"Es de interaes para esta secciaon el tratamiento de la cuestiaon de la esclavitud en la teologaia de Francisco de Vitoria y de Domingo de Soto. Tambiaen se estudia a Santo Tomaas y se comparan los tr
Six essays reflect the views of mostly Swiss language scholars on the present situation pertaining to languages in Switzerland amid fears that the country would not be able to maintain its identify wi
Jackson (Political Science, Bowling Green State University) returns with a new edition of his essential text about how young people acquire and hold political beliefs over time. Using data from the U.
Part of a new series Intersections in Communications and Culture: Global Approaches and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, this volume examines how youth construct notions of self and community outside o
Discusses the cooperative relationship between the Irish government of the 1920s through 1960s and the Catholic Church with regard to education, with the government accepting financial responsibility
The Post-Colonial Society: The Algerian Struggle for Economic, Social and Political Change explains how Algeria's current political problems are a product of the Algerian struggle for development and
In this sociolinguistic study, Green (anthropology, Richard Stockton College) provides a grammatical description and comparison of Creoles found in New York and New Orleans. He incorporates cultural a
Girls, Cultural Productions, and Resistance brings together scholars from across the academy to explore the multifaceted ways that contemporary girls challenge and disrupt normative gender scripts and
Edward Said has been acknowledged as one of the greatest critics and cultural theorists of our time. His groundbreaking work Orientalism initiated the development of postcolonial theory, causing a par
Bisher fehlte eine umfassende Biographie Ernst Sellins wie auch eine zuverlässige Bibliographie. Für die bis heute nachwirkenden Impulse Sellins in der Palästina-Archäologie galt es, angesichts schwan
Responds to Arthur Schlesinger arguments against multiculturism in his The Disuniting of America (1991), and to similar views expressed by mainstream politicians and media. Point by point Roy (polit
H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) was a great horror writer, correspondent, and philosopher. This book focuses on his stories, texts, and ideas. It attempts to make sense of their underlying unity. The main