Wake Us From Our Slumber: God Wants To Awaken Us From Our Deep Sleep

Wake Us From Our Slumber: God Wants To Awaken Us From Our Deep Sleep


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All life on this planet is special and unique, especially babies. Even though some babies are very cute and adorable there are some babies that don't look very nice. How can a person tell another person that their baby is ugly? I mean that wouldn't be very nice would it?With reference to our world's religious systems, they are all ugly babies. But how can you tell someone who thinks they know so much about God that their faith in him is so far off that all they have is one BIG ugly baby. Jesus dealt with this concerning the religious leaders of his day. He called them on their hypocrisy and they killed him for telling them the truth. Their ugly belief in God caused them to miss what Jesus was trying to say to them. They were steeped in tradition and lies and when confronted they became furious with him. Like Jesus, God has called me as a prophet to call humanity back to the basics. The basics of having a true and genuine relationship with our Father in Heaven. Where it gets really ugly is when we think a church, mosque, or synagogue service can suffice for a relationship with the Father. There is so much talk about corporate, corporate prayer, corporate fellowship, corporate learning, yet all these things are vain attempts to satisfy a deep need that can never be met by our world's religious systems. Humanity has been in deep darkness since the beginning of time. After the fall, people did what they thought was right in their own eyes and tried to serve God the Father on their terms. It doesn't work that way. You can't just go out and do something for God and ask Him to bless it when he never wanted you to do it in the first place, or at the very least, not at this time. That's the problem with this planet, we have people rushing here and there with all their plans, projects, and ministries and all it boils down to is Much Ado About Nothing. It's been this way for thousands of years. You can't access God's Holy Kingdom by throwing thousands of dollars into the offering plate. Nor can you get there by chanting pithy slogans or speaking to your empty wallet, "Money cometh to you." There is a place for abundance in God, but that is not the way to achieve it. Empty people with empty words, "Yeah, I'm there for you brother..." And when calamity hits they are nowhere to be seen. Why is this? It's because we have never been grounded, our lives have no foundation. We have never been made disciples by anyone because no one knows anything or how to disciple another person.We do NOT need another revival on this planet, we need an awakening. And that is what this book is all about. You need to be awakened to the reality that regardless if we call ourselves a Christian, Mulsim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, or anything else we have been worshipping God in vain. With all of our 'spiritual' songs, our lengthy messages, our Bible studies, and various ministries, this world is still growing darker by the minute and none of the world's religions can do anything about it. Religion is an exercise in vanity. When I was in the Church and Messianic Judaism I never had any money because I gave it all away to the congregational leaders and I gave a lot of money to them. I never had much money but they seemed to be doing very well. When I came off the hamster wheel in 2013 I was broke, I knew nothing about anything, and I had nothing to my name. These past eight years have been very different for me. God has opened my eyes to the reality of who he really is, and what he wants to do through me on this earth. The Father loves humanity and has a great desire to see everyone happy and enjoying an abundant life. That will never happen while you are attending a religious institution. All He is looking for is people who will listen to him and do what he asks. This isn't rocket science and it starts with an awakening. He will do that if you are willing to go through this book and do what he asks of you, It's that simple. God bless you. Paul







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