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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:李曉萍; 墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2023/04/13 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「葡萄牙」玩樂資訊就看這一本葡萄牙氣候溫暖,人民熱情,物價親民,美食美酒俯拾皆是。空氣中迴盪著法朵音樂的里斯本,浪漫夢幻的波爾圖,隱藏山間的石頭城,史前時代的遺跡,裸體海灘……。這裡新舊融合,風景萬千,讓人留連忘返。葡萄牙是人人都能負擔得起的度假樂園,也是吃貨的天堂。葡萄牙不單單只有里斯本,還有太多的驚艷等你去探索。★ 5個必去葡萄牙的理由★◎質樸熱情的山城小鎮里斯本和近郊的辛特拉、中部小鎮、杜羅河谷葡萄酒產區,捍衛葡萄牙與西班牙邊界的堡壘,西部與南部的濱海小鎮、本書囊括葡萄牙近N個城鎮晾點,搭配詳盡的城市地圖和交通攻略,一書在手,暢遊伊比利半島精華。◎簡直是吃貨天堂你知道長崎蜂蜜蛋糕、天婦羅、金平糖的故鄉在葡萄牙嗎?葡萄牙海鮮飯、波爾圖溼答答三明治、滑嫩噴香的葡萄牙蛋塔、微甜順口的波特紅酒、山城秘製綿羊乳酪、救人一命的葡萄牙蒜腸、北中南各區鄉土料理,文化精髓藏在飲食之中,學在地人逛市場、吃美食,走進葡萄牙小飯館,大啖鮮海鮮,享受葡萄牙百年咖啡館的慢時光,跟隨小編的腳步品嚐最誘人的道地滋味◎南北兩大城相互爭艷編輯嚴選兩大城之最,搭乘骨董黃色電車穿越舊城區,聆聽唱出靈魂深處憂鬱的法朵音樂,必吃美食清單,必拍景點,立刻秒抓旅遊重點,讓你拍張能在朋友圈中流傳的美照。◎令人驚艷的高CP值物價從色彩繽紛、充滿童趣的手工藝品,到享譽國際的葡萄牙波特酒、橄欖油、沙丁魚罐頭,本書將專題報導葡萄牙必買情報,打包伊比利半島最物超所值的伴手禮,延續旅程中的美好回憶。◎史前時代的歷史寶藏風光明媚的伊比利半島蘊藏豐厚歷史寶藏,收納古羅馬至中世紀的世界文化遺產,比導遊更專業的建築和歷史遺跡大解密,讓你擺脫拍照打卡的觀光客模式,旅遊途中不忘吸收新知。【本書特點】‧坊間少見專門介紹葡萄牙的旅遊專書網羅葡萄牙北中南各地景點,除了里斯本,波爾圖兩大都市,從西邊大西洋沿岸的中世紀城鎮,到東邊西班牙邊界上迷人的山城小鎮,再到南部風情迥異的海濱度假城鎮,各級景點,完整收錄,並提供吃喝玩買等當地人私藏美食名單等旅遊資訊。‧內容深入淺出,讓人輕鬆上路不論是定點遊玩或是多點旅遊,提供從搭大眾交通工具到自駕環遊等各種交通攻略,適合各種程度的遊客從中挑選並規劃行程。
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
作者:趙思語; 墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2023/01/05 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪X更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「捷克&匈牙利」玩樂資訊就看這一本!捷克與匈牙利到底有什麼特別的?位於歐洲中部的捷克與匈牙利,擁有童話般的城鎮風光、優雅的建築和神秘的古典氣質,名列許多旅遊愛好者的「一生必去的國家」清單上。捷克與匈牙利的每個城市性格獨具、特色分明,無不令人悠然神往!:◎ 布拉格號稱全歐洲最美的城市,應該不太會有反對意見;◎ 橫跨多瑙河的布達佩斯,除了美景之外,城市之中更是分佈多處天然溫泉,令人稱羨;◎ 啤酒盛名蜚聲國際的皮爾森;◎ 可以無限暢飲溫泉的卡羅維瓦利、瑪麗亞溫泉鎮;◎ 真實世界的童話小鎮庫倫洛夫;◎ 擁有讓人目瞪口呆的人骨教堂的庫特納霍拉;◎ 文壇大師米蘭昆德拉的家鄉布爾諾;◎ 湖光山色的世界文化遺產特爾奇;◎ 「古典藝術噴泉之都」奧洛穆茨;◎ 世外桃源般的藝術觀光小鎮森檀德;◎ 眺望多瑙河蜿蜒美景要塞遺跡的維榭葛拉德;◎ 釀造出「公牛血」美酒的艾格爾⋯⋯★ 編輯SPECIAL企畫 ★✓ 布拉格&布達佩斯新玩法――FOOD TOUR!當地導遊帶你走一趟,用最LOCAL的方式認識布拉格和布達佩斯!除了吃吃喝喝,導遊也會說說這個城市的故事,同時還可以認識來自世界各地的朋友,可以說是非常特別的旅遊經驗!✓ 能喝還能泡的皮爾森啤酒!皮爾森幾乎成了啤酒的代名詞,啤酒博物館與啤酒工廠、道地啤酒與傳統菜餚都是必備行程!還有另一種享受啤酒的方式,那就是啤酒SPA!在Purkmistr啤酒飯店一邊用啤酒花泡澡,一邊啤酒無限暢飲,愛酒人士可千萬別錯過~✓ 在氤氳氣氛中沉浸匈牙利的溫泉文化!溫泉泡湯在匈牙利被視為一項全民運動,人們閒來無事就會到溫泉泳池去輕鬆一下。來到匈牙利,一定要親身體驗這種歐洲式的泡湯活動,暢快中帶有更多悠閒~✓ 百年咖啡館巡禮!布拉格與布達佩斯有不少咖啡館創立於19世紀末,這些百年老店的咖啡館有的豪華貴氣、有的仍維持著傳統的風貌。在穿梭旅遊景點的途中,撥空找間咖啡廳喝喝咖啡、品嘗甜點,或許你會發現另一面的布拉格與布達佩斯!★ 捷克・匈牙利關鍵字 ★#捷克專屬#布拉格建築之美 #EatingEuropeFoodTour #療癒啤酒spa #溫泉無限暢飲#匈牙利獨家#風雅逸情的泡湯文化 #TasteHungaryCulinaryWalk #古堡遺跡 #美人谷酒窖喝到飽#微醺美酒#皮爾森啤酒 #百威啤酒 #
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
The Incredible Hulk - My Mighty Marvel First Book
作者:Marvel Entertainment (COR)  出版社:Abrams Appleseed  出版日:2021/01/05 裝訂:硬頁書
This new series of collectible board books is the PERFECT introduction to Marvel's Mightiest! Jump into action with your favorite Marvel Super Heroes! Learn all about the Incredible Hulk and his super
