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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Geometric Patterns: Mandala In My Style
作者:Florentina Plugaru  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/05/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:320 元, 優惠價:1 320
Santa Fe Style Cooking: My Mother's Recipes
作者:Sharon Martinez  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/03/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:400 元, 優惠價:1 400
My Mexican Mesa, Y Listo!: Beautiful Flavors, Family Style (a Cookbook)
作者:Jenny Martinez  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2024/04/30 裝訂:精裝
定價:1138 元, 優惠價:1 1138
The Night Before My First Communion
作者:Natasha Wing; Amy Wummer (ILT)  出版社:Grosset & Dunlap  出版日:2018/01/23 裝訂:平裝
A brother and sister celebrate and prepare for this Catholic rite of passage in the twenty-fourth title in Natasha Wing's best-selling paperback series featuring rhyming text in the style of the class
定價:210 元, 優惠價:79 166
I'm Out of My Body. . .please Leave a Message
作者:Dan Greenburg; Jack E. Davis (ILT)  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:1997/02/01 裝訂:平裝
When Zack's friend Spencer brings a 60's-style hippie book on astral travel to a sleepover, Zack learns the ins and outs of out-of-body travel in a snap. Getting out of their bodies seems awfully easy
定價:210 元, 優惠價:79 166
American Pie ─ My Search for the Perfect Pizza
作者:Peter Reinhart  出版社:Ten Speed Pr  出版日:2003/11/01 裝訂:精裝
On the subject of pizza, there is never a shortage of opinions. Allegiances run from the general (Chicago versus New York style, Neapolitan versus Roman) to the particular (Pepe's versus Sally's, Gino
定價:980 元, 優惠價:79 774
Be Water , My Friend 似水無形,李小龍的人生哲學:水很柔弱,卻能穿透最堅硬的物質,你感覺它平靜停滯,卻正流進任何可能的地方。
作者:李香凝  出版社:大是文化  出版日:2021/04/01 裝訂:平裝
「水,永遠都是放鬆卻做好準備的。就像有句俗話叫「一發不可收拾」。 「光有知識是不夠的,你得學以致用;光有決心也不夠,你得付諸行動。」 「如果你熱愛人生,那就別浪費時間,因為人生就是由時間構成的。」 ★亞馬遜傳記暢銷第1名,讀者狂讚:「現代人最需要的正念方法」! ★《華盛頓郵報》、《新聞週刊》、《紐約時報》等暢銷作家專文推薦! ★一出版即入選《今日美國》不可錯過書單! ★至今已售出英、日、法、德等2
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Men's Kitchen一流男人就該會做菜
作者:福本陽子  出版社:八方出版  出版日:2017/01/23 裝訂:平裝
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
作者:徐伯卿  出版社:八方出版  出版日:2022/02/22 裝訂:平裝
從西安到帕米爾高原,歷時8年之久的千里行腳, 只為親自走一遭絲綢之路,追隨祂1600年前的身影。 五胡十六國的大分裂亂世中,羅什法師被迎入中土並實現弘法志業,佛教適時扮演了膚慰蒼白心靈的角色,在中國土地上呈現史無前例的瑰麗風貌。 炳靈寺石窟、天梯山石窟、玉門關、莫高窟、柏孜克里克千佛洞、羅布泊大裂谷、雅丹佛窟、克孜爾千佛洞……從西安到帕米爾高原,共計四千餘公里的路程,所見所聞記錄下的都是最真實的點點滴滴。 邀您共同翻開書本,一起踏上祂走過的絲綢之路,一窺漫漫長路上繁星點點的文化寶藏。 這不是史書,因為歷史有磅礡的人事時地物觀點; 也不是旅書,因為旅者不會推薦來荒蕪地界受苦; 更不是佛書,因為作者魯鈍還未洞徹佛法奧義。 這本書,希望與您共同感受一個飽滿的生命。 ★好評推薦 台北市議員 戴錫欽資深媒體人 邱明玉╱TVBS新聞節目主持人 錢怡君╱氣象達人 彭啟明 博士 戴錫欽:「伯卿藉由數千里行腳,將自西漢開通的絲綢之路,與鳩摩羅什法師將佛教在中土弘揚的歷史脈絡,以深入淺出的方式,讓讀者在不覺枯燥下隨之神遊,其旅程雖稱不上苦行,但用心之深,與前後耗費九年的毅力,令人咋舌!」 邱明玉:「隨著COVID-19疫情被迫暫時休息,伯卿哥將他之前走訪中國大西北的經歷躍然紙上,最驚豔的是,他從五胡十六國的歷史出發,恍若化身為考古探險隊,追尋歷史人物的足跡。 伯卿哥鉅細靡遺寫下每段行程的經歷,就連當地食物也被描述得令人食指大動;且讓我們背起想像中的行囊,跟著伯卿哥來段歷史與宗教的深度之旅。」 錢怡君:「書裡面描述的人與事,笑著看他吃窩窩頭的小童,語言不通的維吾爾族人,背包客張東……神情對話躍然紙上,非常具備電視台記者的要素:畫面感。 如果你也跟我一樣,能在有限的時間裡,藉著他細膩的筆,穿越時空,神遊壯遊一番,也不辜負人生的一場因緣。推薦給有緣的你。」 彭啟明:「感謝伯卿兄親自走訪西安到帕米爾高原,單程就超過四千公里的路程,考證當時鳩摩羅什所在地,把時代的人事時地物考證結合起來,讀起來意外地很有畫面生動感,甚至激發我重新再上網搜尋鳩摩羅什相關的影片,有機會想順著伯卿兄的行程地圖走一趟。在這個大無明、大劫難的時代,需要有清淨的判斷思維與慈悲心,佛法的大智慧是可以,這本書在這時間點格外有意義。」
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
