Compórtate Como Un Animal / Behave Like an Animal

Compórtate Como Un Animal / Behave Like an Animal


:NT$ 628 元
可得紅利積點:18 點


En las organizaciones y en la vida cotidiana las personas pueden llegar a ser como pavos reales, que se inflan y deslumbran con su plumaje para que los vean, los seleccionen y hasta los asciendan; o quedarse como simples pajaritos encerrados en jaulas de oro, que cumplen con sus tareas cotidianas sin dar siquiera un paso m嫳 de lo que les corresponde.

En este libro, inundado de met塻oras, historias y an嶰dotas, Nicol嫳 Reyes hace una maravillosa comparaci鏮 entre el agreste mundo animal, donde la selecci鏮 natural obliga a las especies m嫳 salvajes a atacar, adaptarse y destacarse para subsistir y evolucionar; y las organizaciones, donde empleados y directivos deben encontrar la manera de sobrevivir a la agitada jungla de la vida corporativa y cotidiana. A partir de ese espejo, nos muestra qu?deber燰mos aprender de ciertos animales para fijar la misi鏮 de nuestra vida, hacernos seleccionables y alcanzar con 憖ito nuestros prop鏀itos o los de nuestra compa劖a.

Despu廥 de leer estas p墔inas, usted tendr?claro si quiere ser un tibur鏮, que arrasa con todo a su paso y aterroriza a los peces m嫳 peque隳s; o prefiere ser un ganso, que se pone al frente de la bandada y la gu燰 con destreza, pero sabe cu嫕do cederle a otro el liderato. Desde la publicaci鏮, hace m嫳 de una d嶰ada, de Qui幯 se ha llevado mi queso? o La culpa es de la vaca, no hab燰 vuelto a aparecer un libro tan necesario y il para el mundo de las organizaciones.


This is a book about self-management, about business, about the wonderful and infinite world of animals, from which us humans should learn to become eligible, happy beings, and survive daily life.

Both in business and in everyday life, people may act like peacocks, all pumped up and showing their stunning plumage for everyone to see, so they may be selected and even promoted, or choose to remain simple little birds, locked in gilded cages, complying with their daily tasks without taking one step away from what they are supposed to do.

In this book, flooded with metaphors, stories, and anecdotes, Nicol嫳 Reyes makes a wonderful comparison between the rough animal world, where natural selection forces the wildest of species to attack, adapt, and stand out to thrive and evolve, and organizations where employees and management alike must find a way to survive that hectic jungle of corporate and daily life. Upon that mirror image, Reyes shows us that we should learn from certain animals to set the course of our lives, become eligible, and reach our goals--or our company's goals--successfully.

After reading these pages, you will be clear about whether you want to be a shark, obliterating everything on your path and terrorizing smaller fish, or you would rather be a goose, leading the gaggle, skillfully guiding them, but all the while knowing when to turn leadership over to someone else. Since Who Moved My Cheese? and It's the Cow's Fault were published over a decade ago, we hadn't seen a more necessary and useful book in the corporate world.







定價:100 628