定價:385 元, 優惠價:75 288
作者:蒙金蘭; 墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2023/09/05 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「瑞士」玩樂資訊就看這一本疫情期間,一齣韓劇《愛的迫降》吹皺一池春水,劇中經常穿插出現瑞士迷人的山光水色,搭配浪漫的劇情,令人心嚮往之,恨不能立刻飛往這個美麗的國度,追尋男女主角的足跡。此外,這段無法出國的期間,意外造就了不少登山的愛好者,這些新科登山客領略到台灣的山岳之美後,難免摩拳擦掌,打算挺進其他國家的山區;而喜歡爬山的人們,一定也會愛上阿爾卑斯山!終於,疫情告一段落,粉絲們可以實地飛往瑞士,親眼見證瑞士之美!藉著本書詳細的分區介紹,並把交通、吃、喝、玩、買有系統地分析、推薦,讓讀者可以很輕易地根據自己的假期天數、旅遊預算及喜好,規劃一趟最適合自己的瑞士之旅!◎新設施、新景點一網打盡少女峰的艾格快線Eiger express,讓登上少女峰不再需要輾轉換車,變得更近、更省時;馬特洪峰區出現了阿爾卑斯山頂花園Alpingarden、山頂展覽空間zooom-the-matterhorn、追尋黑面羊meet-the-sheep活動等,讓登頂後的趣味更加多元;蘇黎世嶄新的瑞士蓮巧克力之家(Lindt Home of Chocolate)博物館、驚奇博物館(WOW Museum)、連接機場航廈的The Circle購物中心,及愈加新潮時尚的蘇黎士西區等等,都提供獨一無二的體驗、見識,本書都將為你一一呈現。◎票券全面電子化,親身實用教學疫情過後,旅遊票券變動頗大,尤其火車聯票幾乎全面電子化,使用方式有別於傳統紙本票券。MOOK專業旅遊出版團隊的文字與攝影記者先行探路,親身實地使用,把使用方法以最深入淺出的方式告知讀者,讓你暢行瑞士無阻◎昂貴國度聰明買瑞士向來以高消費聞名,疫情過後,通貨膨脹狀況如何?文字與攝影記者深入Manor、Coop City等當地主要的百貨公司、超市等,了解最新狀況,好讓讀者買得更輕鬆無負擔◎《愛的迫降》景點 追蹤偶像足跡蘇黎世大教堂、林登霍夫山丘、菲斯特展望台、伊瑟瓦德小鎮…熱門偶像劇浪漫美景重現。
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
InvestiGators #6: Heist and Seek (精裝本)(graphic novel)
作者:John Patrick Green  出版社:First Second  出版日:2022/09/27 裝訂:精裝
New York Times bestsellers and sewer surfing super-sleuths Mango & Brash are back in the sixth volume of the smash hit InvestiGators series!When rare paintings go missing, the Investigators are called on the scene . . . the art scene! Mango and Brash go undercover and under canvas as internationally renowned painters to expose a crook who has truly mastered the art of crime! Can they recover the missing masterpieces and save the city art museum’s fundraising gala before it's too late . . . and they run out of appetizers? Find out in this latest pièce de résistance of action-packed illustrated fun.
定價:455 元, 優惠價:79 359
Hilo #2: Saving the Whole Wide World (精裝本)
作者:Judd Winick  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2016/05/17 裝訂:精裝
HILO’s BA-ACK—in this funny, action-packed, full-color new middle-grade graphic novel series thatBone creator Jeff Smith calls “delightful” and Lincoln Peirce says “every kid will love!” DJ a
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 414
The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane
作者:Julia Nobel  出版社:Sourcebooks Young Readers  出版日:2020/02/01 裝訂:平裝
When You Reach Me meets Gallagher Girls in this exciting new series that brings readers on a journey filled with secrets, action, and mystery. Now in paperback!With a dad who disappeared years ago, an
定價:315 元, 優惠價:79 249
Bizzy Bear: Camping Trip (硬頁書)(英國版)*附音檔QRCode*
作者:Nneka Okoye; Benji Davies  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:硬頁書