作者:瀨川あずさ-監修; 菜菜子-繪  出版社:八方出版  出版日:2018/06/19 裝訂:平裝
美酒X美男居然有這種令人戀愛的葡萄酒教科書♥♥♥想在忙碌工作後,小酌放鬆,寵愛自己,但沒有自信在餐廳點葡萄酒,總是緊張不安…究竟何時該點紅酒?何時該點白酒,完全搞不清楚…法國料理、雞肉大餐、海鮮大餐…到底該選什麼酒才對味??➤想了解葡萄酒,就要先了解葡萄!嚴選!初學者must know 八款釀酒葡萄把他們通通變成醉人的漫畫美男♥♥從產地、風味及個性一一介紹讀著讀著,不知不覺就輕鬆學會了(笑)➤完整
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
省錢也能超有FU!幸福窩佈置整理術 好運超值包
作者:鄧惠敏  出版社:八方出版  出版日:2012/12/19 裝訂:平裝
幸福窩?佈置整理術讓你換新過好日,好運跟著來!好省錢好好用的貼紙X紙膠帶24個創意拼貼居家小物佈置超詳細 step by step!手殘人&懶惰鬼也能變達人!輕鬆為你家換個新氣象!☆★☆送很大! 好運超值包!★☆★◆花小錢!玩佈置!創意拼貼居家佈置◆花小錢!玩收納!創意拼貼整理術◆機器人造型防水無痕壁貼(市價148元,兩款隨機出貨)◆花漾膠帶貼紙 & 100%原吋紙型立刻打造幸福窩
定價:199 元, 優惠價:9 179
作者:泰國美食達人團隊D+ Plus Guide Team  出版社:八方出版  出版日:2015/01/24 裝訂:平裝
曼谷‧芭堤雅 最新玩樂攻略隱藏版!CP值超高的道地小吃X玩樂路線 ★ 越夜越餓!曼谷美食傍晚吃到天亮!燉雞粿條湯、脆雞檸檬醬、辣湯炒飯、芥藍肉汁燴麵、現烤豬肉沙嗲、皇室炒香酥米粉、蒙通青木瓜沙拉、蔬菜包烤魚、CP值超高深夜稀飯、脆烤咖央吐司、新鮮芒果糯米…… ★ 泰好吃!喝完再續攤!當地人都去這裡玩!晚餐吃飽就要回飯店了嗎?還太早了啦!各大夜市PK攻略、熱門夜景&
定價:299 元, 優惠價:9 269
Planet Omar #1-5 (共5本平裝本)
作者:Zanib Mian; Kyan Cheng  出版社:Hodder Childrens Book UK  出版日:2022/07/21 裝訂:平裝
Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet (Book 1) Welcome, readers, to the imaginative brain of Omar! You might not know me yet, but once you open the pages of this book you''ll laugh so hard that snot will come out of your nose (plus you might meet a dragon and a zombie - what more could you want?).My parents decided it would be a good idea to move house AND move me to a new school at the same time. As if I didn''t have a hard enough time staying out of trouble at home, now I''ve also got to try and make new friends. What''s worse, the class bully seems to think I''m the perfect target.At least Eid''s around the corner which means a feast (YAY) and presents (DOUBLE YAY). Well, as long as I can stay in Mum and Dad''s good books long enough...The combination of Zanib Mian''s hilarious text and Nasaya Mafaridik''s fantastic cartoon-style illustrations make the PLANET OMAR series perfect for fans of Tom Gates and Wimpy Kid.Previously publiPlanet Omar: Unexpected Super Spy (Book 2) Omar and
定價:1921 元, 優惠價:75 1440
庫存 > 10
作者:MINNIE DRIVER  出版社:ZAFFRE  出版日:2022/05/12 裝訂:平裝
A beautiful book: funny, honest, revealing, heartfelt and moving' - Adam Kay, bestselling author of This is Going to Hurt''Vital, heartfelt and surprising, these tales from a life are told with humour, style and intelligence.' - Graham Norton'A wonderful memoir by a glorious writer: funny, poignant, profound. I gobbled it up in one joyous sitting.' - Elizabeth Day'An absolute jewel of a book. Gloriously readable, hilarious, painful, acute, sharply recalled and vividly brought to life' - Stephen Fry'A writer of true precision, wit and style... I was comforted, galvanized, touched' - Lena Dunham A dazzling 'tell-most' memoir: poignant and laugh-out-loud funny scenes from the life of actor Minnie Driver.I love stories. I have mostly told other people's but now, in telling my own, I realize how all our stories are connected by that great leveller of acclaim, loss, fortitude, and fortune: being human.When I look at my life from the alleged halfway point, some patterns are revealed: one, tha
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
Yankee Doodle Dandy: George M. Cohan and the Broadway Stage
作者:Elizabeth T. Craft  出版社:OXFORD UNIV PR USA  出版日:2024/05/24 裝訂:精裝
