Discover the story behind Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 mission -- written by Nathan Page and illustrated by Drew Shannon. Presenting Who HQ Graphic Novels: an exciting new program from the #1 New
Follow young Marie Antoinette in her journey to become fit for the French throne in this lush and evocative graphic novel from Pandora’s Legacy author Bones Leopard and up-and-coming illustrator Robin Richardson.Presenting Who HQ Graphic Novels: an exciting addition to the #1 New York Times best-selling Who Was? series!Discover how Marie Antoinette navigated the pressures and obstacles that came with preparing to marry the future king of France, Louis XVI. A story of political maneuvering, royal expectations, and determined resolve, this graphic novel immerses readers in the lesser-known teenage years of France’s most infamous queen—brought to life by gripping narrative and vivid full-color illustrations.
Discover the story behind aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart's mysterious and fatal second trip around the world in this captivating graphic novel -- written by Stonewall Award Honoree Melanie Gillman and illustrated by Eighty Days creator A.C. Esguerra. Presenting Who HQ Graphic Novels: an exciting new addition to the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series!Explore the story of Amelia Earhart, as she embarks on her second and final journey around the globe. A story of determination, heart, and courage, this graphic novel invites readers to immerse themselves into the daring grit of the aviation pioneer -- brought to life by gripping narrative and vivid full-color illustrations that fly off the page.
Who Is the Man in the Air?: Michael Jordan (Who HQ Graphic Novel)(平裝本)Who Was a Daring Pioneer of the Skies?: Amelia Earhart (Who HQ Graphic Novel)(平裝本)What Was the Turning Point of the Civil War? (Who HQ Graphic Novel)(平裝本)Who Was the Greatest?: Muhammad Ali (Who HQ Graphic Novel)(平裝本)
她是飛行員、探險家、女力象徵。首位獨自飛越大西洋的女性,她的行蹤至今仍眾說紛紜。《Who HQ》人物傳記系列,看愛蜜莉亞艾爾哈特蒼空之上的傳奇人生。Discover the story behind aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart's mysterious and fatal second trip around the world in this captivating graphic novel -- written by Stonewall Award Honoree Melanie Gillman and illustrated by Eighty Days creator A.C. Esguerra.Presenting Who HQ Graphic Novels: an exciting new addition to the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series!Explore the story of Amelia Earhart, as she embarks on her second and final journey around the globe. A story of determination, heart, and courage, this graphic novel invites readers to immerse themselves into the daring grit of the aviation pioneer -- brought to life by gripping narrative and vivid full-color illustrations that fly off the page.
Discover the story behind Joan of Arc and her journey to triumph in the Hundred Years' War -- written by Sincerely, Harriet author Sarah Winifred Searle and award-winning cartoonist Maria Capelle Fran
Discover the story behind Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 mission -- written by Nathan Page and illustrated by Drew Shannon. Presenting Who HQ Graphic Novels: an exciting new program from the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series that spotlights pivotal moments in historical figures' lives in graphic novel form From his childhood experiments to his first encounters with flight, explore the steps Neil Armstrong took in order to become the first person to land on the moon. A story of calculated risk, perseverence, and earth-defying reward, this graphic novel invites readers to immerse themselves in the life of the famous astronaut -- brought to life by gripping narrative and vivid full-color illustrations that fly off the page.
Discover the story behind the Battle of Gettysburg through the eyes of war reporter Alfred Waud in this compelling graphic novel―written and illustrated by National Book Award-longlisted creator Ellen T. Crenshaw.Presenting Who HQ Graphic Novels: an exciting new addition to the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series!See the Battle of Gettysburg through the eyes Alfred Waud, a special artist and war correspondent whose depiction of Pickett’s Charge is thought to be the only visual account by an eyewitness. A story of extreme risk, strife, and the search for truth, this graphic novel invites readers to immerse themselves into the crucial Civil War battle―brought to life by gripping narrative and vivid full-color illustrations that jump off the page.