A new title in this bestselling board book series!Bizzy Bear has sold millions of copies around the world. In this new title, Bizzy Bear and his friends are going on a camping trip together. There's lots for them to see and on their outdoor adventure as they hike in the hills, canoe down the river and sing at the campsite.A robust book with sturdy sliders that can withstand in the most excited of little hands.And in this book Bizzy Bear needs YOU! Toddlers will love pushing and pulling the sliders to join in all the action!Other titles in the series: Ship's Captain, Fire Rescue, Chinese New Year and Vet's Clinic.
Bizzy Bear
定價:384 元, 優惠價:52 199
Ancient Myths Collection 16 Books Box Set
作者:Geraldine McCaughrean; Tony Ross  出版社:Orchard UK  裝訂:平裝
Titans, Gorgons, minotaurs, murderous battles: massive myths retold by a legendary team! Top author Geraldine McCaughrean’s fresh new take on all the Greek and Roman myths you most need to know, with funny pictures by star illustrator Tony Ross. Zeus and his thunderbolt. Jason and the Golden Fleece. Hard-working Heracles: they’re all in here! A handsome box full of page-turning exitement and heroic deeds: what more do you want? Get in on the action!Must-know myths retold by a double Carnegie winnerGeraldine McCaughrean is the author of The Kite RiderShe won the Carnegie Medal for Where the World EndsSixteen Greek and Roman myths in a handy storage boxFabulous artwork by legendary illustrator Tony RossContents: 01-A Shot in the Dark; 02-Romulus and Remus; 03-City of Dreams; 04-Burning the Books; 05-Zeus Conquers the Titans; 06-The Wooden Horse; 07-Theseus and the Minotaur; 08-Phaeton and the Sun Chariot; 09-Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa; 10-Persephone and the Pomegranate Seeds; 11-The A
定價:4391 元, 優惠價:3 1299
庫存 > 10
Warriors 4: A Thief in Thunderclan (Graphic Novel)
作者:Erin Hunter  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2023/06/06 裝訂:平裝
The warrior cats leap off the page in this full-color graphic novel adventure--a stand-alone story set in the world of Erin Hunter's #1 bestselling Warriors series.After recovering from the dog attack she survived as an apprentice, Brightheart is once again a warrior of ThunderClan. But moons of battle and betrayal have left her with lingering suspicions about where her Clanmates' loyalties lie. So when freshkill starts going missing from camp, she fears the worst.Alongside her mate Cloudtail, Brightheart decides to investigate without alerting the other warriors. But as she struggles to track down the culprit, she'll have to take a leap of faith--and remember what it means to be part of a Clan. Set shortly after the events of Warriors: The Prophecies Begin, this action-packed, stand-alone adventure is perfect for longtime Erin Hunter fans and new readers alike.
