Judo: The Cool Story from Japan to Winning at the Olympics and More: Discovering the Way of the Gentle Warrior

Judo: The Cool Story from Japan to Winning at the Olympics and More: Discovering the Way of the Gentle Warrior


:NT$ 680 元
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Judo is an old, old game from Japan. It's like wrestling but with rules. This book tells the story of Judo, from where it began to where it is now. We'll learn how it's more than just a sport. What you will discover in this book includes:

Origins of Judo:

Judo started in Japan long ago. People there wanted to defend themselves but in a cool, calm way. So they made Judo. It's about using your brain and your body together.

The Principles of Judo:

Judo has rules, but it's also about respect and being smart. You learn to use your strength in the right way. It's not just about throwing people around, it's about being clever.

Judo's Evolution:

Judo has changed a lot over time. It used to be just for self-defense, but now it's also a sport. People from all over the world play it, and they've made it even more exciting.

Judo's Global Spread:

Judo isn't just in Japan anymore. It's everywhere! People in lots of countries love Judo. They play it, they watch it, and they teach it. It's like a big family around the world.

Training Like a Judoka:

To be good at Judo, you have to train hard. You practice throws, holds, and lots of other moves. But it's not just about muscles, it's also about focus and discipline.

Judo's Role in the Olympics:

Judo is in the Olympics! That's a big deal. It means the best Judokas from all over the world come together to compete. It's like a party, but with a lot of throwing!

Famous Judokas:

There are some really famous people who play Judo. They've won medals and made history. They're like heroes to other Judokas, and they inspire them to be their best.

Judo and Self-Defense:

Judo isn't just for winning medals. It's also about keeping yourself safe. If someone tries to hurt you, Judo teaches you how to protect yourself without hurting them back.

Judo Philosophy:

Judo is more than just a game. It's a way of thinking. It teaches you to be respectful, to be humble, and to always keep learning. It's like a guide for life.

Judo's Future:

Judo is always changing. People are coming up with new ways to play and new ways to teach. The future of Judo is exciting, and it's going to keep getting better.

Judo's Cultural Significance:

Judo is a big part of Japanese culture, but it's also important to people all over the world. It brings people together, no matter where they're from or what language they speak.

Conclusion: Judo is cool. It's fun to play, it's fun to watch, and it teaches you a lot about yourself and the world around you. Whether you're a beginner or a black belt, there's always something new to learn in the world o







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