Transient Control of Gasoline Engines

Transient Control of Gasoline Engines


:NT$ 9300 元
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Car electronics and digital processing technology has been used to improve efficiency and performance of engines for decades, yet the main focus is still on static or pseudo-static mode, but the engines loaded in the road vehicles are not operated always at static mode.As outcome of many years joint research of the authors with automotive industry, this book explains how to describe the behavior of engine dynamics operated at transient mode as a dynamical system, and by using advanced control theory to design a real-time control strategy to improve the efficiency and emission performance.


Tielong Shen received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Sophia University, Japan. From April 1992, he has been a faculty member of the Chair of Control Engineering in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sophia University, where he currently serves as full Professor. Since 2005, he is also served concurrently as "Luojia Xuezhe" Chair Professor of Wuhan University, China. His research interests include control theory and applications in mechanical systems, powertrain and automotive systems. He authored and coauthored more than 160 journal papers and nine books. He is now serving as a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Automotive Control and IFAC Technical Committee on Automotive Control.

Jiangyan Zhang received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, China, in 2005 and 2008, respectively, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan in 2011. From April of 2011 to March of 2013, she was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at SHEN Laboratory of Sophia University, and currently is an assistant professor with the College of Electromechanical and Information Engineering of Dalian Nationalities University at Dalian, China. Her research interests are mainly in nonlinear dynamical control theory and application to the automotive powertrain systems.

Xiaohong Jiao received a PhD in mechanical engineering from Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2004. She is a professor with the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, China. Her current research interests include robust adaptive control of nonlinear systems and time-delay systems and applications to hybrid distributed generation systems and automotive powertrain.

Mingxin Kang received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Sophia University in 2015. For the past three years, he applied himself to the studies of engine transient control and real-time optimization control theory. His main contributions include the transient control scheme development for the engine-in-the-loop simulation system, and nonlinear receding horizon optimal control for gasoline engine control system. He currently serves as a post-doctor in Sophia University. His current research interests lie in the areas of automotive energy optimization and nonlinear optimal control for engine system.

Junichi Kako received the B.E. degree from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan. He joined Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan in 1989. He worked on various aspects of automotive powertrain control. From 1989 to 1994, he took part in the team for the development of Laboratory Automation (LA) system, Engineering Office Automation (EOD) system, and embedded system of powertrain control. During 1995-2001, he focused on the engine control systems in Powertrain Management Engineering Division. In 2002, he was with Future Project Division in which he was responsible for the R&D of model-based engine control system. Currently, he is developing engine control systems in the Advanced Engine Management System Development Division, Toyota Motor Corporation.

Akira Ohata graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1973 and directly joined Toyota Motor Corporation. He was involved in exhaust gas emission controls, intake and exhaust system developments including variable intake systems, hybrid vehicle control system, vehicle controls, Model-Based Development (MBD), and the education of advanced control theory at Toyota. He has the standardization activity in Object Management Group (OMG) assuring dependability of consumer devices. His current major interest is modeling that includes model simplification and the integration of physical and empirical models. He is a senior general manager of Toyota Motor Corporation, a vice chair of IFAC TC7.1 (automotive control), a research fellow of Information Technology Agency (IPA) under the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, and the chair of technical committee on plant modeling of SICE (Society of Instrument and Control Engineers). He received the most outstanding paper award in convergence 2004 and technical contribution award from JSAE.







定價:100 9300
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