定價:560 元, 優惠價:79 442
Sunday: Dash Candoo and the Forbidden Island (Total Mayhem #7)
作者:Ralph Lazar; Lisa Swerling  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/11/17 裝訂:平裝
If the world of DASH CANDOO is new to you, fear not! All the books are stand-alone and can be read in any order."It was then that we heard a wailing sound. Sirens. Police sirens. And a LOT of them. Something serious had happened.”Something is amiss at the Botanical Gardens. Does it have anything to do with the mysterious helicopter landings on Norma Island? That place is STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS, which is why Dash and friends need to get there fast to investigate.Hilarious, action-filled, illustrated mystery stories, jam-packed with crazy stuff that makes kids laugh-out-loud. Dash’s adventures will appeal to the whole family. An unputdownable series from NYT Bestselling Ralph Lazar, starring Dash Candoo, an ingenious problem-solver, with fantastic friends and a bottomless backpack of brilliant gadgets.
定價:545 元, 優惠價:9 491
Saturday: Dash Candoo and the Missing Ducks (Total Mayhem #6)
作者:Ralph Lazar; Lisa Swerling  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/11/14 裝訂:平裝
If the world of DASH CANDOO is new to you, fear not! All the books are stand-alone and can be read in any order.And even better news - it's THE WEEKEND!"Then we heard a scream. Three screams to be more specific. Was our peaceful morning about to become very un-peaceful?”When ALL the world-famous fluff-tailed hemple-fluffer ducks disappear from Zoo Lake, Dash and Rob jump into action. They soon realise the ducks haven’t just gone off on their own. Instead, a MAJOR criminal operation (and duck-napping) has taken place. They need to stop it, and fast!Hilarious, action-filled, illustrated mystery stories, jam-packed with crazy stuff that makes kids laugh-out-loud. Dash’s adventures will appeal to the whole family. An unputdownable series from NYT Bestselling Ralph Lazar, starring Dash Candoo, an ingenious problem-solver, with fantastic friends and a bottomless backpack of brilliant gadgets.
定價:545 元, 優惠價:9 491
Stick and Stone Explore and More (graphic novel)
作者:Beth Ferry; Kristen Cella  出版社:Clarion Books  出版日:2023/01/10 裝訂:平裝
Two stories in one graphic novel perfect for beginning readers, based on the bestselling STICK AND STONE series by Beth Ferry and Tom Lichtenheld. Go on a scavenger hunt, set out on a trip for ice cream, and even visit the beach with these lovable best buddies.Join Stick and Stone as they get swept up in scavenger hunt. Accompany them to a campfire calamity. And laugh along with them in this new graphic novel series starring two best buddies and a whole cast of new characters. Each story has a fun activity to make you feel part of the action.
