Paper Targets: Art Can Be Murder

Paper Targets: Art Can Be Murder


:NT$ 518 元
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Based on the true, fringe events of one of the world's largest criminal frauds, Paper Targets tells the story of broken love and criminal greed. Written by a well-known short story writer, this debut novel unpacks big questions about why good people sometimes do very bad things.

Once a drifting runaway, and now a computer hacker involved with organized crime, Enzi falls in love with Kaori, an artist whom he bailed out of jail after she attacked her ex. When Kaori later confesses through her drawings to murder, Enzi starts questioning everything he has ever done. But as Enzi tries to extricate himself from the violent men he has become indebted to, he is pressured to keep "pounding code." While Enzi plans his escape and revenge, he is forced to look inside for answers about his motivations.

"The people I worked with had brought me to the party, but I was weary from listening to technical talk and business stories. When I saw Kaori, I wanted to stand next to her, next to someone I didn't know. So I went over to where she was. She turned and looked at me for a moment and then returned her gaze to the darkness outside. It was the start of September, and outside it was raining. I tried to watch the rain through the darkness. But all I could see - all I was able to pay attention to - was Kaori's reflection. Her eyes were large and dark in the paleness of her face, and she too seemed to be looking at my reflection, looking at me. So, I spoke to her reflection. 'You have paint on your hands, ' I said. 'What have you been making?' She didn't answer. She didn't move. My eyes relaxed, focusing past the window now and into the darkness. I was about to turn, leave the window, and go back to the kitchen or another crowded room. Suddenly she looked directly at me, her face less than two feet from mine, and said rapidly and with a strong accent, 'My boyfriend loves me. I came to Montana for him. For him, I paint '...."

Steve S. Saroff is the author of over 30 short stories traditionally published in Redbook and other national magazines. He started several software companies, two of which he sold to public corporations, and is the host of the popular 'Montana Voice' podcast.

"Paper Targets is a timely and fascinating tale, a great read, and a good story."
- Flooding Island Press

"Steve Saroff is a fine writer."
- Rick Demarinis

"Steve, your stories have poetry in them. They are exceptional. Keep publishing them."
- Richard Hugo







定價:100 518



