Air and Environmental Quality in Livestock and Agricultural Buildings

Air and Environmental Quality in Livestock and Agricultural Buildings


:NT$ 13200 元
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Good housing environment that promotes high production efficiency, excellent health and optimal welfare for different livestock species is an essential aspect of sustainable animal production. This book is written for all those who are involved in managing the production efficiency, health and welfare conditions of housed livestock on commercial farms, including farm workers, animal scientists, veterinarians, agricultural engineers and students. The appropriate management of livestock buildings is an ever improving professional endeavour and this book is set out to review the ‘current best practice management’ in relation to air quality management of livestock buildings that have to be managed correctly to generate environmental conditions that will enhance the production efficiency, health and welfare of livestock, the health of farm workers and people living near farming operations. Contributions to this book are from highly respected specialists from around the world. All key areas of air quality management are reviewed in this book, including sources of pollution, measurement techniques, effects of airborne pollutants and abatement methods. Issues such as the control of emissions, role of hygiene, maintenance of optimal air quality, the management of aerial environment as well as the use of modern technological tools in aid building management will be discussed in this publication. This book will provide a unique forum for leading international experts to convey up-to-date information to professionals involved in modern animal production.


Thomas Banhazi is?Associate Professor?at the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia. He is currently a Lecturer and Principal Scientist at USQ responsible for the delivery of a number of agriculture related courses in addition to supervising a large number of post-graduate students. Thomas has published in excess of 200 book chapters, journal and international conference papers, in addition to the large number of scientific reports, extension articles and seminar papers.

Andres Aland is Associate Professor and Lecturer in Animal Health at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia. This involves both teaching and scientific activities in the Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences and Population Medicine. He is the principal teacher of the course ‘Animal Hygiene’ for both the Estonian and English study groups. He is also engaged in teaching various other animal health and welfare related courses in both languages.?Andres has supervised a number of post-graduate students and published a large number of book chapters, journal and international conference papers.

Jorg Hartung is?Full Professor for Animal Hygiene, Welfare Science and Husbandry at the?University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover, Germany, and served for 20 years as director of the Institute for Animal Hygiene, Animal Welfare and Farm Animal Behaviour at the same university. He is currently an Emeritus Professor and still actively involved in research and student supervision. His extensive academic experiences include 40 years of teaching veterinary medicine.







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