定價:280 元, 優惠價:79 221
作者:蔣育荏; 墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2023/08/15 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「加拿大」玩樂資訊就看這一本從浪漫城市走進田園小鎮,從國際都會奔向大山大水對繁忙步調感到疲倦的人,多半都很喜歡加拿大,不論是英語區的從容優雅,還是法語區的浪漫情調,加上和善有禮的加拿大人性格,皆不辜負最適宜人居國度的美名。即使在繁華的大城市,也要優雅地過生活◎ 名列最適宜人居地市的溫哥華◎ 比英國還要英國的維多利亞◎ 在卡加利遇見真正的牛仔◎ 在多倫多感受加拿大時髦的一面◎ 到渥太華把經典博物館逛個過癮◎ 創意與浪漫兼備的蒙特婁◎ 名列世界文化遺產的魁北克市只要看過一次,一輩子都難以忘懷的風景◎ 在班夫、傑士伯、幽鶴、庫特尼,欣賞洛磯山脈的壯麗景致◎ 在露易絲湖、夢蓮湖、慕寧湖、瓦特頓湖,感受不同凡響的山光水色◎ 到尼加拉瀑布,見識前所未有的巨大震撼忘卻匆忙,享受慢活城鎮的悠閒◎ 去鹽泉島拜訪藝術家工作室◎ 譽為北美最佳滑雪勝地的惠斯勒◎ 不輸納帕的酒鄉:基洛納◎ 北美第一座慢城:卡沁灣◎ 壁畫小鎮席美娜斯與圖騰之城鄧肯◎ 到德蘭赫勒尋找恐龍化石最完整的景點收藏◎ 蒐羅加拿大各大觀光城鎮所有必遊景點◎ 後疫情時代最新景點也有收錄◎ 每個景點都有詳細的介紹與有趣的典故◎ 城內知名餐廳、人氣美食與特色商店大集合最詳盡的資訊解析◎ 如何租車上路,跨省移動好方便◎ 市區交通搭乘實用指南,從此不怕再坐錯車◎ 詳細區域地圖,網路斷訊也不怕◎ 加拿大節慶活動旅遊年曆,方便安排行程◎ 如何給小費?如何安排行程?電話怎麼打?統統都在這本書內!各種實用訊息都在這本《加拿大》裡,讓你一本玩遍整個加拿大!
定價:499 元, 優惠價:79 394
Busy Day: Mechanic (精裝操作書)
作者:Dan Green  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2023/04/20 裝訂:精裝
Join in and help the busy mechanic in this playful, interactive flap book!Can you help the busy mechanic to fix the monster truck? Join in and use the flaps to mend the car, put on a new wheel, and fill up the engine. With interactive action-flaps, you can do it, too!Each clever flap provides an action or scene-change to encourage children to actively engage and explore. The playful flaps are perfect for little hands to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.Original concept and illustration by Dan Green. The Busy Day series: Introduces the world Boosts motor skills Recommended for children aged 2+Also available in the Busy Day series: Astronaut Athlete Builder Chef Farmer Firefighter Footballer Train Driver Vet
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
庫存 > 10
作者:李美蒨‧墨刻編輯部  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2023/05/09 裝訂:平裝
後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「克羅埃西亞.斯洛維尼亞.蒙特內哥羅」玩樂資訊就看這一本巴爾幹半島位於東歐、西歐與南歐的交界,位置居中的有點尷尬又令人眼紅,自古即是兵家必爭之地,身世乖舛總難得一時半刻的平靜,因此得了個火藥庫之名。但如果你以為克羅埃西亞、斯洛維尼亞、蒙特內哥羅這三個國家沒有什麼看頭,那就太小看它們了。諾貝爾文學獎得主蕭伯納曾以「在人間看見天堂」形容克羅埃西亞的杜布洛夫尼克,事實上,把這句讚美擴大至整個克羅埃西亞也不為過。歐洲是台灣人旅遊清單上的首選,克羅埃西亞則是歐洲人的度假勝地,而鄰近的斯洛維尼亞和蒙特內哥羅,國土雖小,卻各自保有不可取代的獨特魅力。無論自然風光或人文歷史,亞德里亞海岸只會讓你有相見恨晚感慨。◎ 中世紀古城寫真,隨手拍都網美即使沒有影集《冰與火之歌》的加持,杜布洛夫尼克的白牆紅瓦仍是亞德里亞海岸最詩意的篇章,狹長的米白石砌階梯、隨地形起伏的磚紅屋頂、亮藍海洋、綿長厚實的城牆,不管從哪個角度取景,都能拍出媲美攝影師的代表作。鏡頭轉到斯洛維尼亞和蒙特內哥羅,文藝復興式和哥德斯建築擠上皮蘭小半島,城牆堡壘環繞山中古城新赫爾采格,科托爾的城牆向黑山山坡蔓延,英國詩人拜倫讚嘆是「陸地與海洋最美的相遇」。地中海的藍天陽光下,就算沒有內建美肌柔焦,也能當一回網美。◎ 跳!跳!跳!亞德里亞海玩跳島大富翁到克羅埃西亞卻沒有登船出海,等於只看了一半的風景,亞德里亞海面散落一千多座大大小小島嶼,像灑落蔚藍晶透畫布上的珍珠項鍊,每個島嶼都帶點不同個性,在赫瓦爾島滿山片野的薰衣草間耍浪漫;登上科楚拉島解開馬可波羅身世之謎;茲勒斯島&洛遜島的彩色漁村洋溢威尼斯風情;布拉曲島向海上綿延的白石海灘是夏日水上樂園;帕格島靠著羊乳酪和精緻手工蕾絲異軍突起,在眾多島嶼中佔據一個亮點。不管走路、騎單車、搭巴士還是開車,都能搭上如蜘蛛網便利的渡輪,出發前往各島嶼,下一站要跳上哪個島,擲骰子決定吧!◎ 最Chill的地理教室,喀斯特地形一次看個夠國中地理離你太遙遠,喀斯特地形有什麼厲害早就還給老師!走一趟克斯蒙三國,4D實境版的地理教室讓你驚嘆連連。十六湖國家公園具有與九寨溝PK的實力,石灰華、流水與植物藻類交錯成一幅幅畫作,春水夏綠秋楓冬雪,一年四季各自精彩;波斯托伊納和什科茲揚揭開奇幻的溶洞地下王國,洞穴系統之大稱霸全球;克爾卡國家公園
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
庫存 > 10
Touch Your Nose! (咬咬書)
作者:Amy Pixton  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2022/05/24 裝訂:平裝
