Autonomous Vehicles: How Self-Driving Cars Work and What They Mean for Society

Autonomous Vehicles: How Self-Driving Cars Work and What They Mean for Society


:NT$ 520 元
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Do you want to learn more about autonomous vehicles (AVs) and how they will transform the future of mobility and society? Are you curious about the history, technology, applications, impacts, and challenges of AVs? Do you want to understand the social and ethical implications of AVs, such as the safety, efficiency, and accessibility of transportation systems and services, the environment, energy consumption, and emissions, the behavior, preferences, and values of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians, and the responsibility, liability, and trust among various stakeholders, such as manufacturers, operators, users, and regulators? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you!

This book is the ultimate guide to AVs, covering various aspects and dimensions of AVs, such as the history, technology, applications, impacts, and challenges of AVs. It also discusses the policy and regulatory framework for AVs, and how they vary across different regions and jurisdictions, such as local, national, and international levels. It also reviews some of the existing and proposed laws and standards for AVs, and how they address the technical, economic, social, and ethical issues and challenges of AVs, such as vehicle safety, road traffic, data protection, cyber security, and liability.

Here are three convincing reasons why this book will be the best for you:

  • This book is comprehensive and critical, providing you with a holistic and in-depth knowledge of the opportunities and challenges that AVs present for the future of mobility and society, and the need for a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to address them.
  • This book is practical and useful, providing you with key implications and recommendations for various stakeholders, such as consumers, manufacturers, policymakers, and researchers, that will help you make informed and effective decisions and actions regarding AVs.
  • This book is engaging and interactive, providing you with interesting expectations and questions that will stimulate your interest and curiosity for further learning and research on AVs.
By the end of this book, you will have a comprehensive and critical understanding of the various aspects and dimensions of AVs, and you will be able to:
  • Explain the history, technology, applications, impacts, and challenges of AVs
  • Discuss the social and ethical implications of AVs, such as the safety, efficiency, and accessibility of transportation systems and services, the environment, energy consumption, and emissions, the behavior, preferences, and values of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians, and the responsibility, liability, and trust among various stakeholders, such as manufacturers, operators, users, and regulators
  • Examine the policy and regulatory framework for AVs, and how they vary across different regions and jurisdictions, such as local, national, and international levels
  • Review some of the existing and proposed laws and standards for AVs, and how they address the technical, economic, social, and ethical issues and challenges of AVs, such as vehicle safety, road traffic, data protection, cyber security, and liability
  • Apply the best practices and recommendations for designing and implementing effective and inclusive policies and regulations for AVs
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about AVs and how they will transform the future of mobility and society. Order your copy of this book today and get ready to embark on an exciting and enlightening journey with AVs!







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