Verbal Turbulence: The 70/20/10 Rule

Verbal Turbulence: The 70/20/10 Rule


:NT$ 798 元
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When Wendy Watson discovered the 70/20/10 Rule from a coworker, her world transformed in measurable ways. She has since learned how to apply this formula in all areas of her life with successful and rewarding results. It is so adaptable and universal that it can be applied in any environment whether at work, in the home or in your relationship. She strongly believes that trust and faith cannot be built without effective communication.

The 70/20/10 Rule has proven to be a remarkably effective tool for personal growth and transformation. Its methods are designed to empower individuals to take control of their lives and make positive changes. The formula encourages self-reflection and introspection, allowing individuals to gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, it enables people to implement lasting changes in their thoughts, behaviors and habits.

Whether someone is struggling with confidence issues, seeking career guidance, or aiming for personal growth, the self-help formula can provide valuable insights and practical tools. It encourages individuals to cultivate a positive mindset, practice self-care and foster healthy relationships. By integrating these principles into their daily lives, individuals can experience profound transformations and create a sustainable foundation for long-term success and happiness.

"Every once in a while, a book will come along that can change your life. Verbal Turbulence, The 70/20/10 Rule will provide you with great concepts that can lead to self-discovery and give you an immediate opportunity to implement in real time what you have learned. We have all experienced difficult situations in our lives, and we all handle them differently. If you struggle with challenges, big or small, Wendy Watson will take you on a journey that will invariably lead to a positive outcome. You will be particularly impressed with her 5 Steps for Overcoming Trauma: Self Ownership, Self-Awareness, Leadership, Trailblazing and Effective Communication. Wendy's shared life experiences and accrued knowledge will hold your attention as you progress from chapter to chapter. By reading about her own turbulence, you will identify with her rollercoaster life and realize she is here to help others get off that ride." - Robert Raymond Founder & CEO, Achieve Systems

"I love Wendy's transparency. She has grown from her own dysfunctions and has become a prolific person who knows how to get what she wants in life. She shows us how lessons learned can be adapted to anyone at any particular stage of their lives, especially if they want to go further than they ever have." - Beatrice B.

"Verbal Turbulence: The 70/20/10 Rule" is undeniably a must-read for anyone seeking guidance in navigating the complexities of interpersonal relationships and communication. Wendy Watson's book offers a roadmap for overcoming the desire for perfectionism and the challenges that arise from difficult life experiences. By adopting the 70/20/10 rule, readers can transform their approach to communication, leading to more fulfilling and harmonious connections with others." - Laura C.







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