Far But Present, Thoughts Pleasant: 50 River Beneath 50 Ocean

Far But Present, Thoughts Pleasant: 50 River Beneath 50 Ocean


:NT$ 600 元
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"Far But Present, Thoughts Pleasant" is a poignant collection of poetry penned by the introspective Chandan Malana, where the theme of distance serves as both muse and meditation. Through the delicate interplay of words, Malana explores the multifaceted nature of separation and connection, inviting readers on a profound journey through the landscapes of longing and love.

Within these pages, readers will encounter verses that resonate with the tender ache of farewells, the bittersweet nostalgia of distant memories, and the hopeful yearning for reunion. Each poem is a testament to the enduring power of emotion, transcending physical boundaries to touch the very essence of the human experience.

As readers immerse themselves in the evocative imagery and lyrical cadence of Malana's poetry, they will find themselves drawn into a world where distance becomes a thread weaving through the fabric of existence, binding hearts across vast expanses of time and space. Through the lens of his introspection, Malana reveals that even in the farthest reaches, love and connection remain palpably present in the thoughts that intertwine our lives.

"Far But Present, Thoughts Pleasant" is more than a mere collection of poems; it is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a celebration of the enduring bonds that defy distance, and an invitation to discover solace and beauty in the spaces between. With its evocative prose and timeless themes, this book is sure to resonate deeply with readers who have experienced the profound complexities of distance and the enduring power of love.

In these verses, Malana captures the essence of absence and longing, delicately tracing the contours of emotions that echo across miles. Each poem is a journey unto itself, guiding readers through the ebbs and flows of separation, from the quiet ache of solitude to the whispered hopes of reunion. Through his masterful use of language, Malana crafts a tapestry of emotions that is as intricate as it is relatable, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the tender vulnerability of the human heart.

As the pages turn, readers will find themselves enveloped in a symphony of emotions, each stanza resonating with the universal experiences of love, loss, and longing. Malana's words serve as a gentle reminder that distance, though it may test the limits of our endurance, can also deepen the bonds that unite us. Through the prism of his poetry, readers are reminded that even in moments of separation, the presence of thought can bridge the physical gap, sustaining us with the warmth of connection.

"Far But Present, Thoughts Pleasant" is a testament to the power of poetry to illuminate the hidden corners of the soul, offering solace and understanding in the face of distance. It is a timeless exploration of the human condition, inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences of separation and connection. Whether read in moments of solitude or shared with loved ones across miles, this collection reminds us that even in the vast expanse of distance, the echoes of love and longing are ever-present, weaving a tapestry of connection that transcends the boundaries of time and space.







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