Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 4th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2021, Beijing, China, October 29 - November 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part I

Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 4th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2021, Beijing, China, October 29 - November 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part I


:NT$ 4500 元
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Object Detection, Tracking and Recognition.- High-performance Discriminative Tracking with Target-aware Feature Embeddings.-3D Multi-Object Detection and Tracking with Sparse Stationary LiDAR.- CRNet: Centroid Radiation Network for Temporal Action Localization.- Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization with Segment-Level Labels.- Locality-constrained collaborative representation with multi-resolution dictionary for face recognition.- Fast and Fusion: Real-time Pedestrian Detector Boosted by Body-head Fusion.- STA-GCN: Spatio-Temporal AU Graph Convolution Network for Facial Micro-Expression Recognition.- Attentive Contrast Learning Network for Fine-grained Classification.- Relation-Based Knowledge Distillation for Anomaly Detection.- High Power-efficient and Performance-density FPGA Accelerator for CNN-based Object Detection.- Relation-Guided Actor Attention for Group Activity Recognition.- MVAD-Net: Learning View-Aware and Domain-Invariant Representation for Baggage Re-Identification.- Joint Attention Mechanism for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation.-Foreground Feature Selection and Alignment for Adaptive Object Detection.- Exploring Category-shared and Category-specific Features for Fine-Grained Image Classification.-Deep Mixture of Adversarial Autoencoders Clustering Network.- SA-InterNet: Scale-aware Interaction Network for Joint Crowd Counting and Localization.- Conditioners for Adaptive Regression Tracking.- Attention Template Update Model for Siamese Tracker.- Insight on Attention Modules for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition.- AO-AutoTrack: Anti-Occlusion Real-Time UAV Tracking Based on Spatio-temporal Context.- Two-stage Recognition Algorithm for Untrimmed Converter Steelmaking Flame Video.- Scale-aware Multi-branch Decoder for Salient Object Detection.- Dense End Face Detection Network for Counting Bundled Steel Bars Based on Densely End Face Detection Network for Counting Bundled Steel Bars Based on YoloV5.- POT: A Dataset of Panoramic Object Tracking.- DP-YOLOv5: Computer Vision-Based Risk Behavior Detection in Power Grids.-Distillation-based Multi-Exit Fully Convolutional Network for Visual Tracking.-Handwriting Trajectory Reconstruction using Spatial-Temporal Encoder-Decoder Network.- Scene Semantic Guidance for Object Detection.- Training Person Re-Identification Networks with Transferred Images.- ACFIM: Adaptively Cyclic Feature Information- interaction model for Object Detection.- Research of robust video object tracking algorithm based on Jetson Nano embedded platform.- Classification-IoU Joint Label Assignment For End-to-End Object Detection.- Joint Learning Appearance and Motion Models for Visual Tracking.- ReFlowNet: Revisiting Coarse-to-fine Learning of Optical Flow.- Local Mutual Metric Network for Few-Shot Image Classification.- SimplePose V2: Greedy Offset-Guided Keypoint Grouping for Human Pose Estimation.- Control Variates for Similarity Search.- Pyramid Self-Attention for Semantic Segmentation.- Re-identify Deformable Targets for Visual Tracking.- End-to-End Detection and Recognition of Arithmetic Expressions.- FD-Net: A Fully Dilated Convolutional Network for Historical Document Image Binarization.- Appearance-Motion Fusion Network for Video Anomaly Detection.- Can DNN Detectors Compete against Human Vision in Object Detection Task?.- Group Re-Identification Based on single feature attention learning network(SFALN).- Contrastive Cycle Consistency Learning for Unsupervised Visual Tracking.- Group-Aware Disentangle Learning for Head Pose Estimation.- Facilitating 3D Object Tracking in Point Clouds with Image Semantics and Geometry.- Multi-Criteria Confidence Evaluation for Robust Visual Tracking.







定價:100 4500
若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。



