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Passage 1
Mammoth Extinction
Mammoth, the mon name for several extinct species of the elephant family, had long, curved tusks which grew to approximately m (about 10.5ft.) in length, and a prominent hump on the back. The first mammoths appeared in Africa during the early Pliocene Epoch, almost 5 million years ago. The first North American mammoths migrated across the Bering Strait from Asia into Alaska during a period of low sea levels nearly 2 million years ago. By the beginning of the Pleistocene Epoch, about 1.6 million years ago, mammoths inhabited North America, Europe, and Asia. Scientists believe that most mammoths had died out toward the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, about 11,000 years ago. Yet the cause of their extinction remains unsolved.
Some scientists hold the proposal that the mammoths’ extinction were triggered by climatic change. During the Late Pleistocene, the environment of the northern territories of Eurasia, (ranging from Western Europe to Alaska,) was generally open, tending toward steppe-like. It is known as the Mammoth Steppe, an ecosystem remarkable for its unusual bination of mammal species. The Mammoth Steppe was very productive and characterized by very diverse flora and fauna, with a large variety in species. It would have sustained mammalian herds all year round. Yet as the pla warmed during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, a drastic rearrangement of its floral and faunal ponents occurred which led to a marked change in the distribution of species. The steppes there gave way to silt, dust, and ice-based tundra landscapes, dominated in some places by forests and in others by mosses. As the ecosystem of the Mammoth Steppe collapsed and was replaced by the modern tundra and steppe belts of Eurasia, mammoth became extinct after having survived many climatic changes during several hundreds of thousands of years.
However, other researchers tend to form a different theory. They believe the Clovis people, who were big-game hunters, could help explain an unsolved puzzle of the Americas in the late Pleistocene: the catastrophic extinction of dozens of species of large animals. Across the Americas, millions of large animals disappeared, including the mammoth. These extinctions were thought to coincidewith the arrival of Clovis groups, a chronological coincidence that led University of Arizona ecologist Paul Martin to propose the hypothesis of Pleistocene overkill, as the Pleistocene-Holocene transition is also the period during which humans spread into Northern Siberia and crossed Beringia on their journey to America. This hypothesis, first put forward in 1967, contends that the Clovis big-game hunters caused the extinctions. Martin suggested that overkill was especially likely—even inevitable—if Clovis groups were the first Americans. These giant animals, if they had never faced human hunters before, would have been especially vulnerable prey to this new, dangerous, two-legged predator.
Over time, however, it became clear that the Pleistocene overkill hypothesis was not strongly supported by the archaeological record. Archaeologists have yet to document a single Clovis sloth kill, horse kill, camel kill, or a kill of any of the other several dozen mega faunal species. Whatever caused the extinction of these animals, it was not human hunting. Currently, the extinction remains a puzzle.
1.All of the following are mentioned in Paragraph 2 as contributing to the extinction of
Mammoth EXCEPT .
A. the atmosphere generally warmed up
B. the disappearance of their natural habitat
C. the human invasion into Northern Siberia
D. the violent rearrangement of Mammoth Steppes fl oral and faunal position
2. According to Paragraph 4, why was the overkill hypothesis weakly supported
A. Scientists are more inclined to adopt the climatic change hypothesis.
B. Apart from mammoth, other several dozen megafaunal species also died out.
C. The archaeologists cannot find any evidence on the Clovis killing of other animals to support the mammoth overkill hypothesis.
D. The time of mammoth extinction doesn’t agree with that of the Clovis settlement.


extinct collapse archaeological drastic territory sustain document hypothesis catastrophic trigger vulnerable migrate inevitable
1. The fossil consists of a plete skull of an archaeocyte, an group of ancestors of modern cetaceans.(OG:The Origins of Cetaceans)
2. In addition, there were other immigrants who west in search of new homes, material success, and better lives.(TPO-20:Westward Migration)
3. Nomadism has further consequences. It means that pastoralist societies occupy and can influence very large .(TPO-14:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia)
4. Moreover, our humanness must be through social interaction—and fairly constantly so.(TPO-13:Types of Social Groups)
5. The late Cretaceous extinction of the dinosaurs and ammonoids was just one of the more in a whole series of such recurrent extinction episodes.(TPO-15:Mass Extinction




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