A new addition to the bestselling Indestructibles series for babies: Rendered in high-contrast color with black-and-white patterned backgrounds, this book focuses on action words, early movement, and body part identification. And as always, rip-proof, drool-proof, and totally washable.In Touch Your Nose! two adorable babies play together and identify different parts of the body. Can you wiggle your toes? Touch your nose? Rendered in high contrast color, with black and white patterned backgrounds, this book focuses on action words, basic early movement, and body part identification. And it's indestructible!
定價:210 元, 優惠價:79 166
Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians #1
作者:Brandon Sanderson  出版社:Starscape  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:平裝
Now in paperback for the first time, featuring all new covers, the Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians middle-grade series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson. On his thirteenth birthday, foster child Alcatraz Smedry gets a bag of sand in the mail - his only inheritance from his father and mother. He soon learns that this is no ordinary bag of sand. It is quickly stolen by the cult of evil Librarians who are taking over the world by spreading misinformation and suppressing truth. Alcatraz must stop them, using the only weapon he has: an incredible talent for breaking things. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is the first book in this action-packed fantasy series for young readers.
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 277
The Knights of Crystallia: Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians
作者:Brandon Sanderson  出版社:Starscape  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:平裝
Now in paperback for the first time, featuring all new covers, the Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians middle-grade series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson. Alcatraz Smedry has made it to the Free Kingdoms at last. Unfortunately, so have the evil Librarians--including his mother! Now Alcatraz has to find a traitor among the Knights of Crystallia, make up with his estranged father, and save one of the last bastions of the Free Kingdoms from the Evil Librarians. The Knights of Crystallia is the third book in this action-packed fantasy series for young readers.
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 277
The Scrivener's Bones: Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians
作者:Brandon Sanderson  出版社:Starscape  出版日:2022/06/07 裝訂:平裝
Now in paperback for the first time, featuring all new covers, the Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians middle-grade series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson. The Evil Librarians are up to their antics again and it's up to Alcatraz Smedry to put a stop to it! This second Alcatraz adventure takes Alcatraz and company on an exploration of the Library of Alexandria, which--despite Librarian rumors--was never destroyed. It is a mysterious place and everyone knows that it holds dark secrets. Can Alcatraz, with his talent for breaking things, break into this secret world? Or will the Evil Librarians once again prevail? The Scrivener's Bones is the second book in this action-packed fantasy series for young readers.
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 277
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