Alexander the Great: Conquest, Ambition, and the Quest for Immortality

Alexander the Great: Conquest, Ambition, and the Quest for Immortality


:NT$ 560 元
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In the annals of history, few figures have commanded the awe and fascination quite like Alexander the Great. His name echoes through the corridors of time, synonymous with conquest, ambition, and a relentless pursuit of glory. But who was the man behind the legend? What drove him to carve out one of the largest empires the world has ever known, spanning from Greece to Egypt, Persia to India?

Step into the pages of this captivating biography, a journey that will transport you back to the tumultuous era of antiquity, where empires rose and fell at the whim of ambitious rulers. From the moment of his birth, Alexander was destined for greatness, born into the royal lineage of Macedon, his legacy etched in the stars. But greatness, as history has shown, comes at a price.
Follow in the footsteps of a young prince thrust onto the stage of history before his time, as he grapples with the weight of his inheritance and the burden of expectation. From his tutelage under the tutelage of the famed philosopher Aristotle to his meteoric rise to power upon the assassination of his father, King Philip II, every step of Alexander's journey is fraught with intrigue and danger.

As he ascends to the throne of Macedon, Alexander's thirst for conquest knows no bounds. With an army at his back and a vision in his heart, he embarks on an epic campaign to conquer the known world, defying the odds and defying the gods themselves. From the shores of Greece to the deserts of Persia, from the heights of Mount Olympus to the banks of the Indus River, his conquests are the stuff of legend, inspiring awe and fear in equal measure.

But behind the glittering facade of empire lies a man tormented by demons both real and imagined. As Alexander's power grows, so too does the paranoia and mistrust that threatens to tear his kingdom apart from within. Betrayal lurks around every corner, and even those closest to him are not immune to the allure of power.

With each victory, the stakes grow higher, and the cost of ambition becomes ever more apparent. As Alexander pushes further eastward, into the unknown realms of India, his empire stretches to its breaking point, straining under the weight of its own hubris. And as he gazes upon the vast expanse of his conquests, he is forced to confront the ultimate question: at what cost, glory?

In this meticulously researched and riveting account, the enigma of Alexander the Great is laid bare, his triumphs and tragedies intertwined in a narrative as gripping as it is enlightening. From his rise to power to his untimely demise, every twist and turn of his epic journey is brought to life with vivid detail and cinematic flair.

Prepare to be captivated, enthralled, and ultimately, transformed by the saga of one of history's most enduring figures. For in the story of Alexander the Great, we find not only the tale of a conqueror, but the story of humanity itself, grappling with the eternal quest for power, glory, and immortality.







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