This book will show you the simple and therapeutic pleasures of cutting out and assembling beautiful, harmonious images, to build up wonderful works of collage art for greetings cards, gifts, or simpl
Cat lovers unite! Now you can doodle away your days like never-before with of fun prompts for doodling, drawing, and decorating hundreds of kitty cats. From cat feelings to cat colors, and cat dances
Not sure how to start your drawing of a flamingo or a flying squirrel? Boggled by how to draw an antelope, an armadillo, or a cheetah? How to Draw Almost Every Animal is here to help!Have you ever won
Let your creativity bloom with Expressive Flower Painting!Flowers are one of the most common and beloved subjects for artists. And for new artists, it's almost always one of the first things someone t
The Homebrewer's Problem Solver provides the information you need to avoid brewing problems and make good beer. Craft beer has exploded in popularity over the past few years, and for many beer lovers
Learn to draw and experiment with color right on the pages of this fun sketchbook!Draw, Color, and Sticker series offers page after page of beautiful inspiration designed to get you drawing. Stickers
The joyful feeling of creating art is at your fingertips with Drawing for Joy.In Drawing for Joy, author and illustrator Stephanie Peterson Jones offers beginning artists a low-stress way to build a s
Sit! Stay! It's easy with Dog Training 101Using a visually driven, playful presentation as style, Dog Training 101 offers step-by-step instructions every dog owner needs and wants to know as they care
The Marley Coffee Cookbook sings the praises of coffee-infused cuisineRohan Marley kicks off each chapter of The Marley Coffee Cookbook, offering anecdotes about growing up as the son of legendary mus
Poultry personality Andy Schneider tells you everything you need to know about keeping chickens! Since The Chicken Whisperer's Guide to Keeping Chickens was first published in 2011, many people have d
Daring Adventures in Paint is a colorful, whimsical adventure of a book that explores inspirational paint and mixed-media techniques. Written by the well-loved artist/illustrator/blogger Mati Rose McD
The masters featured in The Fishmonger’s Apprentice teach old-world, classic skills to the modern food enthusiast. Through extensive, diverse profiles of experienced experts plus tutorials, the
Knot Thread Stitch presents a modern, experimental, and creative approach to thread and embroidery projects. You'll find fun and surprising project ideas, a unique artistic approach, and uncoventional
Discover the edible riches in your backyard, local parks, woods, and even roadside! In The Joy of Foraging, Gary Lincoff shows you how to find fiddlehead ferns, rose hips, beach plums, bee balm, and m
The masters in The Butcher’s Apprentice teach you all the old-world, classic meat-cutting skills you need to prepare fresh cuts at home. Through extensive, diverse profiles and cutting lessons, butche
Whether you want to try your hand at Apple Pie or Chicken Fat and Pea Pie, How to Build a Better Pie will provide everything you need to know. Learn the skills, practice the techniques, master the rec
Patti Culea, elinor peace bailey, and Barbara Willis are three of the leading doll artists and teachers in the country. They are also friends. Each of these artists has her own distinct approach to
New in paperback, this book is a delight to the enthusiastic fiber crowd that is growing by leaps and bounds. It captures all the excitement of experimental, handspun yarns, and includes recipes for h
Contemporary crafters are thriving on personalizing, modifying, and altering fashion, and as a way to take a greener approach to their creative lifestyle. This book shows you how to upcycle all your