By Faith: Living a Life of Trust and Assurance in God

By Faith: Living a Life of Trust and Assurance in God


:NT$ 480 元
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"BY FAITH" is a comprehensive exploration of the Christian journey through the lens of faith, offering readers a deep and nuanced understanding of what it means to live a life grounded in trust in God. The book delves into various facets of the Christian faith, providing biblical foundations, practical advice, and inspiring stories that illustrate the transformative power of living by faith.
The Introduction to Faith establishes the definition and importance of faith in the believer's life, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of faith's role in various aspects of life.
From Faith in Creation to Faith in Relationships, these chapters explore faith's implications in creation, salvation, repentance, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, prayer, God's promises, trials, obedience, God's timing, forgiveness, healing, provision, relationships, and the workplace. They illustrate how faith intersects with and enriches every area of life.
The sections from Faith in Finances to Faith and Discipleship discuss the importance of trusting God in financial matters, the role of faith in leadership, the impact of faith on community building, the urgency of sharing faith through evangelism and missions, and the process of growing in faith through discipleship. Each chapter provides biblical insights and practical steps for applying faith to these aspects of life.
The Conclusion: Living by Faith summarizes the journey of faith as a transformative process that shapes the believer's life. It emphasizes the importance of perseverance in faith, offering encouragement to continue living by faith, and highlights the eternal perspective that faith provides.
Throughout the book, "BY FAITH" underscores the centrality of faith in the Christian experience. It encourages readers to cultivate a deep, active faith that not only believes in God's promises but also acts upon them, resulting in a life that is fully surrendered to and directed by God. The book's biblical foundations, such as Hebrews 11:6 and Matthew 28:19-20, serve as touchstones for understanding the necessity and reward of a faith-filled life.
"BY FAITH" is more than just a guide; it is an invitation to embark on a profound journey of faith that promises growth, challenge, and joy. It aims to inspire believers at all stages of their spiritual journey to deepen their faith, live out their convictions, and witness the incredible ways God works in and through those who trust in Him completely.







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