The Food Safety Hazard Guidebook

The Food Safety Hazard Guidebook


:NT$ 8775 元
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Consumers have a right to expect that the food industry has taken care to ensure their products are safe to eat. Those with regulatory responsibility recognize this principle and legislate accordingly. This guidebook acts as a portal for the immense and ever expanding body of scientific knowledge on food safety. It is unique in its coverage of a very wide range of food safety hazards, both biological and chemical. Each chapter follows the same risk analysis-based structure to enable the reader to find information easily. Up-to-date sources of additional facts, published and web-based, are supplied for every hazard. The book can, therefore, be used as a first port of call for locating information on almost all known food safety hazards. The new Second Edition retains the format and structure of the original and continues to provide a concise, accessible and affordable source of reference. The information on each hazard has been reviewed and up-dated to reflect recent changes. Additional information on approximately 15 potential and emerging food safety hazards, not covered in the first edition, has been added. An entirely new section, covering the basic principles and practice of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and food safety management systems, has been introduced. The section on food-borne bacterial pathogens has been thoroughly up-dated and the section on fish toxins has been revised in line with the current classification of marine biotoxins. This highly usable working companion for food industry professionals, is an indispensable resource for food scientists worldwide.


Richard Lawley (BSc., CBiol, MBS, MIFST) is a food microbiologist and information specialist with 30 years experience. He has worked in the food industry, as a University Lecturer, and most recently as a Senior Scientific Adviser at Leatherhead Food Research. He now runs an independent information consultancy, Food Safety Info, and is engaged in developing web-based food safety projects. He has authored many scientific reports, articles for food industry trade journals and several books, including the fourth and fifth editions of Micro-Facts. Laurie Curtis (HNC) has over 20 years experience as a microbiologist in pharmaceutical research and the food industry. She worked at Leatherhead Food Research for over ten years, initially as a Senior Research Scientist and then for five years as a Senior Scientific Adviser within the Information Division, specializing on food safety and microbiology. During this time she co-authored the fifth edition of Micro-Facts and contributed to many technical reports and web-based resources. She now works as a freelance technical writer and information specialist.







定價:100 8775
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