, sticky moments that come with creating an at-home experiment. Perfect for children who are ready to read on their own!Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. They are perfect for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
定價:210 元, 優惠價:79 166
Peep Inside How a Truck Works
作者:Lara Bryan; Patrick Corrigan  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/04/11 裝訂:硬頁書
From curtainsiders, to removal vans, to horse boxes, peep inside all kinds of trucks to find out how they work. Young children will enjoy helping the trucks to unload, carry out roadworks and even set up a circus! This interactive introduction aims to develop kids' practical understanding of these exciting vehicles - and help spot them while out and about.
定價:494 元, 優惠價:69 340
Peep Inside How a Crane Works
作者:Lara Bryan; Mike Byrne  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/08/03 裝訂:硬頁書
There's a whole world of cranes to explore on the busy building site - from tall tower cranes, to muddy crawler cranes and nifty truck cranes. Lift the flaps to discover how they work and to help them build a super modern train station.
定價:494 元, 優惠價:69 341
庫存 > 10
Peep Inside How a Helicopter Works (硬頁翻翻書)
作者:Lara Bryan; Giovanna Medeiros  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/10/27 裝訂:硬頁書
Peep inside a helicopter cockpit to see how the controls work, then use flaps to help it take off, and find and rescue a hiker from a mountain. Emergency vehicles are a talking point for many young children, and this reassuring story of how a helicopter flies to help a stranded mountain climber and take them safely to hospital is a lovely first way to explore the topic, with the added fascination of an unusual rescue vehicle. Young children will love the playful flaps and peep-holes, which create an interactive learning experience while they satisfy their curiosity about helicopters.
定價:494 元, 優惠價:69 341
庫存 > 10
Peep Inside How a Crane/ Truck/ Fire Engine/ Helicopter/Rocket (硬頁翻翻書) (套書5冊)
作者:Lara Bryan  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/05/09 裝訂:硬頁書
9781803707556 Peep Inside How a Crane Works (硬頁翻翻書)There's a whole world of cranes to explore on the busy building site - from tall tower cranes, to muddy crawler cranes and nifty truck cranes. Lift the flaps to discover how they work and to help them build a super modern train station.9781805312321 Peep Inside How a Truck Works (硬頁翻翻書)From curtainsiders, to removal vans, to horse boxes, peep inside all kinds of trucks to find out how they work. Young children will enjoy helping the trucks to unload, carry out roadworks and even set up a circus! This interactive introduction aims to develop kids' practical understanding of these exciting vehicles - and help spot them while out and about.9781801311816 Peep Inside How a Helicopter Works (硬頁翻翻書)Peep inside a helicopter cockpit to see how the controls work, then use flaps to help it take off, and find and rescue a hiker from a mountain. Emergency vehicles are a talking point for many young children, and this reassuring story
定價:2470 元, 優惠價:69 1704
Listen and Learn: Animals, Grade Prek, K, 1 (附音檔下載連結)(共3本)
作者:Evan-Moor Educational Publishers  出版社:Evan-Moor Corp  出版日:2022/06/29 裝訂:平裝
9781645141846 Listen and Learn: Animals, Grade Prek9781645141853 Listen and Learn: Animals, Grade K 9781645141860 Listen and Learn: Animals, Grade 1(with downloadable Audio)Engage children in practicing basic reading and writing skills with the help of fascinating animals! From chameleons to kangaroos, the beautiful animal photographs and stories in Listen and Learn: Animals will take young children on an animal adventure around the world.Recipient of a Mom’s Choice Gold Award and a National Parenting Product Award, Listen and Learn: Animals activity books captivate children with the colorful visuals and audio read-alouds.Each unit is organized around a specific animal and includes facts about where animals live, what they look like, what they eat, how their body parts work, and how they take care of their young. Activities include animal games, art, writing, and drawing, and help children practice alphabet awareness, beginning sounds, counting, writing numbers, matching
定價:1365 元, 優惠價:79 1078
Understanding Coding by Building Algorithms
作者:Patricia Harris  出版社:Powerkids Pr  出版日:2017/01/01 裝訂:平裝
This detailed guide explores the historical development of algorithms and how they are used as a way of teaching computers to work through problems. Named for Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa a
定價:574 元, 優惠價:1 574
Robot Repairs (Technology)(平裝本)
作者:Jonathan Litton; Magalí Mansilla  出版社:QED Publishing UK  出版日:2018/10/18 裝訂:平裝
Max and Suzy discover an old robot and set out to try and bring it back to life. Can they use their technological know-how to put it back together again? Help them work out how to fix sections togethe
定價:384 元, 優惠價:55 211
Ty Essential French Verbs 3E
作者:Weston  出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.  出版日:2011/01/14 裝訂:平裝
An essential resource that gives you the confidence you need to communicate better in FrenchEssential French Verbs provides you with a complete overview of French verbs and how they work in the variou
定價:442 元, 優惠價:9 398
A Taste for Poison
作者:Neil Bradbury  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2022/01/20 裝訂:平裝
'A fascinating tale of poisons and poisonous deeds which both educates and entertains.' - Kathy ReichsAs any reader of murder mysteries can tell you, poison is one of the most enduring — and popular — weapons of choice for a scheming murderer. It can be slipped into a drink, smeared onto the tip of an arrow or the handle of a door, even filtered through the air we breathe. But how exactly do these poisons work to break our bodies down, and what can we learn from the damage they inflict?Drawn from historical records and current news headlines, A Taste for Poison weaves together the fascinating tales of spurned lovers, shady scientists, medical professionals and political assassins, showing how the precise systems of the body can be impaired to lethal effect through the use of poison. From the deadly origins of the gin & tonic cocktail to the arsenic-laced wallpaper in Napoleon’s bedroom, A Taste for Poison leads readers on a fascinating tour of the intricate, com
定價:899 元, 優惠價:79 710
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