Data You Need to Know About China ― Research Report of China Household Finance Survey?012

Data You Need to Know About China ― Research Report of China Household Finance Survey?012


:NT$ 8119 元
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Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has been going through a period of dramatically fast economic development. What is the real life of the Chinese like under China’s continued rapid GDP growth? How rich are the rich and how poor are the poor? This book provides first-hand data on Chinese households’ living standards, which may answer the above questions to some extent. The Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance conducted the first and only nationally representative survey on household finance in China in 2011. Based on the results from the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), this book presents an analysis of the micro-level information on China households’ demographics, housing and financial assets, debt and credit constraints, income and expenditures, social welfare and insurance, intergenerational transfer payments, employment and payment habits. The readers can get a vivid picture of wealth disparity, real estate market developments, social welfare status, household financial behaviors and other economic issues in present-day China. For more information, please visit www. chfsdata. org


Li GanDr. Gan is currently the Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University and the Director of the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. Moreover, he is also a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economics Research. Dr. Gan obtained his bachelor of engineering from Tsinghai University in Beijing, China in 1987 and he studied under the direction of Daniel L. McFadden, the winner of The Nobel Economics Prize 2000, at the University of California in Berkeley, where he achieved his master of science in statistics and PhD in economics in 1998. He started his teaching career at the University of Texas in Austin in 1998, and moved to Texas A&M University in 2005. He has written extensively about household economic behavior. Since 2009, he has initiated and has been directing the China Household Finance Survey, a nationally representative household survey in China. Zhichao YinDr. Yin, full Professor of School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, is the deputy director of the Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance. In addition to his involvement with the academic research and arrangement of CHFS, Dr. Yin is also in charge of the daily administration of CHFS affairs. His research fields include: household finance, banking, and applied microeconomics. Nan JiaDr. Jia, Associate Professor of School of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, is the deputy director of the Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance. She is responsible for designing and organizing the training program, preparing training materials, human resource management and the center's financial affairs. Dr. Jia's research focuses on the fields of household finance, labor economics and applied microeconomics. Shoo XuDr. Xu, Associate Professor of School of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, is the deputy director of the Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance, and he is an expert in questionnaire design, sampling and is responsible for data quality control of CHFS. Dr. CSU’s teaching and research fields are labor economics, applied micro econometrics. Shang MaDr. Ma, lecturer at the School of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, is the supervisor of the academic research team for the CHFS and in charge of report writing and project application at the center. His primary research interests are health economics and labor economics. Lu ZhenDr. Zhen is the Associate Professor of Department of Sociology, Tsinghai University. He is in charge of the translation work for this book. Dr. Zhen’s research fields include: organization theories, economic sociology, and urban sociology.







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