The Sexual and Gender Politics of Sport Mega-Events ─ Roving Colonialism
出版社:Routledge UK
作者: The International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS)
規格:23.5cm*15.9cm*1.3cm (高/寬/厚)
This interrogative and challenging study examines gender and sexuality in relation to race and colonialism in sport. Built around six case studies in postcolonial and settler colonial contexts - the Vancouver Olympics, London Olympics, Sochi Olympics, Rio World Cup and Olympics, Israeli gay sport and Egyptian soccer ultras - the book begins by addressing racism and colonialism within gay and lesbian politics in sport. Three case studies illustrate ‘homonationalism’ in sport, where the inclusion of gays and lesbians is closely aligned to the interests of the colonial nation-states, neoliberalism and white supremacy. It offers a counter-narrative to the view that gay and lesbian inclusion in global sporting events necessarily promotes global peace and international development.
The second part of the book explores how indigenous and anti-colonial protests against mega-sport events might lead to a different understanding of gender and sexuality issues in sport. It argues for a queer politics of solidarity with indigenous and anti-colonial movements, to ‘decolonize’ the neoliberal politics of LGBT rights and inclusion in sport.
Theoretically sophisticated and empirically grounded, Decolonizing Gender and Sexuality in Sportdraws together some vitally important threads in the contemporary, critical study of sport to illuminate our understanding of the relationship between sport and wider society. It’s fascinating reading for any student or researcher with an interest in the sociology of sport, Olympic studies, gender and sexuality studies, postcolonial studies, indigenous studies or the politics of race and inclusion.
Heather Sykes is an Associate Professor of Physical Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, Canada. Her research interests focus on issues of sexuality in physical education and sport, through the lenses of post-structural, queer and feminist theories.