Becoming Hanuman: The Occult psychological process behind the "yog" of rising to become a superior human.

Becoming Hanuman: The Occult psychological process behind the "yog" of rising to become a superior human.


:NT$ 400 元
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A complete philosophical picture where the humanity is, why it is here and going and how to get unstuck to evolve into a grander future. It is more of a treatise in occult applied psychology. Even if the subject of life and "improvement" looks BS to you, I think all will benefit as we are all after all human. This is one collection I would advise to look into once just for curiosity's sake. This is a collection of what I have been shown by the Cosmos in my quest to get the evolution unstuck from its present state of grounding. All I need to say from the wisdom collected in this lifetime is here in a nutshell.
I say this because all the major religions have had centuries of time to embed many concepts and postulates as truth and the time has come to go further forward into the evolutionary future; a little against the old grain. It is 2 books in one. In the first I bring up the points of lies that we live in. In the second I show how parenting perpetuates the errors and how this can be corrected.
Our external mind is always trying to rationalise and lays itself open to be fooled. In fact intuitively all feel there is a Creative Power at work and the earth, sun moon waters, mountains other creatures are alive due to it. This is the starting point.
The issues arise when the mind tries to work it out all within its mediocre knowledge base but also has a powerful base in the material manifestation (example: a King decides that "Jupiter" is the God running the world and makes the whole population follow it because he says so on pain of death).
I think all problems arise from the basic fact that we do not recognise that there are different perceptions of what is true and real at different levels of awareness and consciousness and each human is at a different level. So when we assume that all humans are at the same level of intelligence, cleverness, cunning and understanding things are definitely going out of balance.
The human mind is basically an ignoramus. It is an informed idiot.
Do you think.... after the way we allow our children to be used, pummeled(raised), trafficked, hurt and killed.....we are really worthy to be allowed to continue living on this planet?
We dont need deep philosophy to understand. We are ignoble as a race. Just because we have collectively decided that we are not does not change reality. It only shows further our deep insincerity to wards life in general.
The life as practiced by humans is too mentalised, intellectualised and structured and supremely instinctive at the same time; not in agreement with itself, totally out of balance with reality; tugged by education, conditioning and instinct without forgetting the original character/nature given to us by Mother nature at birth. We think of one thing, talk of another and act totally in another way. Yet we call ourselves individuals.







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