Your Life, My Story

Your Life, My Story


:NT$ 768 元
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For as long as I can remember, I have been exposed to pornography. The older I got, the more exposure I was introduced to. I was very young when it began, and the seed that was planted continued to grow, even into my adulthood. The same schemes that were played on me, I played on men. I became addicted to sex at a young age because I thought it meant "I love you." Women oftentimes look for love from other men, if not older men, because they didn't get the love and affection from their natural father. Daddy's little girl is a powerful statement! Father's should be an example of the type of men that they want their little girls to marry. Daddies are a little girl's first boyfriend, their first date, their first kiss, and first provider. When daughters grow up without an example, they fall for the first man that gives them attention even if it's unhealthy. Mother's are examples as well. If the natural father isn't involved with the daughter, be wise about the man that you do bring into your daughter's life. Be sure that he is the example that you would want her to pattern her choice after.

Introduce your daughter to the one true Father, God Almighty, who is the author of love. He is love! I allowed God to help me forgive all who wronged me, and forgiveness set me free. Without the renewing of my mind I would still be bound with anger and unforgiveness. God thoroughly washed and cleansed me and now I am able to love unconditionally. "Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for lover covers a multitude of sins" (1 Pet. 4:8).


I am a mother of two, one son and one daughter, whom I am very protective over. I have six sisters and one brother. All from the same parents, which is a blessing. We are very close. I am a TA at an elementary school, where I work with children with behavioral disorders. I enjoy this position because I can relate to some of their anger and frustration because of the dysfunctional home that I grew up in. I am currently studying to be an educator. I am also a motivational speaker for women. I help empower them and motivate them to be overcomers of their past and encourage them to flourish in their future. It's never too late to go back to school, get married, or start a business, because the Bible says that our latter shall be greater.

My goal is to open a clothing boutique for young girls called "A Heart to Give" where they can come and get new and gently used clothes for school and special occasions such as prom, graduation, father and daughter dances and other school activities, all for free. I want to give back to the community where I grew up to support young girls so they don't make the same mistakes as I did just to survive.







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