Astrology Book

Astrology Book


:NT$ 1280 元
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There is no point in predicting future, if it cannot be changed!

Predict your future and drive it to your goals!

In few words this was the thinking of the first astrologers: the Babylonians.

Since then, in 3.000 years, we have acquired more and more information, but the aim of this book is exactly that: learn astrology, predict future and use this knowledge to go straight to your goals.

This book aims to give you the essential information to understand astrology and use it!

Astrological signs, as we know them today, were codified by the Babylonians around the 4th century BCE. However, as far back as 3000 BCE in Mesopotamia, predictions were made based on the positions of the Sun, Moon, and the five planets closest to Earth. Astrology and Astronomy were interconnected during that time, with Astronomy forming the foundation of Astrology.
Indeed, the Mesopotamians believed that there is no point in predicting the future if it cannot be changed. After interpreting the signs in the sky, they identified appropriate rituals that allowed them to interact with the Universe, seeking its favor.
What the Mesopotamians believed to be the result of magical rituals, talismans, or even sacrifices align with what I now refer to as the Power of the Mind.
As early as 3,000 years ago, the Babylonians sowed the seeds of what could now be considered the connection between future prediction and the power of the mind to channel or even alter it. I explored this topic in my book "Predictive Astrology and Powerful Mind: How to Use Transits to Create a Wonderful Life."
I go much further; I believe that once a transit is given and understood, this transit (whether positive or challenging) can be manipulated using the force of the mind to bend it towards the scope. It's important to note that at any given moment, there is never just one transit; there are various combinations of transits, and it's possible to manipulate these combinations to one's advantage, maybe simply focusing on good transits and making progress on these sectors of life, slowing down the challenging sectors.
I had fun imagining the planets as if they were inhabitants of Earth today, living in important cities like New York, Venice, and Maui. This interesting exercise of imagination allowed me to illustrate the main characteristics of each planet in a simple and captivating way

"My aim was to explain Astrology in a smart way, connecting it to aspects of our lives: love, money, family, career, and to focus to the impacts that transits have on our lives, making them immediately understandable and even enjoyable to read

But first, you need to know and understand Astrology!

This book aims to condense into a single document the fundamental information and codes of Astrology, to allow you to become acquainted with them, interpret them, and indeed "use" them. Grasping the fundamentals of Astrology is the starting point to effectively engage with the future and create a life that closely aligns with your dreams.







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