Playwright, composer, actor, director, and producer George M. Cohan looms large in musical theater legend. Remembered today for classic tunes like "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "Give My Regards to Broadway," he has been called "the father of musical comedy," and his statue stands in the heart of the New York theater district. Cohan's early twentieth-century shows and songs captured the spirit of an era when staggering social change gave new urgency to efforts to define Americanism. He was an Irish American who had the audacity to represent himself as the Yankee Doodle emblem of the nation, a vaudevillian who had the nerve to unapologetically climb the ranks and package his lower-brow style as Broadway. In Yankee Doodle Dandy, the first book on Cohan in fifty years, author Elizabeth T. Craft situates Cohan as a central figure of his day. Examining his multifaceted contributions and the various sociocultural identities he came to embody, Craft shows how Cohan and his works indelibly shap
定價:1855 元, 優惠價:1 1855
I Wonder Why Ultimate Collection: 20 Amazing Q&A Books (附書盒)(有音檔QRcode)
作者:Macmillan  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2021/10/29 裝訂:有聲書
兒童科學百科,以對話方式解答孩子對生活周遭的十萬個為什麼。全套20冊,收錄為何要建金字塔、火山為什麼爆發等內容,每本皆附QR-Code音檔,搭配文字、聆聽對話,更容易牢記知識。A collection of twenty titles from our perennially popular I Wonder Why series, with its winning question and answer format and cased in attractive slipcase.This highly popular and long-running series explores the questions that young readers ask about the world around them in an unrivalled child-friendly style. The conversational format is perfect for delivering solid information in a natural, amusing and imaginative way.本套書附書盒,包含以下20本平裝讀本,每本均附音檔QRcode--01- I wonder why camels have humps 為何駱駝有駝峰02- I wonder why caterpillars eat so much 為何毛毛蟲吃這麼多03- I wonder why Columbus crossed the Ocean 為何哥倫布要橫越大西洋04- I wonder why there's a hole in the sky 為何天空中有洞05- I wonder why kangaroos have pouches 為何袋鼠有育兒袋06- I wonder why leaves change colour 為何樹葉會變顏色07- I wonder why mice are musical 為何老鼠是音樂家08- I wonder why my tummy rumbles 為何我的肚子會咕囉咕嚕叫09- I wonder why planes have wings 為何飛機有翅膀10- I wonder why pyramids were
定價:7689 元, 優惠價:17 1250
庫存 > 10
My Style
作者:Matthew David Powell  出版社:Authorhouse  出版日:2009/02/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:1732 元, 優惠價:1 1732
My Style Home Cooking
作者:Rhonda Williams  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2021/08/13 裝訂:精裝
定價:2011 元, 優惠價:1 2011
Stardoll: My Style Diary
出版社:Bantam Children UK  出版日:2011/09/01 裝訂:精裝
Keep track of the fabulous year in fashion with this gorgeous journalNot just a practical diary for keeping track of days, this gorgeous Stardoll journal is designed to help young Stardoll fans keep t
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Don't Cramp My Style
作者:Lisa Rowe Fraustino (EDT)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2004/03/02 裝訂:精裝
Whether your cycle is regular or random, you prefer chocolate or chips, you break out or stay zit-free, your period is an indelible fact of life.... Finally, a book that forgets "Aunt Flow" and "the
定價:558 元, 優惠價:79 441
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