Couch Potato Politics ― Why America Is Screwed Up and Why It's Our Own Damn Fault

Couch Potato Politics ― Why America Is Screwed Up and Why It's Our Own Damn Fault


:NT$ 808 元
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If you got as far as looking at this synopsis, than I gather that you liked the title...or the cover...or maybe you're just a fan of donkeys or elephants - whatever floats your boat. But if you're looking for a good book on American politics, government an its society at-large, you came to the right place. Of course, there's no way for me to write that without sounding self-serving, but what do you want from me...I'm the author.Now I'm not going to BS you here. I don't have all the answers. Nobody can fix the United States by tomorrow. And taxes will always be due on the 15th of April. What I can offer you (and I think it should be clear by now) is that I, Mark A. Prior, am going talk with you in this book and not at you. I'm no political scholar/wunderkind. I'm not going to throw a lot of political fancy-talk at you. And in all of my research for this book, I made an effort to do away with a lot of political jargon and explain things in lay term. There's some humor here and there; after all, we're talking about the U.S. government - kinda hard not to find something laughable. I also threw quite a bit of proper grammar out the window because, really, nobody talks in "proper sentences" anymore - IMHO. But overall, my approach is that I thought it important for everyone to take a step back, breathe deep and look at the issues with a fresh perspective.So yeah, there are a lot of problems with the democratic processes in the United States of America. And it's my contention that the real cause of things getting so bad is the abundance of voter apathy. We vote, sure, but nobody takes the time to really educate themselves on the issues or even police those who are making campaign contributions to our elected officials. This is what has left the door open for special interest groups and unscrupulous political operators to dictate the course of our country.America has become a nation of political couch potatoes and that's what's screwing us up!However...I have “rediscovered” a solution to America’s problems. And while the fix isn’t easy, it is easier than you might think.







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