


:NT$ 400 元
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It is now 2033, a Zombie event happened 2 years ago, almost ended with most of the human population, but at this point, we are not scared of the zombies any more, we have methods to control them and live in harmony with them. In this futuristic scenery there is not to many "Alive" or "Not Alive" people, to function as a society, the "Alive" manage to control the "Not Alive" with Zintervention, a Zombie Rehabilitation Program where the "Alive" is trained, provided with special equipment and treatments that helps them to use power over the Zombies.

The "Not Alive" forgot everything when they died, and have to learn all over again, how to talk, communicate and body coordination. Eventually, they learn how to be better zombies and become part of the productive and functional community.

Zombies are domesticated and humans treat them as pets or small children. We take the teeth off them to prevent bites.

We have created artifacts that help us to integrated the "Not Alive" to society, like the "Neuronvice", the "Pumper", the "Smart Suit", we feed them with medicated protein milkZhakes to keep them in relaxation mode, we use future medical advances and practice daily routine of domestic habits.

We also have digital drones everywhere that basically do all the work for us, deliver food and daily basic stuff, helping on personal needs, monitor our activities around the outdoors and the indoors, these drones also have many other multiple functions. There are not no many humans or animals left, "Alive" and "Not Alive" people have no choice but to adapt together.

This story is about the The Fergerson family, this family has 2 zombies: Mom and Adam (the big brother) the "Alive" in the family have another 2 kids; David of 12, Nova of 10, Dad and Grandpa.

Starts how this family deal on daily routine with this particular family members, showing how they get them ready for the day, how they deal with the treatments, get dressed, feed and walk them to Zchool, Adam, the 19 year old zombie has a girlfriend; Tiffany, Adam and Tiffany have a special connection and a beautiful zombie relationship, one day, they decided to run away together and escape from Zchool. Is when this story really begins. This story is based on the connection that these 2 young zombies have, it has to have a strong emphasis on the moments that they have together.

Zintervention is mainly a Love story based on a future event between 2 domesticated teenage zombies from a small isolated countryside village. The adventure that they have together, the flashback memories and the connection with "The Alive'' make the story different and interesting.

Everything is working out perfectly until Gael, an angry and dangerous zombie, manages to escape from the Zzoo, manipulating these young zombies in love; Gael plans a zombie revolution against the "Alive" people. But, is he the bad guy?

An unexpected and twisted turn, where "Not Alive'' is smart enough to fight for this new generation of human story.







定價:100 400



