La Casa En El Lago / The House Across the Lake

La Casa En El Lago / The House Across the Lake


:NT$ 834 元


Eran la pareja perfecta... Hasta que ella desapareci?/strong>

Casey Fletcher, una c幨ebre actriz que acaba de perder a su esposo en un tr墔ico accidente, intenta escapar de su dolor y una racha de malas cr癃icas cuando decide refugiarse en la casa de su familia junto a un lago en Vermont. Equipada con un par de binoculares y varias botellas de licor, dedica su tiempo a observar a Tom y Katherine Royce, la atractiva pareja que vive en la casa al otro lado del lago. Parecen ser el matrimonio ideal: Tom, un rico empresario de tecnolog燰, y Katherine, una hermosa ex modelo.

Un d燰 en el lago, Casey salva milagrosamente a Katherine de ahogarse, y las dos comienzan a entablar una amistad. Pero cuanto m嫳 se conocen y m嫳 tiempo pasa Casey observ嫕dolos, queda claro que el matrimonio no es tan armonioso y perfecto como parece. Cuando repentinamente Katherine desaparece, Casey no cree que haya regresado a Manhattan como sugieren sus publicaciones en redes sociales, presiente que algo turbio ha ocurrido y se obsesiona con tratar de descubrirlo. Adem嫳, una serie de nuevas desapariciones la hacen sospechar que algo mucho m嫳 oscuro existe detr嫳.

Descubrir la verdad ser?solo la antesala de un misterio mucho m嫳 espeluznante de lo que pudo haber imaginado.


They were the perfect couple... Until she disappeared

Casey Fletcher, a celebrated actress who just lost her husband in a tragic accident, tries to escape her grief and a streak of bad reviews when she decides to take refuge in her family's lakeside home in Vermont. Equipped with a pair of binoculars and several bottles of liquor, she spends her time observing Tom and Katherine Royce, the attractive couple who live in the house across the lake. They seem to be the ideal marriage: Tom, a wealthy tech entrepreneur, and Katherine, a beautiful former model.

One day at the lake, Casey miraculously saves Katherine from drowning, and the two begin to strike up a friendship. But the more they get to know each other and the more time Casey spends observing them, it becomes clear that the marriage is not as harmonious and perfect as it seems. When Katherine suddenly disappears, Casey doesn't believe she's returned to Manhattan as her social media posts suggest, senses that something shady has happened, and becomes obsessed with trying to figure it out. In addition, a series of new disappearances make her suspect that something much darker exists behind it.

Uncovering the truth will be just the prelude to a mystery far more horrifying than he could have imagined.







定價:100 834