Green Computing ─ Tools and Techniques for Saving Energy, Money, and Resources

Green Computing ─ Tools and Techniques for Saving Energy, Money, and Resources


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Explaining how going green can pay for itself, Green Computing: Tools and Techniques for Saving Energy, Money, and Resources ties the green agenda in IT to the broader corporate agenda in risk management, brand management, and reputation management. Written by a leading author in the IT field, this authoritative reference provides easy access to quotable budget justifications that readers can use to place IT stakeholders on the same page for this new agenda that can save valuable resources and the planet.

Bringing together everything IT professionals need to know about green computing, the book embodies a new philosophy on how to deploy IT devices, software, and services in a way that makes people more effective with fewer resources. It presents helpful tips on how to maximize energy savings as well as how to present information gradually to allow peers and stakeholders to absorb it.

The book’s comprehensive coverage includes various types of hardware and software, including the changes currently happening, underlying trends, products currently on the market, and what to expect—or, in some cases, what organizations should ask for—from suppliers in the future.

On the hardware side, the book considers tablet computers—examining the iPadR and AndroidR-based tablets. On the software side, it examines the general trend toward cloud computing. It provides important examples of this rapidly emerging trend as well as guidance on how to use the cloud to make software available and to store large amounts of data.

Demonstrating the savings and increased business resiliency that can result from green computing, this book offers C-suite executives, senior IT management, project managers, suppliers, and market analysts with the tools required to understand why you need to act, how to act, what to buy, when to do it, and who should act.


Floyd (Bud) E. Smith is one of the most accomplished authors of computing books around—and a green writer and activist as well. Bud has written about technical topics, such as microprocessor programming and video cards; online subjects, including Internet marketing and Web usability; and social media, from Google Plus to Facebook for business. His writing career parallels his work for some of the biggest names in technology. Bud has worked for search engine pioneer AltaVista, Web browser pioneer Netscape, and computing and electronics pioneer Apple, among other technology leaders.

Recently, Bud has focused on environmental concerns. He has become active in the international Transition Towns movement and is a member of the Initiating Committee for Transition San Francisco.

Bud wrote his first book about climate change, Runaway (published by Business and Technical Communication Services [BATCS], in 2008) and has written a book on green roofs. Green Computing gives Bud the opportunity to bring together his two strongest interests: technology and the environment.

Bud’s next book will describe the impact of climate change on the San Francisco Bay Area.







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