Know the Person

Know the Person


:NT$ 700 元
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Unlock the Secrets of the People Around You (and Maybe Even Yourself)

Ever get that feeling, like there's a whole hidden world inside someone's head? Like what you see is just the tip of the iceberg? "Know the Person" is your backstage pass to figuring people out - the good, the messy, the totally fascinating parts that make them tick.

Busting Through the BS

We all do it - put on a brave face, try to look like we've got it all together. But why do we hide? And how can you tell when someone's inner world is way more complicated than they let on? This book's gonna help you spot the cracks in the act, and see the real, vulnerable, sometimes surprising person underneath.

Your Secret Weapon: Body Language, Words, and That Gut Feeling

Words can lie, but bodies? They spill the beans. "Know the Person" is like your secret decoder ring for figuring out what people's gestures, their tone of voice, even the weird stuff they choose NOT to say, is really telling you. Think of it like learning a whole new language of realness.

Haunted Houses and Hidden Treasure: The Past Lives On

We're all shaped by the stuff we've been through - the heartbreaks, the wins, the baggage we don't even realize we're carrying. This book helps you trace those invisible scars, those whispers from the past, that explain why people act the way they do. It's like understanding the 'why' behind the weird.

See the World in Full Color: Ditch the Judgments

We get stuck in our own heads, don't we? Judging without even realizing it. "Know the Person" helps you hit reset on how you see the world - other people's worlds. You'll ditch those quick assumptions and open your eyes to how amazingly different everyone's story really is.

Become a Human Behavior Detective

This ain't just about reading minds; it's about changing how you connect. Think 'Sherlock Holmes' of real life: asking the questions that matter, listening like people's lives depend on it (because in a way, they do). "Know the Person" gives you the tools to make every conversation count.

The Best Part? You Might Just 'Level Up' Yourself

Ever wonder why you do what you do? Getting to know other people shines a spotlight back on yourself. This book's all about unlocking how your own fears, hopes, and messy bits shape the way you experience the world. Get ready to feel a whole lot more in control of your own story.

Whether you just love the puzzle of human nature, or you desperately want those awkward conversations to actually go somewhere real, "Know the Person" is your key to a whole new world of connection.







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