It's a crazy compendium of puzzles! Hands-on games and teasers keep readers busy while Waldo and friends hunt for their own missing things.Spot-the-difference challenges, mazes, memory games, word gam
The spotlight search is back! Use the paper spotlight searcher as a magic torch to illuminate the six spooky scenes in this book. With bonus games on every page!Join Wally and his friends as they set
風靡各國三十餘年,所有人都在找的那個人回來了!跑遍古今世界、完美隱身在人海中的威利,這次要帶給你不只6倍的驚喜!六冊主題找找書+一組拼圖🧩,附精美書盒,方便收納及展示。鮮豔活潑的滿版圖畫,能引起孩子的興趣,在表情各異、動作生動的人群中找出威利,更能訓練觀察力及專注力。搭配每頁左上角淺白易懂,且令人會心一笑的場景介紹,即使獨自挑戰也能體驗無窮樂趣;親子共讀,彼此合作或競賽更添互動及趣味性。無論是威利的敵人Odlaw,還是狗狗Woof,威利班底全員到齊。大小朋友一起睜大眼睛、仔細觀察,誰能先在滿滿的人群裡,發現他們的蹤影?如果找到了每一頁的威利—恭喜你,快翻開書末的清單,還有很多物件要挑戰你的眼力!本套書包含以下六冊:Where's Wally? 威利在哪裡?Where's Wally Now? 威利在哪裡?穿越時空之旅The Fantastic Journey 威利在哪裡?奇幻大冒險In Hollywood 威利在哪裡?電影夢工廠The Wonder Book 威利在哪裡?驚奇魔法書The Great Picture Hunt 威利在哪裡?大圖版Six classic Where's Wally? books and a jigsaw presented in a magnificent slipcase. Featuring the first six best-selling Where's Wally? adventures: Where's Wally?, Where's Wally Now?, Where's Wally? The Fantastic Journey, Where's Wally? In Hollywood, Where's Wally? The Wonder Book and Where's Wally? The Great Picture Hunt. Plus a Where's Wally? jigsaw.Hours of eye-boggling, puzzling fun!***********************搭配以下6本活動書Each title with over 100 stickers!The Where's Wally? series has sold over 72 million co
A new title in the fantastic Where's Wally? activity book range. Wally and his friends have invited you to a sensational shindig full of fun puzzles and things to find, plus over 100 incredible sticke
Have fun solving crazy conundrums and amazing activities that are out of this world with Wally and friends! Play tangle line teasers, find your way out of a space race maze, unscramble muddled up word
Have fun playing puzzling puzzles and amazing activities as you wander through the pages of this book with Wally and friends! Scale castle walls and ancient Aztec temples as you complete games, crack
眼力大挑戰,尋找威利在哪裡🤓Where's Wally? Wow (6平裝+拼圖組)風靡各國三十餘年,所有人都在找的那個人回來了!跑遍古今世界、完美隱身在人海中的威利,這次要帶給你不只6倍的驚喜!六冊主題找找書+一組拼圖🧩,附精美書盒,方便收納及展示。鮮豔活潑的滿版圖畫,能引起孩子的興趣,在表情各異、動作生動的人群中找出威利,更能訓練觀察力及專注力。搭配每頁左上角淺白易懂,且令人會心一笑的場景介紹,即使獨自挑戰也能體驗無窮樂趣;親子共讀,彼此合作或競賽更添互動及趣味性。無論是威利的敵人Odlaw,還是狗狗Woof,威利班底全員到齊。大小朋友一起睜大眼睛、仔細觀察,誰能先在滿滿的人群裡,發現他們的蹤影?如果找到了每一頁的威利—恭喜你,快翻開書末的清單,還有很多物件要挑戰你的眼力!本套書包含以下六冊:Where's Wally? 威利在哪裡?Where's Wally Now? 威利在哪裡?穿越時空之旅The Fantastic Journey 威利在哪裡?奇幻大冒險In Hollywood 威利在哪裡?電影夢工廠The Wonder Book 威利在哪裡?驚奇魔法書The Great Picture Hunt 威利在哪裡?大圖版Six classic Where's Wally? books and a jigsaw presented in a magnificent slipcase. Featuring the first six best-selling Where's Wally? adventures: Where's Wally?, Where's Wally Now?, Where's Wally? The Fantastic Journey, Where's Wally? In Hollywood, Where's Wally? The Wonder Book and Where's Wally? The Great Picture Hunt. Plus a Where's Wally? jigsaw.Hours of eye-boggling, puzzling fun!
Each title with over 100 stickers!The Where's Wally? series has sold over 72 million copies worldwide in 31 languages.Wally has reached celebrity status! He has been referenced in the primetime American TV shows Frasier, The Simpsons and Friends; has appeared on the 1000th anniversary cover of Rolling Stone magazine as a cultural icon of the last 40 years; and has even been found on Google Earth.Wally is going on an incredible adventure in outer space. Join him (and don’t forget to pack a pen or pencil)!Where’s Wally in Outer Space 9781406368208Have fun solving crazy conundrums and amazing activities that are out of this world with Wally and friends! Play tangle line teasers, find your way out of a space race maze, unscramble muddled up words, crack alien codes, match and spot the differences in busy picture puzzles, get creative by colouring in, complete a planet hop game and much, much more! Can you also find Wally’s super special star? There are over 100 crazy cosmic stickers and lo
Every picture tells a story! A classic Waldo adventure enjoys a refreshed cover — plus two new pages of searches.Ever the globe-trotter, Waldo is eager to show you his pictures. But not so fast — you
Where’s Waldo? Enjoying a refreshed cover on his first adventure — plus two new pages of games and searches!In the amazing original that set off the worldwide search for Waldo, the intrepid traveler i
Where’s Waldo? Enjoying a refreshed cover plus two new pages of games and searches!Waldo and his friends Wenda, Woof, Wizard Whitebeard, and Odlaw are cropping up in scenes throughout history, appeari
Hey, Waldo fans! Sharpen your eyes and your wits, because Waldo is taking you on a whole new star-studded adventure. That’s right, you’re going to Hollywood! Follow Waldo—if you can find him—through a
Going somewhere? Staycationing at home? Slip this awesome, travel-size Waldo compendium into a backpack for fun and games wherever you may be.Whether on the road or just hanging out, keep boredom at b
Love Waldo? Crazy about coloring? Pull out your pencils or markers and get ready to bring this adventurer’s world to vivid life. Dozens of scenes from Waldo’s books are enlarged enough to make the col