Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology ─ Memory for Events

Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology ─ Memory for Events


:NT$ 12350 元
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The Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology presents a survey of research and legal opinions from international experts on the rapidly expanding scientific literature addressing the accuracy and limitations of eyewitnesses as a source of evidence for the courts. For the first time, extensive reviews of factors influencing witnesses of all ages—children, adults, and the elderly—are compiled in a single pair of volumes. The disparate research currently being conducted in eyewitness memory in psychology, criminal justice, and legal studies is coherently presented in this work.
Controversial topics such as the use of hypnosis, false and recovered memories, the impact of stress, and the accuracy of psychologically impaired witnesses are expertly examined. Leading eyewitness researchers also discuss the subjects of conversational memory, alibi evidence, witness credibility, facial memory, earwitness testimony, lineup theory, and expert testimony. The impact of witness testimony in court is considered, and each volume concludes with a legal commentary chapter.
The Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology is an invaluable aid to researchers, legal scholars, and practicing lawyers who need access to the most recent research in the field, accompanied by the interpretations and commentary of many of the world’s leading authorities on these topics.


Rod Lindsay is Professor of Psychology, Queen’s University, Canada and Honorary Professor of Psychology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He holds a Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Alberta (1982) and conducts empirical studies on issues in the legal system such as eyewitness reliability, police procedures for obtaining eyewitness evidence, methods of obtaining superior evidence from eyewitnesses, and the effects of eyewitness evidence on jurors. He has published more than 50 articles in social science journals and also has published in law journals.?He has consulted and testified on eyewitness issues in North America, Europe, and Africa (Rwandan War Crimes Tribunal). He has consulted widely on issues of policy concerning eyewitness identification procedures including being a co-author of the National Institute of Justice publication, Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement (1999). He has been extensively involved in training of judges, police, and prosecutors in Canada.?
Dr. Michael Toglia holds the rank of Professor in the Department Psychology at State University of New York at Cortland. Since 2003 he has served as the Executive Director of the international organization the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC). He has over 50 scientific publications, which in addition to this Handbook, include 7 books, most of which are edited volumes devoted to issues on eyewitness memory and testimony. Other editorial experience includes: editor service for 13 journals, a term as Action Editor for the journal Memory, a current appointment on the editorial board for SARMAC's official journal, Applied Cognitive Psychology, and reviewer of NSF grant proposals. Similarly, he recently completed a two-year position as a consultant on a NIH grant concerning false memory in special populations. He has testified and/or consulted in numerous cases involving the suggestibility of memory, been interviewed by several national newspapers, and appeared on Public Television in the documentary, What Jennifer Knew, narrated by Susan Saint-James. He is a Fulbright Senior Specialist as well as a Fellow in Division 3 (Experimental), and Division 41 (Psychology and the Law) of the American Psychological Association.







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