Targeted Molecular Imaging

Targeted Molecular Imaging


:NT$ 13650 元
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Targeted Molecular Imaging covers the development of novel diagnostic approaches that use an imaging probe and agent to noninvasively visualize cellular processes in normal and disease states. It discusses the concept, development, preclinical studies, and, in many cases, translation to the clinic of targeted imaging agents.

The many case studies that form the core of this book deal with the development and translation of non-nuclear probes and radiotracers; other sections address critical topics such as In vitro studies, small animal research, and the application of targeted probes for nuclear, optical and MRI imaging. The chapters use a common format to demonstrate how various investigators approach the comprehensive task of validating a new targeted probe.
Targeted Molecular Imaging is a timely resource for a rapidly advancing field, and addresses:

Various methods of validating a new targeted probe through examples from human studies with imaging of breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases
Basic principles, disease models, imaging studies in animals, imaging in initial human studies, and the application of molecular imaging in pharmacy and drug discovery
In vitro studies, small animal studies, and targeted radiopharmaceuticals

Using these case studies, investigators can generalize and apply the information to their own specific targeted probe. The insights provided by the contributors, experts who have developed these approaches in their own groups, help guide scientists planning to translate imaging agents from the concept stage to clinical application.


Dr. Michael J. Welch is Professor of Radiology, Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Developmental Biology and Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Washington University, St. Louis. He is a recipient of many honors; these include the Paul C. Aebersold Award, the Georg Charles de Hevesy NuclearPioneer Award and the Cassen Prize from the Society of Nuclear Medicine and the St. Louis Award, the Midwest Award and the National Award for Nuclear Chemistry from the American Chemical Society. He has served as President of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and in 1999 was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Welch received a bachelor’s degree from Cambridge University, England and a Ph.D. in Radiochemistry from Queen Mary College, London. His primary research interests involve the development of novel PET agents, particularly targeting cancer and cardiac disease.
Dr. William C. Eckelman is presently Professor of Radiology at UCSD and the president of Molecular Tracer LLC. A pioneer in Tc-99m radiopharmaceutical development, he and colleagues developed the Instant Tc-99m Kit, which became the basis for all subsequent 99mTc radiopharmaceutical kits, and targeted receptor-binding radiotracers for human use for both SPECT and PET, including the first neuroreceptor image in humans. Dr. Eckelman has been the editor-in-chief of Nuclear Medicine and Biology since 1985. He received numerous awards including the Paul C. Aebersold Award, the Institute of Clinical PET Distinguished Scientist Award, the American College of Nuclear Physicians Corporate Achievement Award, the Georg deHevesy Nuclear Pioneer Award, the Great Golden Seal of Padua University in recognition of contributions to Radiopharmaceutical Development and the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences President’s Award.


In Vitro StudiesIn Vitro Approaches to Site-Specific Imaging Agents, Raymond E. GibsonSmall Animal StudiesSmall Animal Tumor Models for Use in Imaging, Cheryl L. MarksAnimal Models in Cardiology, Wengen Chen, Henry Gewirtz, Mark Smith, and Vasken DilsizianImaging Diabetes in Small Animals: Models, Methods, and Targets, Kooresh I. ShoghiRadiopharmacology and RadiopharmacyTargeted Radiopharmaceuticals: Advances in Radiopharmacology and Radiopharmacy, Cathy S. Cutler and Sally W. SchwarzCase Studies on Developing Targeted Non-Nuclear ProbesTargeted Optical Molecular Imaging with Cytate: From Bench Toward Bedside, Yang Liu and Samuel AchilefuMolecular Imaging of P-Selectin with Contrast Ultrasound for the Detection of Recent Tissue Ischemia, Brian Davidson and Jonathan R. LindnerThe Evolution of Magnetic Nanoparticles: From Imaging to Therapy, Yali Li and Jason R. McCarthyCase Studies on Developing Targeted RadiotracersTargeting Prostate Cancer with Small Molecule Inhibitors of Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen, John W. Babich, John L. Joyal, and R. Edward ColemanImaging Infection Based on Expression of Thymidine Kinase, Chetan Bettegowda, Youngjoo Byun, Catherine A. Foss, George Sgouros, Richard F. Ambinder, and Martin G. PomperDesign Criteria for Targeted Molecules: Muscarinic Cholinergic Systems Biology, William C. EckelmanRadioligands for the Vesicular Monoamine Transporter Type 2, Michael R. KilbournRadiopharmaceuticals for Imaging Proliferation, Kenneth A. Krohn, John R. Grierson, Mark Muzi, and Jeffrey L. Schwartz[99mTc]TRODAT: Dopamine Transporter (DAT) Imaging Agent for SPECT, Hank F. Kung and Karl PloesslDevelopment of Radiotracers and Fluorescent Probes for Imaging Sigma-2 Receptors In Vitro and In Vivo, Robert H. MachSteroid Hormone Ligands for the Estrogen Receptor, David A. Mankoff, Jeanne M. Link, and Hannah M. LindenTargeting Norepinephrine Transporters in Cardiac Sympathetic Nerve Terminals, David M. RaffelPET Quantification of Myocardial Metabolism: Challenges and Opportunities, Arun K. Thukkani and Robert J. GroplerDevelopment of Receptor-Avid Peptide Radiotracers for Targeting Human Cancers, Wynn A. Volkert, Thomas P. Quinn, C. Jeffrey Smith, and Timothy J. Hoffman







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