pandemic: The Great Influenza Since 1918 Tracking Contagions, From Cholera To Ebola Until The Viruses Of Our Days.

pandemic: The Great Influenza Since 1918 Tracking Contagions, From Cholera To Ebola Until The Viruses Of Our Days.


:NT$ 697 元


Are you looking for a complete guide on pandemic diseases? Then keep reading...

Pandemics are large-scale infectious disease outbreaks, which can significantly increase morbidity and death across a wide geographical area and cause major economic, social, and political disruption. Evidence suggests that over the past century, the risk of pandemics increased with increasing global travel and migration, urbanization, land-use changes, and greater natural-environment exploitation. Such patterns are expected to continue and increase. Critical policy emphasis has been on recognizing and reducing emerging pandemics and increasing and maintaining investment to develop readiness and health capacity. In planning for the consequences of pandemics, the international community has made progress and mitigation. The 2003 severe pandemic of ASRS and the increasing concern about the danger of avian influenza have led many countries to formulate pandemic plans.

The World Health Assembly's delayed notification of early SRS cases has also brought the IHR update to oblige all member states of the World Health Organization to comply with common standards of identification and report on ASRS. Throughout the 2009 influenza pandemic, the system introduced with the new IHR enabled a more organized global response. International donors have also begun to invest in enhancing readiness through improved standards and health capacity-building support. The book focuses on INFLUENZA, its symptoms, and the diagnosis and self-quarantine of the recovery program. INFLUENZA is actually the family of viruses that cause cold and extreme illnesses, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-Cove). The zoonotic INFLUENZAes are transmitted from animals to humans. Clinical studies have shown that SARS-Cove is passed from civet cats to people and MERS-Cove from dromedaries to humans. INFLUENZAes control the distribution of other known INFLUENZAes in animals that have not yet infected human beings. The seventh known to impact humans, INFLUENZA, was called a new INFLUENZA.

The latest INFLUENZA epidemic was declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization in Wuhan, China. Infections such as fever, breathing problems, and coughing are typical symptoms of INFLUENZA. Pneumonia, multiple organ failures and death may be caused. The INFLUENZA incubation time is projected to be between 1 and 14 days. Before symptoms appear, it is infectious. Asymptomatic patients may also be infected, which means that, given the infection in their bodies, no symptoms are shown. The seventh known to impact humans, was called INFLUENZA. Efforts have been disastrous for the management of the outbreak in China, with around 20 cities facing travel restriction affecting at least 60 million people. Then twelve countries evacuated residents of their Wuhan, while others prohibited entry for Chinese citizens. Various aviation from and to China have been suspended. As such, this book discusses the following:

  • Great influenza 1918
  • The pestilence: the black death
  • Contagions from Ebola
  • What exactly is a pandemic?
  • Latest virus: influenza?
  • How can influenza spread and infect other people
  • Guide: medical precautions for influenza
  • How to treat infections and viruses
  • Myths and misconceptions about viruses
  • When will we know if the influenza is a global pandemic?
  • Guidelines on prevention and control of influenza
  • What's the truth about common rumors?
  • If you get sick
  • Preventive behavior







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