250 Years of Convention and Contention: A History of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1760-2010

250 Years of Convention and Contention: A History of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1760-2010


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The Board of Deputies is one of British Jewry's finest institutions, a representative body, defending Jewish interests, that has enabled a diverse and sometimes fractured community to speak with a collective voice. Raphael Langham's account of the Board's two-and-a-half centuries of history is written with verve and erudition: essential reading for those who seek to understand the complex character of Jewish life in Britain then and now.-Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks

Our Synagogue prides itself in having founded the Board of Deputies and having produced its presidents for over 120 years. Raphael Langham's well researched book tells its story accurately and highlights the many positive things the Board has achieved. Rabbi Abraham Levy OBE Spiritual Head Spanish & Portuguese Synagogues, England

This most welcome and superbly researched book tells a 250-year history in fascinating detail. Every British Jew will want to know just how the community evolved and looked after its interests, during times that were often difficult. Emancipation brought opportunity; waves of immigration brought challenges; through good times and bad, the Board of Deputies kept a watching eye, intervening again and again with the powers that be to ensure that Jews were given the rights and respect that their evergrowing contribution to British life deserved Sir Martin Gilbert, Historian

The author has done wonders in condensing the long and event-filled history of the Board into a manageable and readable narrative which will introduce the Board to many who are unaware of its activities and strengthen the appreciation of the Anglo-Jewish community for the wonderful work it does on their behalf and for the wellbeing of Jews everywhere. Envied worldwide, its parallel in other communities would have disarmed many of the inter-religious and other misunderstandings which plague our globe. Its work in the inter-faith field is something of which it can be very proud. Sir Sigmund Sternberg, KCSG, JP, a long-time member, as well as Patron of the Board of Deputies Charitable Foundation

In November 1760, the leaders of the Bevis Marks synagogue in London established a committee to consider how the synagogue should prepare and issue a loyal address to King George III, who had just ascended the throne. This committee evolved into what we know today as the Board of Deputies, the representative body of Jews in Britain. This is the first comprehensive history of the Board.

The history of the Board is about disputes, controversies, actions, responding to crises, protecting Jewish religious observance, and providing the Jewish community with direction and leadership.

The book relates not only the history of the Board, but also describes the issues and events that involved the Board in both Britain and overseas, such as emancipation, Sunday trading, marriage and divorce laws, combating antisemitism and fascism, pogroms in Russia, the rise of Zionism, the Holocaust and Israel.

The book concludes by looking back over the last 250 years thus enabling the reader to answer for himself the question `Has the Board been good for the Jews?'


Raphael Langham is Vice-President of the Jewish Historical Society of England, a member of their Executive Committee, Chairman of their Website Committee and was Honorary Treasurer from 1999 to 2009. After national service he became an actuary and retired sixteen years ago when, as a mature undergraduate, he obtained a first class degree in Jewish History from the Hebrew and Jewish Studies Department of University College London. In 2005 he published a book entitled The Jews in Britain: A Chronology. He has presented three papers to the JHSE in London and at local groups, and has contributed many articles and book reviews to the Newsletter of the JHSE.







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