Revisiting the Idea of Vocation ─ Theological Explorations

Revisiting the Idea of Vocation ─ Theological Explorations


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Until recently theologians have been in a deep slumber about the subject of vocations. This volume represents one of the first awakenings in the theological community to this subject. The ten contributors, all theologians at Loyola University Chicago, present original essays that explore vocations, or callings.

There are several things that make this volume unique. As reflected in the diverse approach to the subject, theology is a multi-disciplinary, even inter-disciplinary field. Some of the authors delve into scriptural materials to enlighten readers on the notion of call. Others discuss the mystery of vocation in terms of spirituality, history, doctrine, psychology, or theology. Adding to the volume's uniqueness are essays written from a Jewish and from an Islamic perspective. The breadth and depth of these essays suggest how many splendored this topic is for those who teach students or minister to parishioners, counsel clients or guide directees. The reflections presented here will be useful to them and will restore interest in this long-neglected subject. Although the approaches represented by the essays are many, the calling of each person is to the One God whose holiness is intended for all peoples.

In addition to an introduction by John Haughey, the contents are:

The Three Conversions Embedded in Personal Calling by John C. Haughey, S.J.

The Call of Creation by Camilla Burns

Vocation and Call as Individual and Communal Imperatives: Some Reflections on Judaism by Edward Breuer

"My Food Is To Do The Will of The One Who Sent Me" (John 4:34): Jesus As a Model of Vocation in the Gospel of John by Cam von Wahlde

Islamic Concepts of Vocation by Marcia Hermansen

Vocation and The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola by Paul Harman, S.J.

Trying to Follow a Call: Vocation and Discernment in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress by Mark McIntosh

Protestantism and The Vocation of Higher Education by Daniel Williams

Psychological Dimensions of the Discernment of Vocation by John Neafsey

Listening for a Life's Work: Contemporary Callings to Ministry by Mary Elsbernd

John C. Haughey, S.J., Professor of Religious Ethics at Loyola University Chicago, is the author of numerous books including Housing Heaven's Fire: The Challenge of Holiness (2002), Virtue and Affluence (1997), and Converting Nine to Five: A Spirituality of Daily Work (1994).

Praise for the book:

"Revisiting the Idea of Vocation serves not only as an important compendium for a theology of vocation but also as food for meditation about our own identities in God. Beyond the work we do and satisfaction it brings is the larger question, 'To whom do we belong?' This book is a collection of lively and thoughtful voices to serve as our companions in asking that all-important question."- James Goodman,
Sewanee Theological Review

"A rich and useful variety of approaches to vocational discernment."—J. A. Appleyard, S.J., Vice President for University Mission and Ministry, Boston College

"This volume is important both as an inter-faith reflection on the meaning and discernment of vocation and as an interdisciplinary conversation among educators dedicated to their profession but also to the formation of their students. What unifies the ten essays is the overall intentionality of the original project, a rigorous investigation into the history and development of the notion of call and an honest self-appraisal about how call has worked throughout the personal and professional lives of the ten essayists. The volume explores important issues and concerns in the moral and spiritual development of young adults. Even more impressively, it challenges those of us committed to the mission of religiously







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