The Last Chapter: Understanding Where We Go When We Die

The Last Chapter: Understanding Where We Go When We Die


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Something happened to me in 2011. It was a result of an agonizing sifting from spirits of fear that paralyzed me for twenty-nine hours. It started on December 4, 2010, and the fear was so bad that after twenty-nine hours I called 911 and spent three weeks in the hospital. On December 25, 2010, I sat down with God and made him three promises: 1) I would read his word every day. 2) I would pray to him every day. 3) I would fellowship with him every day. After six months I was spending five hours an evening with my Father in Heaven. By August of 2011, God started to communicate with me in what the Bible calls the still small voice of God.Over the past ten years, God has been revealing more and more of himself to me. He is not this heavy-handed ogre that some people think him to be. I am not talking about Jesus here; I am talking about Jesus' father, our Father in Heaven. Many view him as some kind of monster from the First (Old) Testament who loved to kill everybody. Stay away from him, he is too mean. Just love Jesus, never mind the Father. It is this person, my Father in Heaven who has molded and shaped me into the man I am today. He is so kind, humble, benevolent, wise, strong, compassionate, loving, considerate, respectful and another thing - he loves to dance with his children. It is the Father who is responsible for this book you are going to read. It is a short book, with only four chapters, and an introduction but the information contained in its pages is liberating. People do not know what our Father in Heaven is really like. If I shared with you all that he has shared with me, you would be like the Pharisees of Jesus day, you would want me dead. Jesus came to show the people what the Father was like, but instead of falling in love with the Father, we fell in love with religion. Jesus said he only did what the Father showed him. He did nothing on his own, just what he saw the Father doing. That is the place that the Father has brought me to. I no longer desire to do my will, but only what the Father wants me to do.As I have grown into this new stage of my life, I have offended many people. Not because I was mean to them, but because I told them the truth, not my truth, but God's truth. You be the judge of what is written here. If it resonates with you that is great, if not, we will have to agree to disagree. Jesus did not have that luxury; they killed him. Try to keep an open mind. You do not know anything about me and the trials I have been through, but I can attest to the kindness and goodness of God the Father. For without him, I would be dead.This book will explain one of the three places we will go to after we die. The text verse for this book comes from the last chapter of the Bible, the Book of Revelation. We will discover where we went wrong, where to invest our time and effort, we will examine that undiscovered scripture from the last chapter of the Bible. By the end of the book, you should be able to breathe a sigh of relief. God the Father is totally different from the way he is depicted by the world's three major religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. If you can understand this one thing, we are all in darkness, every one of us. As the scripture says, 'darkness covers the earth and deep darkness the peoples.' We have all been in darkness and that is where most of us reside. Until the Father awakens us we will never know the truth. I don't care about opinions, perceptions, or anything else. All I am after is the truth. You will find the truth in this book and it may go against every fiber in your being. I stopped peddling religion eight years ago and since then the Father has blessed me abundantly. He told me that he wants to bless me with even more. When I asked him why, he said, "Paul, I know you have a lot but I want to bless you with even more because I want to show the world what it looks like to be obedient to me." It's God's will or bust God bless you.







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