Mighty Porus and Alexander The Great: The Clash of Two Giants

Mighty Porus and Alexander The Great: The Clash of Two Giants


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The life-story of this great conqueror in this book begins with a lecture of Chanakya. During the time of Alexander's invasion of India, Chanakya was a teacher in Takshashila, a very famous world class university of those days. Aristotle, the Greek thinker-philosopher molded and groomed Alexander, the Prince of Macedonia similarly Chanakya, a guru, a master of art of living par excellence taught, molded, groomed Chandragupta Maurya, a common boy and installed him as Emperor of India. Chanakya is the epitome of timeless Hindu wisdom. This piece of speech of Chanakya that you will find in this book in the very beginning is nowhere documented in any history book. The writer has written this speech imagining that 2500 years back in Takshashila university in India Chanakya could be possibly teaching something of this nature to his students. An e-book titled 'Chanakya' - 'The Epitome of Timeless Hindu Wisdom' written by this author is also available here on Amazon which would be very helpful to know more about the life of Chanakya. Alexander, in order to conquer the world invaded Persia, fought brutal battles against the vast army of a giant empire like Persia, defeated it by his small army and captured entire Persia. His conquest continued further from Persia till the border regions of India. So to give a depth to the structure of the life story of this brilliant, brave Greek warrior his story begins with the piece of speech by Chanakya, the Indian Guru. The reader this way gets connected with the Indian, Persian and Greek culture and history which makes the story more interesting. It broadens the cultural overview of the reader.Accordingly an account of the Greek life and culture that you will find in this book is very intriguing. All about the early life of the Prince of Macedonia, Alexander - his primary education and training by the best teachers of Macedonia, then the time he spent with Aristotle at Stagira who groomed him to be a Man with a difference, an able leader, and a King. Then about the tough challenges he faced at a very young age, his struggles, fights, battles, conflicts and his victories and then after all how he emerged as an unchallenged King of entire Greece. The account of Alexander's meeting with Diogenes, a Greek mystic is very educative. The Greek warrior's inspiring skill of management of manpower, his self-esteem and his confidence when he set off for his conquest of Persia.Some mind enriching facts that we come across and learn from the life story of this Greek conqueror is: To advance with incredible high speed and then turn all the calculations of the enemy wrong and futile. King Phillip fulfilled his ambitions of winning the battles and expanding his kingdom by implementing this innovative ides. Alexander too subdued all the city-states of his native land with the help of the same strategy and then conquered entire Greece. So valuable is this idea that even in present times speed happens to be a very crucial component of the strategy of fighting a decisive war. The more speedier jet planes, missiles and firepower you have the stronger you are. To attack with a speed that the enemy would never have expected and then turn all his preparations insufficient. High achievers and victorious people are a result of such innovative ideas generated in their fertile brains.Phalanx was another such innovation of the Greeks. The battle formation of the Greek militia of the front rows with long Phalanx in their arms when they launched an severe attack on the enemy at the opposite end literally made the enemy incapable of any resistance.As against the speed and the Phalanx of the Greeks the Indians had their bow and the arrow. The bow used to be of the height of a human. The bow was upholstered with cow skin for a firm grip. There are plenty of many such interesting things in this book which will help you connect with the roots and enlighten you. Wish you a happy fruitful reading.







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