Aging Easy

Aging Easy


:NT$ 600 元
可得紅利積點:18 點


People often ask, "Why Seniors?" My response is always the same, "Why NOT Seniors?" I have always had an unwavering desire to serve and protect the elderly. Even as a child, when given the opportunity to choose, my choice was always to be in the company of the "older folk". I have found their wisdom and conversation to be priceless.
For Seniors, living independently during their golden years can be an enjoyable and rewarding time of life. Most desire to maintain their dignity, quality of life, and independence while living at home. Sounds simple enough. However, what I have found to be true, both professionally and personally, is that things aren't always so simple.
As a very young adult, I can recall experiencing the loss of my maternal great-grandmother. Having not been afforded the knowledge that I currently possess, watching her cognitive decline over a 5-year span was painful. On the day of her funeral, I can still recall feeling as though I'd lost my grandmother several years prior. A better understanding of her diagnosis would have added more quality to the time we shared. Experiencing the loss of my paternal grandmother was another taxing experience. Though her diagnosis did not rob her of her cognitive ability, Cancer certainly took everything else. During this experience, my knowledge base for the situation was greater. Therefore, medical attention, placement, and long-term planning were much easier. Most recently, the loss of my maternal grandfather was a challenge that tugged on every ounce of knowledge, experience, and emotion possible. Within a 7-month period, I watched my grandfather drift from what most called, "The World's Oldest Teenager" to being completely bedridden and dependent on others for care. Heart attack, stroke, cancer, kidney failure, dialysis, feeding tube, tracheostomy, cardiac arrest, and resuscitation were only among the most significant challenges that he endured. Fortunately, my family and I were able to make "informed" decisions to assure that he maintained quality of life.
Working in Senior care for over 20 years, I have been exposed to all aspects. I have consoled weeping widows. I have found placement for seniors who have no family. I have advocated for seniors who were mistreated by family and/or professionals. I have found assistance for seniors that wanted to remain at home but needed a little help. I have helped family to understand that Hospice is actually very beneficial and not death sentence. I have hired good caregivers. I have terminated poor caregivers. I have also provided Psychotherapy for seniors who suffer from depression and anxiety. In short, Seniors and their families experience the same issues as those in other populations. For me, it is a God-given charge that I do all that is within my power to assure that this population is provided with the supports needed to be safe, healthy, and happy.







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