The Psychology of Doping in Sport

The Psychology of Doping in Sport


:NT$ 8700 元
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This is the first book to draw together cutting-edge research on the psychological processes underlying doping use in sport and exercise, thereby filling an important gap in our understanding of this centrally important issue in contemporary sport. Covering diverse areas of psychology such as social cognition, automatic and controlled processes, moral decision-making, and societal and contextual influence on behaviour, the book also explores methodological considerations surrounding doping assessment in psychological research as well as future directions for evidence-based preventive interventions and anti-doping education.

Written by a team of leading international researchers from countries including the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, Greece, Germany, Italy, Denmark and Ireland, the book integrates empirical findings with theoretical guidance for future psychological research on doping, and illuminates the challenges, needs and priorities in contemporary doping prevention. It is important reading for advanced students and researchers in sport and exercise science, sport management and sport policy, and will open up new perspectives for professional coaches, sports administrators, policy makers and sport medicine specialists looking to better understand the doping behaviours of athletes in sport.


Vassilis Barkoukis is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in Physical Education in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His research interests involve the application of social cognitive approaches in physical education, physical activity and sports. He has authored several articles and book chapters on the psychological processes underlying doping use. He has participated in several international research projects on doping funded by the WADA, EU and other funding bodies

Lambros Lazuras is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, and a research associate in the Department of Social and Developmental Psychology at ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome. His research is focused on the social cognitive predictors of substance use and health-related behaviours. He has authored research articles, books, and chapters in edited books about doping use, and participated in several research projects about doping, funded by the World Anti-doping Agency, and the European Commission

Haralambos Tsorbatzoudis is a Professor of Applied Sport Psychology in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His research interests focuses on the applications of social cognitive theories in sport and physical education. He has authored more than 100 articles in sport psychology, physical education and physical activity and has authored, translated and edited approximately 10 books relevant to psychology, education, research methods and sport science in Greek. He served as principal investigator in three WADA funded projects







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