B2B Marketing: A Guidebook for the Classroom to the Boardroom

B2B Marketing: A Guidebook for the Classroom to the Boardroom


:NT$ 4639 元
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Part I: Basics and Theories: A Good Base Is Half the Rent.- 1. The Big Picture: Why the Going Gets Tougher!.- 2. The B2B Marketing Ecosystem: Finding Your Way Through the World of Colorful B2B Terms!.- 3. The B2B Marketing Maturity Model: What the Route to the Goal Looks Like!.- 4. MarTech 8000: How to Survive in Jurassic Park of Dazzling Marketing Solutions.- Part II: Practical Concepts and Models: Applied Science from the Experts.- 5. B2B Marketing Strategy: Finding the Needle in the Haystack.- 6. The Marketing Canvas: A Template for Powerful Go to Market Strategies.- 7. To Brand or Not to Brand: An Introduction to B2B Branding.- 8. Marketing Automation: Defining the Organizational Framework.- 9. Marketing Automation: Exploring the Process Model for Implementation.- 10. Successful Lead Management: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now.- 11. Digital Lead Capturing at Trade Fairs: Understanding the Low-Cost Quick Win Generator.- 12. User Experience and Touchpoint Management: A Touchpoint Performance Management Toolkit for the Buyer Journey.- 13. Content Marketing Process: Embrace Art and Science.- 14. Contingency-Centric Content Management: Mastering Content Overload with Smart Content Marketing.- 15. Buyer-Centric Content Approach: Design Thinking to Market to Humans in the B2B World.- 16. From Keywords to Contextual Frameworks: New Take on B2B SEO Enabling Next Level Content.- 17. Strategic Account-Based Marketing: How to Tame This Beast.- 18. Social Media in B2B: The New Kids on the Block.- 19. Social Selling in B2B: How to Get Jump Started.- 20. Corporate Influencing in B2B: Employees as Brand Ambassadors in Social Media.- 21. Digital Marketing in China: How B2B Companies Can Successfully Expand into the Chinese Market.- Part III: Case Studies and Showcases: Applied Success Featuring the Ambitious.- 22. Finding the Right Path: A B2B Marketing Journey SME Showcase.- 23. Digital Transformation in Shipping: The Hapag-Lloyd Story.- 24. Choosing the Right Marketing Automation Platform: A SME Success Story.- 25. How to Improve with a Strategic Lead Management: The Go-to-Market of Innovative Energy Solutions-Case Energy Industry.- 26. Marketing and Sales Excellence: A Practical Showcase for Organisations.- 27. Marketing and Sales Excellence: A Practical Showcase for Organisations.- 28. User Experience and Touchpoint Management: A Case Study for the Mechanical and Engineering Industry.- 29. Sales Channel Management: A Low-Cost Quick Win Showcase for External Salesforce Excellence.- 30. Central Business Intelligence: A Lean Development Process for SMEs.- 31. From Zero to Hero: B2C Practice as Revenue Generator in B2B.- 32. 365 Days B2B Marketing Turnaround: A Fact-Driven, Bullet-Proof Showcase Guide.- Part IV: Closing.- 33. What Did This Guidebook Present, and Where Does It Go from Here?.







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