Marvel (the Word)

Marvel (the Word)


:NT$ 1198 元
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The elegance and ease with which Ellen's poems present themselves is charming, disarming and welcoming. But within their subtlety and lightness there lies great depth and power. Ellen is well worth reading and rereading.

Elle Lytle's beautifully written poems have made a marvelous book.--Michael Graves author of Preparing the Apology

The elegance and ease with which Ellen's poems present themselves is charming, disarming and welcoming. But within their subtlety and lightness there lies great depth and power. Ellen is well worth reading and rereading.--John S Hall, poet and lead vocalist (King Missile)

'exciting when the words set foot uninvited' . . . Ellen Aug Lytle writes. A pot luck dinner party where every random bite is a delicacy: 'a mile high cupcake'/ Her dog, 'an old guy, barking for his walk to the bank, just one biscuit' --Jill Hoffman, founding editor of Mudfish

Ellen Aug Lytle's poetry finds a beautiful depth in our everyday experiences and struggles. She conjures sensuous images, unexpected metaphors that startle us into realizing how extraordinary life is with all its challenge and wonder.--Patricia Lynne Duffy

tough, complicated subject without pretense or pose, gentle, tender . . . not a complicated formula but . . . almost impossibly difficult to maintain . . . been reading Lytle for years . . . have come to expect from her poems a kind of nourishment . . . something . . . for our haunted and wretched lives.--Ron Price

ok, ew Yorkers, ok world! finally, and at last Ellen Lytle has unleashed the full dynamo of her decades in the poetry salt mines.-- Bob Holman

Mysterious in origin and sturdy too, the poems of Ellen Aug Lytle appear like undaunted flowers poking through cracks in the sidewalk . . . the surreal converses with the mundane . . . never forced, never miserly, her poems offer wisdom casually then exit . . . (with) her intrinsic subtlety.-- Susan Scutti

Ellen Aug's poetry recreates the awful claustrophobia of everyday life, cheap little days that count off the secret terrors of our domesticated psyches . . . hysteria hiding inside our outfits . . . these poems are filmic and nerve wracking in the best sense . . . where only poetry can bring us to our knees and occasionally raise us to unimaginable heights.-- William Packard

Her poems move us, bring us back to the 5 and 10 on a Saturday afternoon; they help us remember . . . we are all 'american goods' lively . . . dead or damaged . . . an epitaph for the last 20th century'.-- Michael Andre

this gathering of fictions reflects . . . the memory of time and places with an almost fragrant nostalgia . . . the past looms and surfaces . . . softly, simply, and for all that, ominously . . .' -- Victor Asaro








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